"Fury" vs. "American Sniper"


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Pointing out again that the left thinks history begins when they wake up in the morning......I saw "Fury" last night, the World War 2 tank movie starring Brad Pitt.....now the leftists in hollywood bitched and moaned about The American Sniper because it portrayed the U.S. soldier as a killer of monsters.......and yet......I didn't hear the same peeps about "Fury" where Brad Pitt and his merry band of killers commit war crimes...openly.....

I know....as far as I know "Fury" is a work of fiction....which probably explains why the tank crew is portrayed so poorly in the movie....and why they commit war crimes so easily.....

It does point out one thing......the protection against criticism that the World War 2 generation had.....is over.....the left will now be attacking them in every new movie about WW2....

So.....how is the reality of Chris Kyle killing real monsters so much more attackable than Brad Pitt executing prisoners of war in his movie.....?
The left has nothing against American Sniper. What the left really hates are the people who go see American Sniper.
Pointing out again that the left thinks history begins when they wake up in the morning......I saw "Fury" last night, the World War 2 tank movie starring Brad Pitt.....now the leftists in hollywood bitched and moaned about The American Sniper because it portrayed the U.S. soldier as a killer of monsters.......and yet......I didn't hear the same peeps about "Fury" where Brad Pitt and his merry band of killers commit war crimes...openly.....

I know....as far as I know "Fury" is a work of fiction....which probably explains why the tank crew is portrayed so poorly in the movie....and why they commit war crimes so easily.....

It does point out one thing......the protection against criticism that the World War 2 generation had.....is over.....the left will now be attacking them in every new movie about WW2....

So.....how is the reality of Chris Kyle killing real monsters so much more attackable than Brad Pitt executing prisoners of war in his movie.....?
Prisoners were killed by GI's in WWII, and there was times when there was no surrender...it's a harsh reality of all out war.......The US navy on several occasions refused to pick up Japanese sailors in the water when their ship was sunk...We fire bombed cities, knowing they had no military value...
Pointing out again that the left thinks history begins when they wake up in the morning......I saw "Fury" last night, the World War 2 tank movie starring Brad Pitt.....now the leftists in hollywood bitched and moaned about The American Sniper because it portrayed the U.S. soldier as a killer of monsters.......and yet......I didn't hear the same peeps about "Fury" where Brad Pitt and his merry band of killers commit war crimes...openly.....

I know....as far as I know "Fury" is a work of fiction....which probably explains why the tank crew is portrayed so poorly in the movie....and why they commit war crimes so easily...

"the left"....who are these people you speak of?

Is is someone like me who votes left of center, or just anyone you disagree with?

I haven't seen American Sniper yet- its on my list. I saw Fury.

Fury was a good- not great war film. It was great tank film. I didn't think that the tank crew was particularly portrayed poorly- yes the scene with the meal in the house was harsh, but I didn't see that as portraying the soldiers particularly poorly- Fury did a good job of showing what the soldiers went through.

Spoiler alert- a good scene as an example was the ambush by German troops with panzerfausts- who turned out to be kids. The battle seasoned American troops said to just kill them- the green recruit can't bring himself to shoot kids. Why were they different?

Because the battle seasoned troops had descended into hell and just were concerned about survival and supporting each other.

There was nothing about Fury that felt 'inauthentic' to me- among the messages was 'war is hell' and it should be portrayed that way.

I will go see American Sniper when I get a chance, and then judge it on its own merits.

Of course, thats what me, being a member of the "Left" does.
WW2 was fought against other whites and asians...two groups the left doesnt give a shit about. Black brown and arab people. Those are the ones who matter.
The "left" jingoists complain about are the sensible and responsible right of center to left of center.

Facts: snipers, machine gunners, and tankers were almost never allowed to surrender by both sides. You don't get to kill the good guys and then give up when the jig is up. Many of the concentration camp personnel in Europe and Asia were killed upon captures, often tortured first. Flight personnel when shot down were often killed by the civilians on the ground.

And those of the irresponsible far right want to glorify that behavior by our side and damn it on the other side.

War is war, twits.
have you seen anything as stupid as all these people with their panties in a bunch over a FRIKKEN MOVIE? Some people need to get a life

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