Gavin Newsome: “Doctors should be able to write prescriptions for housing


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
“Doctors should be able to write prescriptions for housing the same way they do for insulin or antibiotics.”

The insanity of liberals never ceases to amaze.
Hell, why don't we all just turn all of our decision making over to the government !

Gavin Newsom’s 5-point plan to address California homelessness explained

California Gov. Gavin Newsom dedicated most of his Wednesday State of the State speech to the subject of homelessness, and detailing how his administration would respond to the growing crisis.

In his speech, Newsom laid out a five-point framework that he would approach to the problem.

Here’s what the governor called for:
Sure..... just prescribe a house for some junkie or schizophrenic and his invisible friends.
Easy! Problem solved. I don't see what could possibly go wrong there.

Gavin Newsom is a genius.
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but how good are doctors concerning how far they are already allowed to go with "treating" other people?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. How many of y'all remember this name? Terry Schiavo. At the end of next month, it will be 15 years since her death.
At least Newsom's plan is addressing something bigger than the Shiavo case: a worldwide disease of unaffordable housing. duh
At least Newsom's plan is addressing something bigger than the Shiavo case: a worldwide disease of unaffordable housing. duh

And how would this stupidity help? Forcing people to lodge someone?
Maybe Newsome never needed a prescription or maybe he is just an elitist ignorant snob but prescriptions ain't free. You don't need a prescription from a doctor or the democrat socialist regime to straighten out your dead ass and rent an apartment or buy a freaking house.
Too bad Doctors can't prescribe common sense to CA voters.

Maybe Louisiana doctors can prescribe Habdguns to citizens feeling scared.
People condemn California because of all the homeless on the streets. Newsome comes up with a plan to address that and the same people condemn that.

“Health care and housing can no longer be divorced. After all, what’s more fundamental to a person’s well-being than a roof over their head?”

This is absolutely true. You are not going to be able to treat the mentally ill as long as they stay on the streets.

People condemn the fact that we kicked the mentally ill out on the streets and now when someone is wanting to address that, that gets condemned. I don't get it. I think some simply like to bitch and nothing would ever please them.

I've long said that we need to have the conversation about what to do with the mental illness problem in this country. Would I support every aspect that might get promoted here? I don't know but someone is willing to step up and start the conversation at the very least. And we are going to condemn that?
Newsome is an idiot. All these "plans" yet the core problem is still not addressed. NOBODY CAN AFFORD THE HORRENDOUS RENTS. Period. Fix that, and homelessness will not be a problem. You can still be crazy but have your own roof.
People condemn California because of all the homeless on the streets. Newsome comes up with a plan to address that and the same people condemn that.

“Health care and housing can no longer be divorced. After all, what’s more fundamental to a person’s well-being than a roof over their head?”

This is absolutely true. You are not going to be able to treat the mentally ill as long as they stay on the streets.

People condemn the fact that we kicked the mentally ill out on the streets and now when someone is wanting to address that, that gets condemned. I don't get it. I think some simply like to bitch and nothing would ever please them.

I've long said that we need to have the conversation about what to do with the mental illness problem in this country. Would I support every aspect that might get promoted here? I don't know but someone is willing to step up and start the conversation at the very least. And we are going to condemn that?
Is Gavin Newsom really addressing the problem of homelessness? Or is he just mouthing ridiculous inanities that are no more realistic than saying "We will simply wish for a home for everyone and snap our fingers and this problem will be over"?

I didn't think I would ever find someone so witless and out of step with reality that they would find merit in what Gavin Newsom said but damned if you didn't turn up with your post.

Mental illness is a great driver of homelessness, as are drugs. But saying we will just magically provide homes for everyone (why hasn't anyone thought of that before) with a "doctors prescription", for God's sake, is a sick joke.
I have yet to see Newsom explain his inexplicable comments unless he has a way to turn the clock back to the days when Ronald Reagan was governor of California and the mentally ill were "guests" of the state.

Unless Newsom has the guts to make homelessness a law enforcement issue that will force drug addicts and
mental ill people to get treatment (which will never happen in California) he has zero chance of getting a handle
on the issue. Ask the people in Seattle what happens when the police are ordered to ignore the homeless.

Are we going to condemn Newsom for his fatuous puerile comments on California's homeless problem?
Yes. Certainly people of good sense and intelligence are. Gavin Newsom's comments suggest a level of absurdity and unseriousness about this problem that's a slap in the face to anyone honestly trying to deal with this shameful California problem.
People condemn California because of all the homeless on the streets. Newsome comes up with a plan to address that and the same people condemn that.

“Health care and housing can no longer be divorced. After all, what’s more fundamental to a person’s well-being than a roof over their head?”

This is absolutely true. You are not going to be able to treat the mentally ill as long as they stay on the streets.

People condemn the fact that we kicked the mentally ill out on the streets and now when someone is wanting to address that, that gets condemned. I don't get it. I think some simply like to bitch and nothing would ever please them.

I've long said that we need to have the conversation about what to do with the mental illness problem in this country. Would I support every aspect that might get promoted here? I don't know but someone is willing to step up and start the conversation at the very least. And we are going to condemn that?
Is Gavin Newsom really addressing the problem of homelessness? Or is he just mouthing ridiculous inanities that are no more realistic than saying "We will simply wish for a home for everyone and snap our fingers and this problem will be over"?

Nobody including Newsome is saying that the problem is easy. You also should quit trying to spin it into something it is not.

Do you disagree with this statement?

“Health care and housing can no longer be divorced. After all, what’s more fundamental to a person’s well-being than a roof over their head?”

I didn't think I would ever find someone so witless and out of step with reality that they would find merit in what Gavin Newsom said but damned if you didn't turn up with your post.

Where exactly do you disagree with this statement?

“Health care and housing can no longer be divorced. After all, what’s more fundamental to a person’s well-being than a roof over their head?”

Mental illness is a great driver of homelessness, as are drugs. But saying we will just magically provide homes for everyone (why hasn't anyone thought of that before) with a "doctors prescription", for God's sake, is a sick joke.
I have yet to see Newsom explain his inexplicable comments unless he has a way to turn the clock back to the days when Ronald Reagan was governor of California and the mentally ill were "guests" of the state.

He never said "homes". He said housing. That you have to be dishonest in what he said, says a lot.

Unless Newsom has the guts to make homelessness a law enforcement issue that will force drug addicts and
mental ill people to get treatment (which will never happen in California) he has zero chance of getting a handle
on the idea. Ask the people in Seattle what happens when the police are ordered to ignore the homeless.

Are we going to condemn Newsom for his fatuous puerile comments on California's homeless problem?
Yes. Certainly people of good sense and intelligence are. Gavin Newsom's comments suggest a level of
absurdity and unseriousness about this problem that's a slap in the face to anyone honestly trying to
deal with this shameful California problem.

What part do you disagree with?

“Health care and housing can no longer be divorced. After all, what’s more fundamental to a person’s well-being than a roof over their head?”

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