Gee, who could have predicted...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
...libs would lose their fucking minds, call for the overthrow of the govt, call for the racist murders of whites, burn the American flag, and call for the assassination of the President - after demanding the GOP accept the outcome of the election - because they LOST and did not get their way?!

Actually, the question should be who DIDN'T see this coming?!
Maybe they're annoyed that this is the 2nd time in 16 years that they've lost an election by getting MORE votes than the other side.
Maybe they're annoyed that this is the 2nd time in 16 years that they've lost an election by getting MORE votes than the other side.

Then change the system. Work for the Constitutional amendment necessary to make the change.

Though you do need to realize that if Trump lives up to his promises women and minorities may not be able to vote much longer, making it a moot poibt.
the funny part is, just a couple of years ago they were telling Texas they can't leave the union, now they want to leave with California.

I love how the laws only benefit their agenda
Maybe they're annoyed that this is the 2nd time in 16 years that they've lost an election by getting MORE votes than the other side.

Then change the system. Work for the Constitutional amendment necessary to make the change.

Though you do need to realize that if Trump lives up to his promises women and minorities may not be able to vote much longer, making it a moot poibt.
please share with us the video or transcript showing Trump state that women and minorities are going to lose their right to vote.
Maybe they're annoyed that this is the 2nd time in 16 years that they've lost an election by getting MORE votes than the other side.

We know the rules, and quit bitching. If it wasnt the popular vote, it would be another excuse.
I didn't see it coming easyt65
because I didn't see Trump winning over Clinton.

My honest surprise is so shocking I should be speechless.
So I thought that's how other people would react also.
But given everyone is so vocal, at least that gives me something to work with to respond openly.
Instead of just internalizing this whole thing, meditating over how the heck did this happen???

...libs would lose their fucking minds, call for the overthrow of the govt, call for the racist murders of whites, burn the American flag, and call for the assassination of the President - after demanding the GOP accept the outcome of the election - because they LOST and did not get their way?!

Actually, the question should be who DIDN'T see this coming?!
Then change the system. Work for the Constitutional amendment necessary to make the change.
Better to EDUCATE THE LIBTARD the the Founders knew best. But then, they keep proving how much they hate our system.

They knew so well that they put an AMENDMENT PROCESS in place for the govt and states to change things when the contemporary world decided it no longer could tolerate the old system.
...libs would lose their fucking minds, call for the overthrow of the govt, call for the racist murders of whites, burn the American flag, and call for the assassination of the President - after demanding the GOP accept the outcome of the election - because they LOST and did not get their way?!

Actually, the question should be who DIDN'T see this coming?!

they've been taking lessons from RW dolts for the last eight years ...
...libs would lose their fucking minds, call for the overthrow of the govt, call for the racist murders of whites, burn the American flag, and call for the assassination of the President - after demanding the GOP accept the outcome of the election - because they LOST and did not get their way?!

Actually, the question should be who DIDN'T see this coming?!

they've been taking lessons from RW dolts for the last eight years ...
There's only one problem with that - it's a LIE.

Everytime there's a riot, everytime there is looting, burning, attacks - it is a bunch of liberals - sometimes being bussed in, like we're seeing now - paid professional liberal agitators.

During the election it was proven the Hillary canpaign, Obama, & Soros were organizing, paying, & supporting violence against Republicans / Trump supporters.

It's a constant theme, act, by Liberals who are proving more and more they are a group of political domestic terrorists, not a political party, who would rather destroy this nation than allow anyone else run it when they lose elections.

And once agin we see, thanks to you, the same constant tactic by liberals of accusing others of doing what they are caught doing.

When you don't get your way you turn to violence, like some child who has never fully mentally / psychologically developed / matured.

And your 'leaders', as I pointed out, not only support it, not only advocate it - they have funded and organized it. And all these liberal seditious losers throwing their infantile tantrums are their brainwashed, indoctrinated 'Brown Shirts', being manipulated into dividing / destroying this country.
Maybe they're annoyed that this is the 2nd time in 16 years that they've lost an election by getting MORE votes than the other side.

Doesn't really matter, it's still a flawed system regardless of whether she did or didn't.
The SYSTEM as set up by the Founders is perfect. The problem is, the left keeps screwing with it because of their ignorance.
I never thought I'd see a lib who I can respect....

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Maybe they're annoyed that this is the 2nd time in 16 years that they've lost an election by getting MORE votes than the other side.

Doesn't really matter, it's still a flawed system regardless of whether she did or didn't.
The SYSTEM as set up by the Founders is perfect. The problem is, the left keeps screwing with it because of their ignorance.

Perfect for who?

I disagree that it's perfect.

Firstly, it leads to only two parties. Two parties which are controlled by the rich for the rich. This isn't democracy.

Secondly, I've seen better systems working elsewhere. Systems that lead to more voice, more control for the people.
...libs would lose their fucking minds, call for the overthrow of the govt, call for the racist murders of whites, burn the American flag, and call for the assassination of the President - after demanding the GOP accept the outcome of the election - because they LOST and did not get their way?!

Actually, the question should be who DIDN'T see this coming?!

they've been taking lessons from RW dolts for the last eight years ...
We skoooled your fascist ass....:lol:
...libs would lose their fucking minds, call for the overthrow of the govt, call for the racist murders of whites, burn the American flag, and call for the assassination of the President - after demanding the GOP accept the outcome of the election - because they LOST and did not get their way?!

Actually, the question should be who DIDN'T see this coming?!

There are idiots and hot heads on both sides.

Remember the calls for "revolution" if Hillary won.

The rhetoric of the campaign was heated and hurtful.

Time to heal, but some need to vent. Arrest the looters and rioters. Let the peaceful marchers do their thing and get it out.

Then we let President Trump show us what he can do.

I'll say one thing for the protesters, they're not afraid to show their face in public.

The little alt-right cowards spray-painting swastikas or driving through towns in their pickups are shitstain dailystormers. Media needs to cover them a bit more.
...libs would lose their fucking minds, call for the overthrow of the govt, call for the racist murders of whites, burn the American flag, and call for the assassination of the President - after demanding the GOP accept the outcome of the election - because they LOST and did not get their way?!

Actually, the question should be who DIDN'T see this coming?!

There are idiots and hot heads on both sides.

Remember the calls for "revolution" if Hillary won.

The rhetoric of the campaign was heated and hurtful.

Time to heal, but some need to vent. Arrest the looters and rioters. Let the peaceful marchers do their thing and get it out.

Then we let President Trump show us what he can do.

I'll say one thing for the protesters, they're not afraid to show their face in public.

The little alt-right cowards spray-painting swastikas or driving through towns in their pickups are shitstain dailystormers. Media needs to cover them a bit more.
That was you alt-lefters.....
...libs would lose their fucking minds, call for the overthrow of the govt, call for the racist murders of whites, burn the American flag, and call for the assassination of the President - after demanding the GOP accept the outcome of the election - because they LOST and did not get their way?!

Actually, the question should be who DIDN'T see this coming?!

We're not doing that.

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