Georgia Goes To Biden, Election Called Biden Defeats Trump 306-232, Becomes 46th President


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
United States on Nov. 7. Mr. Biden defeated President Trump after winning Pennsylvania, which put his total of Electoral College votes above the 270 he needed to clinch the presidency.

United States on Nov. 7. Mr. Biden defeated President Trump after winning Pennsylvania, which put his total of Electoral College votes above the 270 he needed to clinch the presidency.

Nope, we have started over with a list of illegitimate Presidents starting with #1 Trump and now #2 Biden
Our countries voting block is so fucking pathetic.

I thought the same thing four years ago. I still think it today.
I can't believe there are that many sheep and lemmings that support Trump.
Yeah its just because people supported trump. Not the other shitty presidents and congress critters that did bad shit that people yell about every fucking day.
Our countries voting block is so fucking pathetic.

I thought the same thing four years ago. I still think it today.
I can't believe there are that many sheep and lemmings that support Trump.
For a group of democrats who had posted since day one of Trump's election that he was illegitimate and a Russian spy who Putin put into office and then took three years to prove to all of us that it was pure BS, even though treated as the gospel truth by the press, I can proudly say, get bent!
Our countries voting block is so fucking pathetic.

I thought the same thing four years ago. I still think it today.
I can't believe there are that many sheep and lemmings that support Trump.

Yet, miracle of miracles, you can't name a single thing that biden will do for you that wasn't already done better.
When the dust settles, you dropped to your knees for a few ultra wealthy who don't give a flip about your or yours.
Basically you voted an emotional ticket. That will come back to bite you too. hard. Wait for it........

It's going to be hilarious watching lefties look like deer caught in the headlights when they realize their candidate didn't love them after all.
Our countries voting block is so fucking pathetic.

I thought the same thing four years ago. I still think it today.
I can't believe there are that many sheep and lemmings that support Trump.

Yet, miracle of miracles, you can't name a single thing that biden will do for you that wasn't already done better.
When the dust settles, you dropped to your knees for a few ultra wealthy who don't give a flip about your or yours.
Basically you voted an emotional ticket. That will come back to bite you too. hard. Wait for it........

It's going to be hilarious watching lefties look like deer caught in the headlights when they realize their candidate didn't love them after all.

Getting back to politicians acting like politicians and a normal news cycle will do to begin with. I don't know what reality you live in but Biden is a career politician and a centrist. He's also a dealmaker. I have a feeling things will not play out as you think they will. But I'm glad you're entering the "acceptance" phase of grief. Not healthy to dwell on a loss.
Our countries voting block is so fucking pathetic.

I thought the same thing four years ago. I still think it today.
I can't believe there are that many sheep and lemmings that support Trump.
For a group of democrats who had posted since day one of Trump's election that he was illegitimate and a Russian spy who Putin put into office and then took three years to prove to all of us that it was pure BS, even though treated as the gospel truth by the press, I can proudly say, get bent!

Again, recent history escapes you and the rest of the Trump supporting crowd. Allegations of Russian collusion and the Special Counsel came months AFTER the inauguration. And too bad, Mueller's report did NOT exonerate Trump. But sure, that Trump Tower meeting arranged by Junior was about adoption. :)
Our countries voting block is so fucking pathetic.

I thought the same thing four years ago. I still think it today.
I can't believe there are that many sheep and lemmings that support Trump.

Yet, miracle of miracles, you can't name a single thing that biden will do for you that wasn't already done better.
When the dust settles, you dropped to your knees for a few ultra wealthy who don't give a flip about your or yours.
Basically you voted an emotional ticket. That will come back to bite you too. hard. Wait for it........

It's going to be hilarious watching lefties look like deer caught in the headlights when they realize their candidate didn't love them after all.

Getting back to politicians acting like politicians and a normal news cycle will do to begin with. I don't know what reality you live in but Biden is a career politician and a centrist. He's also a dealmaker. I have a feeling things will not play out as you think they will. But I'm glad you're entering the "acceptance" phase of grief. Not healthy to dwell on a loss.
career politicians are what gave us everything we bitch about, you fucking moron.
Biden : "we have systematic racism and too many prisons"
Also Biden : "i created a crime bill to incarcerate blacks for nothing and create more prisons"
Our countries voting block is so fucking pathetic.

I thought the same thing four years ago. I still think it today.
I can't believe there are that many sheep and lemmings that support Trump.
For a group of democrats who had posted since day one of Trump's election that he was illegitimate and a Russian spy who Putin put into office and then took three years to prove to all of us that it was pure BS, even though treated as the gospel truth by the press, I can proudly say, get bent!

Again, recent history escapes you and the rest of the Trump supporting crowd. Allegations of Russian collusion and the Special Counsel came months AFTER the inauguration. And too bad, Mueller's report did NOT exonerate Trump. But sure, that Trump Tower meeting arranged by Junior was about adoption. :)
Yes, like a true believer, swears it was all true despite a big nothing burger with the Mueller investigation

Do you think a special council will be given 3 long years to investigate voter fraud or the Biden scandal like democrats were given with Trump?

Hell no.
Our countries voting block is so fucking pathetic.

I thought the same thing four years ago. I still think it today.
I can't believe there are that many sheep and lemmings that support Trump.
For a group of democrats who had posted since day one of Trump's election that he was illegitimate and a Russian spy who Putin put into office and then took three years to prove to all of us that it was pure BS, even though treated as the gospel truth by the press, I can proudly say, get bent!

Again, recent history escapes you and the rest of the Trump supporting crowd. Allegations of Russian collusion and the Special Counsel came months AFTER the inauguration. And too bad, Mueller's report did NOT exonerate Trump. But sure, that Trump Tower meeting arranged by Junior was about adoption. :)

No, dropped to your knees to worship the Ultra Rich.
They will never allow you into their club.

Trump was somewhat an outsider. He bucked their system. So they had to get lemmings to believe all their deceitful fairy tales to remove him.
You helped. Better buy some knee pads. You're gonna be down there a long time.
Our countries voting block is so fucking pathetic.

I thought the same thing four years ago. I still think it today.
I can't believe there are that many sheep and lemmings that support Trump.
For a group of democrats who had posted since day one of Trump's election that he was illegitimate and a Russian spy who Putin put into office and then took three years to prove to all of us that it was pure BS, even though treated as the gospel truth by the press, I can proudly say, get bent!

Again, recent history escapes you and the rest of the Trump supporting crowd. Allegations of Russian collusion and the Special Counsel came months AFTER the inauguration. And too bad, Mueller's report did NOT exonerate Trump. But sure, that Trump Tower meeting arranged by Junior was about adoption. :)

No, dropped to your knees to worship the Ultra Rich.
They will never allow you into their club.

Trump was somewhat an outsider. He bucked their system. So they had to get lemmings to believe all their deceitful fairy tales to remove him.
You helped. Better buy some knee pads. You're gonna be down there a long time.

Trump wasn't rich? He didn't help build that swamp? He didn't curry favor with politicians and celebrities?
C'mon man! You and your ilk have been on your knees the moment Trump came down that escalator and unzipped. I don't think you've closed your mouths since.

Trump made all of his own issues. Because he's fundamentally corrupt and he's a moron. For three years he skated with a growing economy his predecessor left him and really no issues occurring on the world stage. Then, in the first real test of his presidency, he fails spectacularly. And the voters showed him the door. He didn't buck anything. Primarily because he had no idea what he was doing.
Our countries voting block is so fucking pathetic.

I thought the same thing four years ago. I still think it today.
I can't believe there are that many sheep and lemmings that support Trump.
For a group of democrats who had posted since day one of Trump's election that he was illegitimate and a Russian spy who Putin put into office and then took three years to prove to all of us that it was pure BS, even though treated as the gospel truth by the press, I can proudly say, get bent!

Again, recent history escapes you and the rest of the Trump supporting crowd. Allegations of Russian collusion and the Special Counsel came months AFTER the inauguration. And too bad, Mueller's report did NOT exonerate Trump. But sure, that Trump Tower meeting arranged by Junior was about adoption. :)

No, dropped to your knees to worship the Ultra Rich.
They will never allow you into their club.

Trump was somewhat an outsider. He bucked their system. So they had to get lemmings to believe all their deceitful fairy tales to remove him.
You helped. Better buy some knee pads. You're gonna be down there a long time.

Trump wasn't rich? He didn't help build that swamp? He didn't curry favor with politicians and celebrities?
C'mon man! You and your ilk have been on your knees the moment Trump came down that escalator and unzipped. I don't think you've closed your mouths since.

Trump made all of his own issues. Because he's fundamentally corrupt and he's a moron. For three years he skated with a growing economy his predecessor left him and really no issues occurring on the world stage. Then, in the first real test of his presidency, he fails spectacularly. And the voters showed him the door. He didn't buck anything. Primarily because he had no idea what he was doing.

Are you too dim to grasp simple concepts? Really?
What part of "Trump was an outsider" did you not understand?

Because he was independently wealthy they could not BUY him, like they bought the Obamas etc.

That said, NO ONE in Washington can totally snub the Establishment. Including Trump.

Obama did not leave a growing economy. lmao.
Economies ONLY grow on stimulating the PRODUCERS ( small business and manufacturers)

Obama over regulated, over taxed and help send US manufacturers to China.

You are so confused little one. :itsok:
common sense.JPG
Our countries voting block is so fucking pathetic.

I thought the same thing four years ago. I still think it today.
I can't believe there are that many sheep and lemmings that support Trump.
For a group of democrats who had posted since day one of Trump's election that he was illegitimate and a Russian spy who Putin put into office and then took three years to prove to all of us that it was pure BS, even though treated as the gospel truth by the press, I can proudly say, get bent!
CNN has not told them it was a scameroosky yet. These critters here are 3 yrs behind the times.

They still think Trump was impeached and removed from office.
Yes, like a true believer, swears it was all true despite a big nothing burger with the Mueller investigation

Oh look,, the Satlinst haz a sad over losing, so he peddling "DERP! NO COLLUSION!" conspiracy lunacy. The dozens of indictments don't phase him. The cult told him what reality was, so that settles it for him.

Do you think a special council will be given 3 long years to investigate voter fraud or the Biden scandal like democrats were given with Trump?

Hell no.

A lack of evidence has that affect on non-Stalinists. it doesn't have that affect on your, because you're Stalinist down to your soul. You want all members of the opposition sent to the gulag, using trumped-up crimes and kangaroo courts.
United States on Nov. 7. Mr. Biden defeated President Trump after winning Pennsylvania, which put his total of Electoral College votes above the 270 he needed to clinch the presidency.

Hey Spews. You start one thread and post it on every GD 3rd rate polichat site on the internet universe.BAWWWWHAHA!!!!
Our countries voting block is so fucking pathetic.

I thought the same thing four years ago. I still think it today.
I can't believe there are that many sheep and lemmings that support Trump.
For a group of democrats who had posted since day one of Trump's election that he was illegitimate and a Russian spy who Putin put into office and then took three years to prove to all of us that it was pure BS, even though treated as the gospel truth by the press, I can proudly say, get bent!

Again, recent history escapes you and the rest of the Trump supporting crowd. Allegations of Russian collusion and the Special Counsel came months AFTER the inauguration. And too bad, Mueller's report did NOT exonerate Trump. But sure, that Trump Tower meeting arranged by Junior was about adoption. :)
Yes, like a true believer, swears it was all true despite a big nothing burger with the Mueller investigation

Do you think a special council will be given 3 long years to investigate voter fraud or the Biden scandal like democrats were given with Trump?

Hell no.

First, you'll have to come up with something worthy enough to investigate him with. So far, all the shit you idiots have tossed against the wall hasn't stuck. And we all saw how Rudy's October surprise worked out. Then there's the House, where impeachments begin. Still in the majority hands of Democrats. That's to say nothing if Republicans can't keep the Senate in another month.

Bottom line, there's no stomach for this no matter how much you hope it will happen. Trump made all of his own issues. He has no one to blame but himself for his problems.

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