Fun facts about homophobia


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
"The results of this study indicate that individuals who score in the homophobic range and admit negative affect toward homosexuality demonstrate significant sexual arousal to male homosexual erotic stimuli. These individuals were selected on the basis of their report of having only heterosexual arousal and experiences..."

"Although the causes of homophobia are unclear, several psychoanalytic explanations have emerged from the idea of homophobia as an anxiety-based phenomenon. One psychoanalytic explanation is that anxiety about the possibility of being or becoming a homosexual may be a major factor in homophobia. For example, de Kuyper (1993) has asserted that homophobia is the result of the remnants of homosexuality in the heterosexual resolution of the Oedipal conflict."

The Roots Of Homophobia - Putting Freud To The Test | Assault On Gay America | FRONTLINE | PBS

Homophobic Men Most Aroused by Gay Male Porn
Homophobia is associated with sexual excitement by male-on-male sex.
Published on June 9, 2011 by Nathan A. Heflick, Ph.D."

"When viewing lesbian sex and straight sex, both the homophobic and the non-homophobic men showed increased penis circumference. For gay male sex, however, only the homophobic men showed heightened penis arousal.

Heterosexual men with the most anti-gay attitudes, when asked, reported not being sexually aroused by gay male sex videos. But, their penises reported otherwise.

Homophobic men were the most sexually aroused by gay male sex acts."

Homophobic Men Most Aroused by Gay Male Porn | Psychology Today

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Just another idiotic so called 'study' by a pro homo scientist trying to prove that being a sodomite is normal.

And those opposed to the vile practice of homosexuality are somehow abnormal. ... :cuckoo:
So it's okay to start topics to attack other posters? Since you think homosexuality is an insult are you not a homophobe?

Wow! Delta4E posts something and you automatically think its about you? lol

I think that should tell you something.
Just another idiotic so called 'study' by a pro homo scientist trying to prove that being a sodomite is normal.

And those opposed to the vile practice of homosexuality are somehow abnormal. ... :cuckoo:

Any actual evidence that the study is bogus? Or is it just that the results go against what you believe?
So it's okay to start topics to attack other posters? Since you think homosexuality is an insult are you not a homophobe?

Wow! Delta4E posts something and you automatically think its about you? lol

I think that should tell you something.

Look at the bottom of the post. Steve may be a bit off, but his is right delta is calling him out on this.
Homosexuals think men who dont approve of their perversions and think it is a sin secretly are homosexuals....Why do you homosexuals feel the need to lie to yourself to validate your choices?
Here's a fun fact, Homophobia is a made up bullshit word intended to put the onus on people who find fags repulsive as though the straight people are the problem. Finding queers repellent is actually a completely natural state of mind. It's biology.

I also note that fags are always trying to look inside phony closets anytime they are not embraced by straight men. This is not so much a delusion on their part as it is a tactic of war.
The LGBT community loves to claim that so called 'homophobes' are actually closet gays.

So by that absurd line of reasoning; anyone who is strongly opposed to pedophiles and rapists........are in fact closet child molesters and rapists. ... :cuckoo:
Of course it is HIGHLY likely taxpayer money paid for this study. To accomplish what?
I don't need a study to tell me why homophobia exist.
1) Religion
2) Hatred based on ignorance.
3) Hatred based on what they have seen from the fringe. (Flamers, gay parades etc.)
4) Homosexuality shoved in their face.

Purely a guess of course, I would say mayyybe 2% of homophobes are because of "secret" attraction to male genitalia that disgusts they lash out. Hogwash. The study is bogus.
Just another idiotic so called 'study' by a pro homo scientist trying to prove that being a sodomite is normal.

And those opposed to the vile practice of homosexuality are somehow abnormal. ... :cuckoo:

You missed the point.

The point isn't that homosexuality is normal.

Its point was merely that hating and fearing homos is a form of mental illness.

Which is obviously fully adult grown men, at least.

Of course this "study" misses the fact (perhaps I haven't read it) that newly pubescant men are nearly ALL homophobes until they get laid enough to dismiss that hidden fear about their own somewhat UNSURE sexual identity.
Just another idiotic so called 'study' by a pro homo scientist trying to prove that being a sodomite is normal.

And those opposed to the vile practice of homosexuality are somehow abnormal. ... :cuckoo:

The Kinsey "studies"
Star-News - Google News Archive Search

Kinsey Studies warped perception on the devious aspects of homosexuality and were later found to be highly tainted, bogus and statistical Bullshit . As well as the Gay Activisms hijacking of the American Psy. Ass. it's easy to see that is so called "study" is just another brick in the demented wall of the the Gay Agenda.
The LGBT community loves to claim that so called 'homophobes' are actually closet gays.

So by that absurd line of reasoning; anyone who is strongly opposed to pedophiles and rapists........are in fact closet child molesters and rapists. ... :cuckoo:

"latent homo" is a made-up bullshit to justify labelling everybody as homosexual. There is no such thing as latency in sexual orientation.
Of course this "study" misses the fact (perhaps I haven't read it) that newly pubescant men are nearly ALL homophobes until they get laid enough to dismiss that hidden fear about their own somewhat UNSURE sexual identity.

Holy shit...did you wake up today and declare "today I am going to post complete bullshit"??:eusa_eh:

When I was in my teens, and having sex for the first time, the last thing that was on my mind was "oh thank God I am not gay" was "oh my God when can I do this again!!!"
Fear based homophobia, wherein the person lashes out because of their own desires, is a tiny-tiny-tiny portion of this set of people.
Of course it is HIGHLY likely taxpayer money paid for this study. To accomplish what?
I don't need a study to tell me why homophobia exist.
1) Religion
2) Hatred based on ignorance.
3) Hatred based on what they have seen from the fringe. (Flamers, gay parades etc.)
4) Homosexuality shoved in their face.

Purely a guess of course, I would say mayyybe 2% of homophobes are because of "secret" attraction to male genitalia that disgusts they lash out. Hogwash. The study is bogus.

Does it make you feel better posts such drivel? Tell me are you secretly a homosexual? Because homosexuals dont need me to approve of their unnatural life choices. They crave it just the same dont they? I tolerate it just fine I just refuse to approve of it. I dont approve of sin OR if your one of those hate God types like you seem to be I dont approve of something obviously against nature.....We are made to procreate with the opposite sex. By the way when you start to use love and I know that just popped in your head that has nothing to do with Biology.

I know you are a new age Mangina and wish to be a cool kid by showing your support of alternative lifestyles (as you manginas call it) but truthfully most of us dont care about homosexuals or you apologists for them. If they would stop trying to force us to approve something we see as wrong and just live there damn lives there wouldn't be any problem. Of course that means there would be one less thing you would have to lie to yourself about making you feel superior to the rest of us....But your lost delusion is a price I am willing to pay so I dont have to keep hearing the constant whining and accusing of the Homosexual and their Mangina mobs.
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Of course it is HIGHLY likely taxpayer money paid for this study. To accomplish what?
I don't need a study to tell me why homophobia exist.
1) Religion
2) Hatred based on ignorance.
3) Hatred based on what they have seen from the fringe. (Flamers, gay parades etc.)
4) Homosexuality shoved in their face.

Purely a guess of course, I would say mayyybe 2% of homophobes are because of "secret" attraction to male genitalia that disgusts they lash out. Hogwash. The study is bogus.

Does it make you feel better posts such drivel? Tell me are you secretly a homosexual? Because homosexuals dont need me to approve of their unnatural life choices. They crave it just the same dont they? I tolerate it just fine I just refuse to approve of it. I dont approve of sin OR if your one of those hate God types like you seem to be I dont approve of something obviously against nature.....We are made to procreate with the opposite sex. By the way when you start to use love and I know that just popped in your head that has nothing to do with Biology.

I know you are a new age Mangina and wish to be a cool kid by showing your support of alternative lifestyles (as you manginas call it) but truthfully most of us dont care about homosexuals or you apologists for them. If they would stop trying to force us to approve something we see as wrong and just live there damn lives there wouldn't be any problem. Of course that means there would be one less thing you would have to lie to yourself about making you feel superior to the rest of us....But your lost delusion is a price I am willing to pay so I dont have to keep hearing the constant whining and accusing of the Homosexual and their Mangina mobs.

You are so far off in this just can't make this shit up...hilarious. :chillpill:
Of course it is HIGHLY likely taxpayer money paid for this study. To accomplish what?
I don't need a study to tell me why homophobia exist.
1) Religion
2) Hatred based on ignorance.
3) Hatred based on what they have seen from the fringe. (Flamers, gay parades etc.)
4) Homosexuality shoved in their face.

Purely a guess of course, I would say mayyybe 2% of homophobes are because of "secret" attraction to male genitalia that disgusts they lash out. Hogwash. The study is bogus.

If I posted a tenth as many articles about LGBT issues as some, I'd grant your premise. But as it is, the only ones 'shoving it in your face' are the homophobes themselves.
Of course it is HIGHLY likely taxpayer money paid for this study. To accomplish what?
I don't need a study to tell me why homophobia exist.
1) Religion
2) Hatred based on ignorance.
3) Hatred based on what they have seen from the fringe. (Flamers, gay parades etc.)
4) Homosexuality shoved in their face.

Purely a guess of course, I would say mayyybe 2% of homophobes are because of "secret" attraction to male genitalia that disgusts they lash out. Hogwash. The study is bogus.

Does it make you feel better posts such drivel? Tell me are you secretly a homosexual? Because homosexuals dont need me to approve of their unnatural life choices. They crave it just the same dont they? I tolerate it just fine I just refuse to approve of it. I dont approve of sin OR if your one of those hate God types like you seem to be I dont approve of something obviously against nature.....We are made to procreate with the opposite sex. By the way when you start to use love and I know that just popped in your head that has nothing to do with Biology.

I know you are a new age Mangina and wish to be a cool kid by showing your support of alternative lifestyles (as you manginas call it) but truthfully most of us dont care about homosexuals or you apologists for them. If they would stop trying to force us to approve something we see as wrong and just live there damn lives there wouldn't be any problem. Of course that means there would be one less thing you would have to lie to yourself about making you feel superior to the rest of us....But your lost delusion is a price I am willing to pay so I dont have to keep hearing the constant whining and accusing of the Homosexual and their Mangina mobs.

You are so far off in this just can't make this shit up...hilarious. :chillpill:
So in other words I am spot on and you try to laugh it off....Thanks.

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