Gasoline prices, thanks President Obama


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Wasn't there a left wing liberal thanking Obama when gasoline prices bottomed out? Well they are back to where they were, more or less, where is the condemnation?

And what is the BS about the inflation rate being low. Has anyone who makes such statements bought anything at a grocery store lately?
Wasn't there a left wing liberal thanking Obama when gasoline prices bottomed out? Well they are back to where they were, more or less, where is the condemnation?

And what is the BS about the inflation rate being low. Has anyone who makes such statements bought anything at a grocery store lately?

And what is so odd about the liberals' thanking Obama for falling gas prices is that Obama tried--but failed--to stop the very drilling that has contributed to the fall in gas prices and that has made us a net exporter for the first time in decades.

In the 2012 debates, Obama, showing unbelievable hypocrisy, took credit for the increase in U.S. oil production, even though that production would have been greatly reduced if he had had his way (i.e., if courts had not blocked Obama's EPA from shutting down the drilling in North Dakota and from halting oil shale exploitation).
$1.50 lower here than at their highest during winter.

Quit being a loon, Freewill.

You and your bud are every bit as wiggy as are the libs.

Once the replacement of the far right in the GOP with mainstream Republicans is completed fall of next year, we will have a more sane governance.
Mainstream Republican is pro small business, pro regulated abortion, anti neo-con and imperial adventurism, pro marriage equality, pro workers rights, pro tax reform, and pro ACA reform.

Mac1958 is pro far reactionary thug right, so he would not get that.
Mainstream Republican is pro small business, pro regulated abortion, anti neo-con and imperial adventurism, pro marriage equality, pro workers rights, pro tax reform, and pro ACA reform.

Mac1958 is pro far reactionary thug right, so he would not get that.

Just curious: What planet do you live on? On what planet are "mainstream Republicans" pro-gay marriage, especially given the fact that liberals are using gay marriage "laws" (mostly court rulings) to try to force Christian vendors to service gay ceremonies against their will?

Down here on Earth, "mainstream Republicans" oppose gay marriage and oppose the ACA disaster (it's already costing nearly 50% more than what was advertised).

And it's odd that you would talk about supporting small businesses when Obama's policies are decidedly anti-small business, which probably explains why the vast majority of small business owners voted for Romney.
mikegriffin1 inhabits the far corner of the GOP and refuses that his minority group in the party is shrinking.

The primaries next year will be a real shock to him.
Wasn't there a left wing liberal thanking Obama when gasoline prices bottomed out? Well they are back to where they were, more or less, where is the condemnation?

And what is the BS about the inflation rate being low. Has anyone who makes such statements bought anything at a grocery store lately?

Back where they were? The national average was over 4 bucks a gallon in 2008.

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