Gavin Newsom Related Businesses Score $3 Million in Relief Loans Meant for Small Businesses

Eric Arthur Blair

Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2015
SACRAMENTO — "Companies affiliated with California Gov. Gavin Newsom received nearly $3 million in federal loans created to help small businesses survive the pandemic, more than eight times the amount originally reported, according to newly released information from the U.S. government."

If you think the French Laundry incident taught Gavin Newsom a lesson, think again.
Showing once more what an entitled scheming leftist elitist Newsom is, in the middle of a recall movement, now it's learned his Plump Jack businesses (wineries, restaurants, etc. no mom&pop businesses) scored a three million dollar gift from the Small Business Administration meant to aid mom and pop type businesses stay afloat during the covid hysteria.

This has to be the final nail in Newsom's political coffin and not even one time aunt, Nancy Pelosi is trying to keep him out of the grave. It almost makes me want to move back to my Napa Valley home (where I dined at two Newsom Plump Jack restaurants, reluctantly) so I can be there when the "We're not havin' Gavin" movement tosses Gav out on his smug entitled ass.

And, most amazingly, the very liberal Northern California media outlets are all covering this latest turn in the Newsom recall scandal. When even the ultra leftist tv and newspaper allies are making an issue of this latest pothole in the road for Gov. Gav. you can be sure there is no hope for the one time potential democrat presidential candidate.
California has grown a backbone. Amazing. When will New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Michigan, Washington, Oregon etc. follow suit?
Northern California is not liberal.

Depends how north you're talking about. Redding, Shasta, Sacramento...definitely.

I lived in NorCal for most of my life until moving to Texas last year. The problem with the recall is that it's very likely Newsom will be replaced by someone worse. The radical left has a complete monopoly on politics in California, and the people who actually pick the candidates are the bosses of the big public unions (state workers union and teachers union), who are all loony leftists.
If this ever ends and the nation wins, death is to good for these people. Send them to slave labor existence in parts of the world we never hear of them again. And that would be many media and entertainers also.
SACRAMENTO — "Companies affiliated with California Gov. Gavin Newsom received nearly $3 million in federal loans created to help small businesses survive the pandemic, more than eight times the amount originally reported, according to newly released information from the U.S. government."

If you think the French Laundry incident taught Gavin Newsom a lesson, think again.
Showing once more what an entitled scheming leftist elitist Newsom is, in the middle of a recall movement, now it's learned his Plump Jack businesses (wineries, restaurants, etc. no mom&pop businesses) scored a three million dollar gift from the Small Business Administration meant to aid mom and pop type businesses stay afloat during the covid hysteria.

This has to be the final nail in Newsom's political coffin and not even one time aunt, Nancy Pelosi is trying to keep him out of the grave. It almost makes me want to move back to my Napa Valley home (where I dined at two Newsom Plump Jack restaurants, reluctantly) so I can be there when the "We're not havin' Gavin" movement tosses Gav out on his smug entitled ass.

And, most amazingly, the very liberal Northern California media outlets are all covering this latest turn in the Newsom recall scandal. When even the ultra leftist tv and newspaper allies are making an issue of this latest pothole in the road for Gov. Gav. you can be sure there is no hope for the one time potential democrat presidential candidate.
California has grown a backbone. Amazing. When will New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Michigan, Washington, Oregon etc. follow suit?
Are they small businesses?

And northern CA isn't really liberal.
The governor who imposed the lockdown benefited the most from the lockdown which may have been the whole point of the lockdown.

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