Gallop--shows Perry ahead--BUT loses to Obama--while Romney beats Obama by 7 points


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
Texas Gov. Rick Perry would beat former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney in a head-to-head contest for the GOP nomination, according to a new USA Today/Gallup poll released today.

But the results show Perry would lose to Obama in the general election, whereas Romney would win.

Taken last week, the survey of GOPers showed Perry with 31 percent of the Republican vote, Romney with 24 percent and Texas Rep. Ron Paul with double-digit support at 13 percent.

Poll: Romney bests Obama, but Perry beats Romney | Deseret News

Romney is catching up to Perry. Personally I have noticed that Perry is looking like a lot like a "deer in the headlights" on many issues--when questioned about certain topics Yes--Perry can send a thrill up the legs of many GOPer's legs with his one liners--BUT he has no PLAN to fix social security--or a real jobs plan. Mitt Romney does.

According to the new Gallop poll--Perry loses to Obama--and Romney beats Obama by 7 POINTS.

I was a little concerned when Perry jumped in this race--and immediately shot to the top--when most of us--didn't even know who Rick Perry was. This is the exact same national hysteria that put the Moron in the oval office--that we have now.

It's time for Perry supporters to look at the situation--because both of these candidates have their own issues. Romney--with Romney care in MASS--Perry with his illegal immigration stance--social security--and his using an executive order for young girls to get a shot for some type of cervical cancer.

When the rubber meets the road--we ALL know that we need someone in the oval office that has A LOT of private sector--business experience. And that candidate is Mitt Romney. We don't need more inexperienced public service people--or class one politicians. I am getting real tired when Perry repeatedly states well look at my Texas job growth. This country is not all--oil and gas states--with a full house of Republicans that would agree to that and no opposition.

Romney was right--when he stated--that just because Perry was dealt 4 ACES does not necessarily make Perry is a good poker player.
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I don't know any Republican in my family and friends who are voting for Perry in the Primary. They all think he is a wacko.
Perry's never going to last. How will a majority ever see their way clear to voting for a man who would destroy the chance for ME peace for his own political gain?!?! :ahole-1:
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Romney is better at this game than Perry could ever hope to be. I don't doubt that Romney has more ability to handle this country than Perry (considering what a moron he is anyways).
I think Perry does better than Mitt because Republicans don't like Mitt and the Media makes Perry out to be the other top guy who has any chance to win. It's like when Mitt dropped out and then McCain started losing to Huck who was pulling 1%, the media said HELLO HUCK and the voters said "we don't like McCain" even though McCain already was going to win.

No matter what Obama will lose at this point IMO, he has a lot of ground to make up for and he still ain't plugged the purge that is happening to him from the Democratic party.

This is my opinion.
I don't know any Republican in my family and friends who are voting for Perry in the Primary. They all think he is a wacko.

It's very clear that Perry is experiencing the NATIONAL stage--and every time we get to see him--any tough questions--he resorts to talking about TEXAS--and has NO PLAN. He literally looks like a deer in the headlights on many issues.

This isn't a Texas stage it's a Natiional Stage--and personally I don't think he could beat a very cool--and polished politician in Barack Obama. The Gallop is in agreement.

We all know we need the independent vote to beat Barack Obama--and Rick Perry in no way appeals to them. If you can't win independents you can't win elections.

It's time for Perry supporters to realize this. It's not about who they like--it's ALL about who can defeat our Harvard graduate--community organizer--and now amateur golfer- President who is currently destroying this country.
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Many experts believe the most accurate poll is intrade, because it's a put your money where you mouth is model.

Obama has built a base below 50% recently, and thats before the GOP primary is settled.
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I'm not voting for either one of them in the primary, I will not let a fake gallop poll sway me in anyones direction. The only one who seems to have any common sense right now is Herman Caine, and that's who get's my vote in the primary.
That's the problem in this country, people watch the news and let the news form the opinion for them, that is how we ended up with Mcain in 2008, a candidate who had no chance in hell at winning, much like Romney right now.
romeny will win the primary and then the tea party will run an alternative splitting the republcian party in two
romeny will win the primary and then the tea party will run an alternative splitting the republcian party in two

You wait and see.

Parry loses in a straight up run and Romeny loses in a split by the TP.
You wait and see.

Parry loses in a straight up run and Romeny loses in a split by the TP.

I'd have a hell of a lot more respect for the Tea Party if that happened, as it would mean they actually had some principles. But that isn't what's going to happen. The Tea Party is going to fall in line with the GOP like the good little partisans they are, and then they'll likely beat Obama. Depending on who the candidate is.

Romney is a pretty sure fire lock on the office. I think he'd beat Obama regardless of the economy in 2012. Perry is a less sure shot, if only because he's got a few negatives to him that haven't been brought up yet. Plus he's got some of that good old fashion foot in mouth syndrome.

But regardless of the candidate, the Tea Party will line up behind them. Mark my words.
You wait and see.

Parry loses in a straight up run and Romeny loses in a split by the TP.

Whoever wins the Primary will have the full support of the Republican voters in the general. Your fantasy is amusing though. Incase you dont realize it, after the primary it's just Obama and whoever wins the GOP primary, and they cannot be challenged by a TP candidate AFTER THE PRIMARY is over with.
You wait and see.

Parry loses in a straight up run and Romeny loses in a split by the TP.

I'd have a hell of a lot more respect for the Tea Party if that happened, as it would mean they actually had some principles. But that isn't what's going to happen. The Tea Party is going to fall in line with the GOP like the good little partisans they are, and then they'll likely beat Obama. Depending on who the candidate is.

Romney is a pretty sure fire lock on the office. I think he'd beat Obama regardless of the economy in 2012. Perry is a less sure shot, if only because he's got a few negatives to him that haven't been brought up yet. Plus he's got some of that good old fashion foot in mouth syndrome.

But regardless of the candidate, the Tea Party will line up behind them. Mark my words.

Reagan had the same foot in mouth syndrome, and we all know how that ended. I would rather a candidate be genuine and speak from the heart than speak from a teleprompter words that they dont even believe in.
I don't care what the polls show- the Republican candidate- whomever it is- will beat Obama.

I am glad you're that confident of that--:cuckoo: BUT you're incorrect.

We here in Colorado had to LEARN our LESSON the HARD WAY.

As an example--in my state of Colorado November 2010--in a senate race that was certain the Republican contender would WIN--republican Ken Buck against democrat Michael Bennet.

We nominated Ken Buck for the nominee and threw Jane Norton to the curb. Buck held the lead for many months against Bennet. It was Buck's race to lose--and he managed to do it in the FINAL weeks leading up to the election.

How did he do it? By making very stupid remarks about Gay rights and his too far right stance on abortion--"stating that being gay was a disease like alcoholism--and that even women that are raped should not be allowed to have an abortion." That's all it TAKES to get swing voters to move in the other direction--and RICK PERRY with his loose canon mouth is very capable of doing the same thing.
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You wait and see.

Parry loses in a straight up run and Romeny loses in a split by the TP.

I'd have a hell of a lot more respect for the Tea Party if that happened, as it would mean they actually had some principles. But that isn't what's going to happen. The Tea Party is going to fall in line with the GOP like the good little partisans they are, and then they'll likely beat Obama. Depending on who the candidate is.

Romney is a pretty sure fire lock on the office. I think he'd beat Obama regardless of the economy in 2012. Perry is a less sure shot, if only because he's got a few negatives to him that haven't been brought up yet. Plus he's got some of that good old fashion foot in mouth syndrome.

But regardless of the candidate, the Tea Party will line up behind them. Mark my words.

Reagan had the same foot in mouth syndrome, and we all know how that ended. I would rather a candidate be genuine and speak from the heart than speak from a teleprompter words that they dont even believe in.

WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT---Reagan was no loose canon mouth like Rick Perry. He could articulate his point of views very clearly--and he ALWAYS had a PLAN to fix things.

And he won in landslides--(both terms.)
Romney is better at this game than Perry could ever hope to be. I don't doubt that Romney has more ability to handle this country than Perry (considering what a moron he is anyways).

How is Romney a moron--you talk like Perry--NO SUBSTANCE.--:cuckoo:

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