General Michael Flynn Speaks Again


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
The Democrat Party has been taken over by extreme leftists and is no longer a supporter of American ideals and the rights of the American citizens. A globalist/communist movement is under way within what used to be the Democrat Party.

Notice I said "Democrat Party" instead of "Democratic Party". There is nothing democratic about it.

The elected Congress members both in the Senate and the House vote in lockstep with their own Dear Leaders rather than according to the will of the people that elected them.

There is no democratic representation of the American people.

Notice I said "Democrat Party" instead of "Democratic Party".
When I first saw you incorrectly spell the name of The Democratic Party, I just assumed you were an uneducated, ignorant moron like the majority of your right wing brethren who don't know how to spell.

You proved me wrong. You actually do know how to properly spell the name of the party, but you are still an ignorant moron, and delusional.

Oh, I almost forgot, Flynn is a worthless scumbag who should be in prison.
The Democrat Party has been taken over by extreme leftists and is no longer a supporter of American ideals and the rights of the American citizens. A globalist/communist movement is under way within what used to be the Democrat Party.

Notice I said "Democrat Party" instead of "Democratic Party". There is nothing democratic about it.

The elected Congress members both in the Senate and the House vote in lockstep with their own Dear Leaders rather than according to the will of the people that elected them.

There is no democratic representation of the American people.

STATEMENT: General Michael Flynn Speaks Again

QUESTION: Out of which side of the mouth will he speak out of first
The Democrat Party has been taken over by extreme leftists and is no longer a supporter of American ideals and the rights of the American citizens. A globalist/communist movement is under way within what used to be the Democrat Party.

Notice I said "Democrat Party" instead of "Democratic Party". There is nothing democratic about it.

The elected Congress members both in the Senate and the House vote in lockstep with their own Dear Leaders rather than according to the will of the people that elected them.

There is no democratic representation of the American people.

STATEMENT: General Michael Flynn Speaks Again

QUESTION: Out of which side of the mouth will he speak out of first
I wonder how long it is until he confesses again.
The Democrat Party has been taken over by extreme leftists and is no longer a supporter of American ideals and the rights of the American citizens. A globalist/communist movement is under way within what used to be the Democrat Party.

Notice I said "Democrat Party" instead of "Democratic Party". There is nothing democratic about it.

The elected Congress members both in the Senate and the House vote in lockstep with their own Dear Leaders rather than according to the will of the people that elected them.

There is no democratic representation of the American people.

STATEMENT: General Michael Flynn Speaks Again

QUESTION: Out of which side of the mouth will he speak out of first
I wonder how long it is until he confesses again.
He already did when he accepted the pardon.

[[ According to Associate Justice Joseph McKenna, writing the majority opinion in the U.S. Supreme Court case Burdick v. United States, a pardon "carries an imputation of guilt; acceptance a confession of it." ]]
The Democrat Party has been taken over by extreme leftists and is no longer a supporter of American ideals and the rights of the American citizens. A globalist/communist movement is under way within what used to be the Democrat Party.

Notice I said "Democrat Party" instead of "Democratic Party". There is nothing democratic about it.

The elected Congress members both in the Senate and the House vote in lockstep with their own Dear Leaders rather than according to the will of the people that elected them.

There is no democratic representation of the American people.

When I need advice on committing felonies, or on perjuring myself in court, or on putting the interests of foreign countries ahead of my own, I will look to Flynn. Otherwise, he should probably just shut up.
The Week
Why Trump's Flynn pardon could backfire

Tim O'Donnell
Wed, November 25, 2020, 5:29 PM EST·2 min read

There's a chance President Trump's pardon of Michael Flynn could backfire some day.

Trump on Wednesday pardoned Flynn, his first national security adviser. In 2017, Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his contact with former Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Flynn's sentencing was delayed while he cooperated with former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation, but earlier this year, Flynn's new legal team accused prosecutors of misconduct and asked to have his guilty plea withdrawn.

But Trump's pardon, which he announced in a tweet, means Flynn will theoretically no longer be protected from self-incrimination under the 5th Amendment should he ever be called to testify against Trump.

As Harvard Law professor Laurence Tribe explained to Time in 2017, "anyone pardoned by Trump would lose most of the 5th Amendment's protection against compelled testimony that might otherwise have incriminated the pardoned family member or associate, making it much easier for [the Justice Department] and Congress to require such individuals to give testimony that could prove highly incriminating to Trump himself."
Why Trump's Flynn pardon could backfire

Why would anyone care what a pardoned felon has to say? Just another Trump apologist pushing the whole stupid "coup"theory.
rumor has it that flynn is Q of q anon.

lol .... wouldn't that be a hoot?
Notice I said "Democrat Party" instead of "Democratic Party".
When I first saw you incorrectly spell the name of The Democratic Party, I just assumed you were an uneducated, ignorant moron like the majority of your right wing brethren who don't know how to spell.

You proved me wrong. You actually do know how to properly spell the name of the party, but you are still an ignorant moron, and delusional.

Oh, I almost forgot, Flynn is a worthless scumbag who should be in prison.
That post qualifies you as just another blithering idiot. Congratulations, dimwit!
[[ According to Associate Justice Joseph McKenna, writing the majority opinion in the U.S. Supreme Court case Burdick v. United States, a pardon "carries an imputation of guilt; acceptance a confession of it." ]]
That sort of skinheadedness is unbecoming a judicial system based on the principle of "innocent until proven guilty" -- and to reclassify such an exoneration as a conviction on the record after the fact is a bald denial of the President's Constitutional power of pardons.
Implications of the Flynn Pardon - The restoration of separation-of-powers ...

Implications of the Flynn Pardon

President Trump’s pardon not only ends any injustice to Flynn, but it restores the proper balance to the separation of powers.

Flynn’s pardon should bring to an end one gross violation of the Constitution’s separation of powers, even as it gives rise to groundless accusations of another.

The circumstances of the case had raised serious concerns about whether the government had proceeded properly. The FBI questioned Flynn even though he had not violated any law. AG Barr ordered the case dropped. Under the Constitution, only the president has the responsibility and duty to see that “the Laws be faithfully executed.” From this clause flows the executive branch’s prosecutorial discretion — the sole right to decide what cases to prosecute or not. In normal times, a president’s decision to drop a prosecution is final and unreviewable by any other branch.

But these are not normal times. In yet another example of yet another institution willing to twist yet more rules out of resistance to Trump, the federal courts would not accept the president’s exercise of prosecutorial discretion. Instead, federal judge Emmet Sullivan refused to allow the Justice Department to drop the case, and the full federal Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C. upheld his decision. These judicial antics intrude into the president’s sole authority to enforce the law, and also pull the courts beyond their limited constitutional role to only decide cases or controversies between parties.

President Trump’s pardon not only ends any injustice to Flynn, but it restores the proper balance to the separation of powers. Courts will no longer claim the right to direct a prosecution that even prosecutors no longer wish to bring. Under the Constitution, courts are to decide cases or controversies, not to create them. The pardon restores the right of future presidents to direct prosecutions, including choosing the cases that represent the best outcomes for the use of limited federal resources.
The Democrat Party has been taken over by extreme leftists and is no longer a supporter of American ideals and the rights of the American citizens. A globalist/communist movement is under way within what used to be the Democrat Party.

Notice I said "Democrat Party" instead of "Democratic Party". There is nothing democratic about it.

The elected Congress members both in the Senate and the House vote in lockstep with their own Dear Leaders rather than according to the will of the people that elected them.

There is no democratic representation of the American people.

The right of American having their vote counted?

Because you may want to talk to every voter in Pennsylvania after Trump tried to have all of their votes thrown out.

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