George Bush calls for 'gradual' citizenship path for illegal immigrants, but says 'amnesty' is 'unfair'


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Have to love a guy who had 8 years as President but NOW say "hey, I call for this".

Sorry pal, looks like Texas is going to be overrun and your influence diluted. You didn't see this day coming did you? Maybe you should have taken the necessary actions while you were president. Notice he took charge in 2007, as a lame duck president. How bold. Maybe 2002 would have been a better time, no?

Also, while you were in Afghanistan, China ate your lunch and will continue to do so. Thanks to some leaders, many policies will be enacted to weaken Americas sovereignty while assisting China.

The old Neo-Cons wonder why Trumps policies were so popular...

Former President George W. Bush on Friday made a call for what he described as a "gradual" path to legal residency and eventually citizenship for millions of illegal immigrants -- while at the same time claiming that "amnesty" would be "fundamentally unfair."

Bush, whose 2007 push for an immigration reform bill met with furious resistance from his own party, wrote an op-ed for The Washington Post, in which he previewed a new book that he said will include "principles for reform that can restore the people’s confidence in an immigration system that serves both our values and our interests."

"The help and respect historically accorded to new arrivals is one reason so many people still aspire and wait to become Americans. So how is it that in a country more generous to new arrivals than any other, immigration policy is the source of so much rancor and ill will?" he asks.

Bush lists a number of steps that can be taken, beginning with permanent legal status to illegal immigrants who came to the country as children and were protected under the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.
Anyone who has ever entered this country illegally, should be barred from voting for the rest of their lives. You want to become a legal citizen? Maybe if you work hard and pay fines, but you dont ever get to vote.
Makes it very clear that the bed wetters only loathed Bush because they were programmed to.

Bush is a globalist. The only thing that Bush didn't give the bed wetters while he was in office was a surrender to jihad. Other than that he was basically a liberal.
Turn him over for war crimes and then I'll pay attention to what he has to say.
Very gradual... 100 years of verifiable residency...

...then you can have citizenship.

In the meantime...end birthright citizenship for illegals.
George Bush is the last pseudo Republican we want to lecture us on immigration. He's a total buffoon on the subject.

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