Gallup Poll: Trump’s Approval Rating At Lowest Point So Far


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
The Big Orange Idiot’s approval rating is at it lowest so far, and his disapproval numbers are at an all-time high.

He sure could use some help from his boss, Vladimir Putin.

Putin has the wealth and contacts needed to hire a handful of Muslim terrorists and finance their terror attack(s) in one or two major U.S. cities. Big Orange could then order a few air strikes in Afghanistan on the “newly discovered ISIS training camp” (wink, wink) where the terrorists received their instructions and necessary supplies.

No one would suspect it was an inside job, and his approval rating would soar.

Trump approval falls to lowest level ever in Gallup poll



Putin would never refuse his boy's request.

It raised under the NK issue and dropped under liberal propaganda surrounding the Virginia issue.

It ONLY matters because it demonstrates how fucked up in the head Americans are today. In Trunp's words, this is a disaster. In my words the left is MOST responsible.
The Big Orange Idiot’s approval rating is at it lowest so far, and his disapproval numbers are at an all-time high.

He sure could use some help from his boss, Vladimir Putin.

Putin has the wealth and contacts needed to hire a handful of Muslim terrorists and finance their terror attack(s) in one or two major U.S. cities. Big Orange could then order a few air strikes in Afghanistan on the “newly discovered ISIS training camp” (wink, wink) where the terrorists received their instructions and necessary supplies.

No one would suspect it was an inside job, and his approval rating would soar.

Trump approval falls to lowest level ever in Gallup poll


View attachment 143724

Putin would never refuse his boy's request.


I had never have seen that many polls done in a year. It is as if they are trying to say that the President has lost his support. They are in an hurry to psych the public's minds.

Psychological warfare (PSYWAR), or the basic aspects of modern psychological operations (PSYOP), have been known by many other names or terms, including MISO, Psy Ops, political warfare, "Hearts and Minds", and propaganda.[1] The term is used "to denote any action which is practiced mainly by psychological methods with the aim of evoking a planned psychological reaction in other people".[2] Various techniques are used, and are aimed at influencing a target audience's value system, belief system, emotions, motives, reasoning, or behavior. It is used to induce confessions or reinforce attitudes and behaviors favorable to the originator's objectives, and are sometimes combined with black operations or false flag tactics. It is also used to destroy the morale of enemies through tactics that aim to depress troops' psychological states.[3][4] Target audiences can be governments, organizations, groups, and individuals, and is not just limited to soldiers. Civilians of foreign territories can also be targeted by technology and media so as to cause an effect in the government of their country.[5] Psychological warfare - Wikipedia


Every time I see another "lowest rating ever" headline, I move on to other "news". It's all just more cry wolf BS from the leftist media puppets and has no bearing on reality. I wonder what would happen if the libtard-leftist idiots would give it a break, just one day, and go the f**k home instead of demonstrating? Really, don't these a-holes have lives? Talk about haters! I've never seen so many deranged haters as these bores who persistently hate President Trump. Sore losers? No so much as deranged, insane haters.
The Big Orange Idiot’s approval rating is at it lowest so far, and his disapproval numbers are at an all-time high.

He sure could use some help from his boss, Vladimir Putin.

Putin has the wealth and contacts needed to hire a handful of Muslim terrorists and finance their terror attack(s) in one or two major U.S. cities. Big Orange could then order a few air strikes in Afghanistan on the “newly discovered ISIS training camp” (wink, wink) where the terrorists received their instructions and necessary supplies.

No one would suspect it was an inside job, and his approval rating would soar.

Trump approval falls to lowest level ever in Gallup poll


View attachment 143724

Putin would never refuse his boy's request.


Isn't there a statue out there somewhere offending you?
It raised under the NK issue and dropped under liberal propaganda surrounding the Virginia issue.

It ONLY matters because it demonstrates how fucked up in the head Americans are today. In Trunp's words, this is a disaster. In my words the left is MOST responsible.

The left is most responsible, really? Not the actions, and sometimes lack of action of the Orange Messiah? No it couldn't be like that!
LOL! Aren't these the same clowns that predicted that Crooked Hillary was going to win by an EC landslide?

When you only poll Moon Bats then you only get Moon Bat responses. When are these jackasses going to learn that?
LOL! Aren't these the same clowns that predicted that Crooked Hillary was going to win by an EC landslide?

When you only poll Moon Bats then you only get Moon Bat responses. When are these jackasses going to learn that?
No. Gallup didn't predict such thing. Which is why you didn't provide a link.
The Big Orange Idiot’s approval rating is at it lowest so far, and his disapproval numbers are at an all-time high.

He sure could use some help from his boss, Vladimir Putin.

Putin has the wealth and contacts needed to hire a handful of Muslim terrorists and finance their terror attack(s) in one or two major U.S. cities. Big Orange could then order a few air strikes in Afghanistan on the “newly discovered ISIS training camp” (wink, wink) where the terrorists received their instructions and necessary supplies.

No one would suspect it was an inside job, and his approval rating would soar.

Trump approval falls to lowest level ever in Gallup poll


View attachment 143724

Putin would never refuse his boy's request.


Isn't there a statue out there somewhere offending you?
Well, there was one. Protesters topple Confederate statue in North Carolina
It raised under the NK issue and dropped under liberal propaganda surrounding the Virginia issue.

It ONLY matters because it demonstrates how fucked up in the head Americans are today. In Trunp's words, this is a disaster. In my words the left is MOST responsible.

The left is most responsible, really? Not the actions, and sometimes lack of action of the Orange Messiah? No it couldn't be like that!
Like Obama intervened when towns were being burned down? I surprised he didn't give them the match.
And yet ....

Still your President

I don't get it. I didn't think the President was someone else. He is just wildly unpopular.

We should all be well aware that low grade human parasites in this once great nation far outnumber the population of stand-up, positive contributing REAL Americans. If Trumps approval ratings were higher we'd have something to worry about. The filth among our lowest grade continue to piss themselves in disbelief...the resistance from the bottom dwelling Left is an AWESOME thing...that should only suggest that America is becoming great again and the anything goes free for all is over.
CHEERS to the GOP for continuing the quest toward a higher grade society and having the nut-sack to stomp on the human cockroaches along the way....HAHAHA!
It raised under the NK issue and dropped under liberal propaganda surrounding the Virginia issue.

It ONLY matters because it demonstrates how fucked up in the head Americans are today. In Trunp's words, this is a disaster. In my words the left is MOST responsible.

The left is most responsible, really? Not the actions, and sometimes lack of action of the Orange Messiah? No it couldn't be like that!
Like Obama intervened when towns were being burned down? I surprised he didn't give them the match.

Bbbbut bbbuutt, Obama, bbbbbut Hilary. Yup good one
It raised under the NK issue and dropped under liberal propaganda surrounding the Virginia issue.

It ONLY matters because it demonstrates how fucked up in the head Americans are today. In Trunp's words, this is a disaster. In my words the left is MOST responsible.

The left is most responsible, really? Not the actions, and sometimes lack of action of the Orange Messiah? No it couldn't be like that!
Like Obama intervened when towns were being burned down? I surprised he didn't give them the match.

Bbbbut bbbuutt, Obama, bbbbbut Hilary. Yup good one
The news is Obama knew about Russia meddling a couple years before the election. So basically by your own admission he committed treason. So your messiah ain't what you thought he was. Lol
It raised under the NK issue and dropped under liberal propaganda surrounding the Virginia issue.

It ONLY matters because it demonstrates how fucked up in the head Americans are today. In Trunp's words, this is a disaster. In my words the left is MOST responsible.

The left is most responsible, really? Not the actions, and sometimes lack of action of the Orange Messiah? No it couldn't be like that!
Like Obama intervened when towns were being burned down? I surprised he didn't give them the match.

Bbbbut bbbuutt, Obama, bbbbbut Hilary. Yup good one
The news is Obama knew about Russia meddling a couple years before the election. So basically by your own admission he committed treason. So your messiah ain't what you thought he was. Lol

Fair enough, but Orange Julius Messiah actually did collude with the Russians and that is not treason to you, amirite!
The media are the ones pushing all the biased polls and the usual suspects swallow it like nectar from Jim Jones.
Are those poles accurate as they were on Nov 7/8, 2016...
Gallup didn't conduct Election polls in 2016. Egg is on your face.

All the pollsters do the same damn stupid thing.

They call up anywhere between 300 and 1,000 people. Then they ask them questions that the respondents may or may not answer correctly. Then they apply whatever responses they get to some kind of demographics model.

In 2016 the pollsters didn't call up the right people and their demographics model that was based upon past election and that was very flawed.

Trump's base remains strong because despite the hate and fake news we hear every day he is doing a great job.

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