GAME. OVER.’: Jim Jordan ends the quid pro quo narrative in just one minute and forty-five seconds

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018

Watch this short clip of Rep. Jim Jordan questioning Dem star witness Amb. Taylor and getting him to admit that in his three meetings with Ukrainian President Zelensky, a quid pro quo of investigating the Bidens in exchange for releasing military aid never came up. It’s A-MA-ZING:

Twitchy ^ | 1:56 pm on November 13, 2019
i find it most interesting you do not want to discuss the cred of jim jordan the op opens it up with his use of jim jordan in the title...just checking to make sure we are discussing the same jim jordan
YOU the general you of trump idiots....will trash men with great service to this country while bragging about jim jordan and then whine when called on it...
i find it most interesting you do not want to discuss the cred of jim jordan the op opens it up with his use of jim jordan in the title...just checking to make sure we are discussing the same jim jordan

A question is asked and the answer is unimportant because it was asked by someone you don't like. What if Schiff had asked those very same questions of Taylor? Would Taylor's answers be relevant then?

jim jordan the ex coach who didnt report the other coach for jacking off in the shower. in front of others..that jim jordan?

Jim Jordan didn’t say what we just saw him say because....something? Is that Your view of reality?
Jordan was owned, after his holy roller routine on needing the whistleblower, as a witness, to question him, the person who started this.....

And the Dems response was, yes we'd welcome the President to sit in that witness chair, under oath...

gave a good the audience.
Both silly parties are claiming big victories after yesterday.

Wingers, too funny.

The Democrats are going to impeach in the House no matter what. They don't care about truth, whether Trump comitted a high crime or misdemeanor, none of that...doesn't matter. This is rather obvious given their track record the last 3 years.

That isn't really true for the Republicans. If new evidence came out against Trump that was actually damning, there are many Republicans who would consider impeachment. As it is now, nobody who has a spec of a brain cell should think that Trump should be impeached over a non-Quid Pro Quo, particularly given that Biden had an explicit Quid Pro Quo directed at the same country in the name of ousting corruption that just happened to benefit his son directly. Not one Democrat batted an eye over that.

Both Parties are ultra-partisan, but the Democrats take the cake. They have done it for years with activist judges, even on the Supreme Court. Republican judges will occassionally stray from the Party line...not Democrats. Faithfulness to their Party is of utmost importance...many are secular and the Party serves as a religion of sorts. They don't strray.
jim jordan the ex coach who didnt report the other coach for jacking off in the shower. in front of others..that jim jordan?
WTF do you care about some dude whipping his meat in the shower? You demtrash all love you some perverts anyway. You love the homos packing each other up the ass, so what's the difference? You got hypocrite problems?

You sure as fuck do... go sit by your cauldron and cook some bat wings and frog lips ya nasty old witch.
Jordan was owned, after his holy roller routine on needing the whistleblower, as a witness, to question him, the person who started this.....

And the Dems response was, yes we'd welcome the President to sit in that witness chair, under oath...

gave a good the audience.

When/if this reaches the Senate, the Democrats are going to wish they had never gone this route. Just imagine the Democrats that arre going to be called to testify under oath. They will be exposed, much like the Obama minions in the FBI were exposed, as being nothing but partisan hacks. The Democrats only hope to save face is that the MSM and social media does everything within their power to keep all damning information under wraps, which they likely will. If just 1/4 of Democrats with a brain would look for news at other media sources, the Democratic Party would never win another election. Sadly, most don't. They are spoon fed and led to slaughter by the MSM.
Hard to have first hand witnesses when they are being blocked by the guy under impeachment inquiry...


And then the SURPRISE occurred!!!

Amb Taylor was told by one of his staff that he was at dinner with Amb Sondland who had a call with the President, the staffer heard the President asking sondland about the "investigations" in to the Biden's.

That is first hand connection to the President... No one can say the President didn't know what Sondland and Giuliani were doing, or they alone cooked this up.
Hard to have first hand witnesses when they are being blocked by the guy under impeachment inquiry...




Care... you're out in left field barking up the wrong tree... again.

Taylor was told by one of his staff that he was at dinner with Amb Sondland who had a call with the President, the staffer heard the President asking sondland about the "investigations" in to the Biden's.

That is first hand connection to the President... No one can say the President didn't know what Sondland and Giuliani were doing, or they alone cooked this up.
There's no CRIME here, Care... it's the president's JOB to look into CORRUPTION, but that goes without saying, what you're talking about is HEARSAY, and people aren't convicted of crimes on HEARSAY.

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