Gen. Flynn, Who Many Said Is Q-Anon, Denounces Q-Anon as Likely 'PsyOp': 'There’s no White Hat cavalry coming to save you.' Spread Truth.


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
No one is coming to save your lily white ass. We are on our own. Get used to it and fight, fight, fight.

"Lt Gen Mike Flynn goes on the record about “QAnon”, in response to questioning by Seth Holehouse and he is quite irate at the stupidity of it. He even goes as far as to say that Q may as well be a PSYOP concocted by America-hating Libtards, like Ron Filipkowski, who he describes as “dirtball”.

Of Q followers, Flynn says, “We’re in big trouble with people who still believe in this crap.” As for the vaunted “Plan” that Q followers are always telling us to “Trust,” looking around at the Biden Regime, the war in Ukraine, the open borders, the precipitous state of the economy, he says, “The Plan sucks!”

Because “The Plan”, as far as he can tell is the World Economic Forum’s plan for programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies that control what you can and cannot buy, based on your “carbon footprint”, which is not a conspiracy theory, it is actually in the pilot phases, as we speak.

All of these Big Tech platforms, that have de-platformed millions of users over their truth-telling and/or non-Leftist political views are also developing payment systems and CBDCs. Facebook/Meta has Diem (formerly Libra), Twitter has Block (formerly Square), there’s Google Pay and Amazon Pay.

Let’s not forget that PayPal, Chase, VISA and Patreon started de-banking people over their non-Leftist politics years ago.

Flynn is very concerned about our rapid loss of rights over the past 3 years, saying, “There’s no White Hat cavalry that’s gonna [save us]…the main thing is to get involved. I’m involved at the local level. I joined my county Republican executive committee, I’m trying to make sure that I go to the meetings and if I see something that I don’t like, I’m gonna work to change it. I volunteered to be a poll greeter and a poll watcher…I feel like I have to put my words into action and that’s kinda what I’m doing.”"


Q_Anon, whatever that is, is an Emmanuel Goldstein -- a big bad made-up villain for the leftist vermin to target.

No one is coming to save your lily white ass. We are on our own. Get used to it and fight, fight, fight.

"Lt Gen Mike Flynn goes on the record about “QAnon”, in response to questioning by Seth Holehouse and he is quite irate at the stupidity of it. He even goes as far as to say that Q may as well be a PSYOP concocted by America-hating Libtards, like Ron Filipkowski, who he describes as “dirtball”.

Of Q followers, Flynn says, “We’re in big trouble with people who still believe in this crap.” As for the vaunted “Plan” that Q followers are always telling us to “Trust,” looking around at the Biden Regime, the war in Ukraine, the open borders, the precipitous state of the economy, he says, “The Plan sucks!”

Because “The Plan”, as far as he can tell is the World Economic Forum’s plan for programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies that control what you can and cannot buy, based on your “carbon footprint”, which is not a conspiracy theory, it is actually in the pilot phases, as we speak.

All of these Big Tech platforms, that have de-platformed millions of users over their truth-telling and/or non-Leftist political views are also developing payment systems and CBDCs. Facebook/Meta has Diem (formerly Libra), Twitter has Block (formerly Square), there’s Google Pay and Amazon Pay.

Let’s not forget that PayPal, Chase, VISA and Patreon started de-banking people over their non-Leftist politics years ago.

Flynn is very concerned about our rapid loss of rights over the past 3 years, saying, “There’s no White Hat cavalry that’s gonna [save us]…the main thing is to get involved. I’m involved at the local level. I joined my county Republican executive committee, I’m trying to make sure that I go to the meetings and if I see something that I don’t like, I’m gonna work to change it. I volunteered to be a poll greeter and a poll watcher…I feel like I have to put my words into action and that’s kinda what I’m doing.”"

Now I've heard it all. Flynn is full on Q

Q_Anon, whatever that is, is an Emmanuel Goldstein -- a big bad made-up villain for the leftist vermin to target.


The Left against anti-experimental clot-shotters. Substitute "Goldstein" with "Trump."

Q_Anon, whatever that is, is an Emmanuel Goldstein -- a big bad made-up villain for the leftist vermin to target.

Nah, it is a Far-Right Conspiracy construct, supported and reported by far right nut balls and yes,
Flynn has and does support the Q, like the crazy right wing nut ball he has become, since leaving the military.

Wow, look at all that pretty phony stuff you typed on your computer. Do you do photo editing as well, like BULLDOG?

Try a search on Gen Flynn supports QAnon conspiracies and see what you come up with. I am retired military and flat ashamed of the dumb sonovabitch.
Try a search on Gen Flynn supports QAnon conspiracies and see what you come up with. I am retired military and flat ashamed of the dumb sonovabitch.

Why would I waste my time?

Q-Anon is a myth.

I don't waste my time chasing myths.

That's just silly, troll.

But Mike Flynn looks hot in a T-shirt and tight jeans.

For an old guy.


Why would I waste my time?

Q-Anon is a myth.

I don't waste my time chasing myths.

That's just silly, troll.

But Mike Flynn looks hot in a T-shirt and tight jeans.

For an old guy.

Now that's funny! Lol. I keep forgetting you are a female with a swastika on your nice ass.:D
Why would I waste my time? Q-Anon is a myth.

Say it ain't so, Joe!
I love our 'Q-MAGA's' of this gossipboard.
Like...for example the poster above..."OhPleaseJustQuit'.
His/her stuff is really really cool. For a Q.
Although, I must admit some of his/her Q-Truths are kinda sorta out their in Alt-right neo-Nazi-stan. For example, like self-identifying as a Nazi jackass. No offense intended to anyone who parades a swastika flag as their avatar. (on a jackass, no less!)

If Q is really a myth, and will disappear in disgrace soon...well, I won't be happy.

  • After all, John F. Kennedy, Jr. running as Don Trump Vice-President pick in 2024....was gonna be doggone interesting.
  • And what about Hillary continuing to skin and eat pre-pubescents children below that notorious Comet Pizza? (thankfully, that never became a diet-craze.)
  • What will happen with the Lizard People without Nazi Jackasses hunting them down and talking mean to 'em?
  • Not to mention that fearsome and deadly....Yiddish Space Laser?
    (ps...the only way to stop a bad Jew with a Space a good Jew with a Space Laser.)
Please do not forget our Q-MAGA's. Don't let them disappear.
They are just one of the reasons...albeit, a big reason......why I love this bar.

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