FULL MEASURE: Cover Story: Switching Sides (ie Blacks for Trump)


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019

Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson
Full Measure: November 10th, 2019 - Cover Story: Switching Sides

ME: Yes, yes, I know what you are thinking: Another thread about blacks for Trump? I strongly suggest that you doubters watch this video. Sharyl Attkisson is a veteran CBS News reporter and she is no Trump cheerleader at all. This is a well researched and balanced piece. Its very good, and whether you like me or not, or whether you like Trump or not, you should really watch this.

Getting things done and people seeing real freedom for the first time in over 40 years, in higher wages and the ability to move out of the hood.... And they are noticing...
Better still is that this is happening for Blacks, Hispanics and other people of color... and it has broken the death grip democrats have had on these populations FOR OVER 40 YEARS.

MSDNC AND ABC are livid... they see all of their power being stripped from them..
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Better still is that this is happening for Blacks, Hispanics and other people of color... and it has broken the death grip democrats have had on these populations FOR OVER 40 YEARS.

MSDNC AND ABC are livid... they see all of their power being stripped from them..

I still say this is a big reason behind the impeachment, and I might be the only person on earth who gets that. The Dem Party Kings know that if Trump can steal enough minorities they are through. I think that connection of those dots is the most missed/under-reported story ever
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Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson
Full Measure: November 10th, 2019 - Cover Story: Switching Sides

ME: Yes, yes, I know what you are thinking: Another thread about blacks for Trump? I strongly suggest that you doubters watch this video. Sharyl Attkisson is a veteran CBS News reporter and she is no Trump cheerleader at all. This is a well researched and balanced piece. Its very good, and whether you like me or not, or whether you like Trump or not, you should really watch this.


Candice Owen's is the real deal. But like she said in the video, the proof of her movement won't be seen till after November.
Personally I hope it is real because if you can break the Democrat grip on the black vote then ANYTHING is possible and hope for REAL CHANGE in our politics is not hopeless.

Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson
Full Measure: November 10th, 2019 - Cover Story: Switching Sides

ME: Yes, yes, I know what you are thinking: Another thread about blacks for Trump? I strongly suggest that you doubters watch this video. Sharyl Attkisson is a veteran CBS News reporter and she is no Trump cheerleader at all. This is a well researched and balanced piece. Its very good, and whether you like me or not, or whether you like Trump or not, you should really watch this.


Candice Owen's is the real deal. But like she said in the video, the proof of her movement won't be seen till after November.
Personally I hope it is real because if you can break the Democrat grip on the black vote then ANYTHING is possible and hope for REAL CHANGE in our politics is not hopeless.

Internal polling shows the shift and they are scared shitless... But your right, until the election shakes out it will go UN-noticed or even covered up in an attempt to stop the bleeding prior to the election. Watch for the Dems and the complicit media to hide this at all costs. Or worse still, create a false flag event to foment divide and hate.
The conservative movement welcomes all blacks who have finally taken the red pill.

People are people no matter what shade their skin is in...people want to work and earn a good living for their families...they want good things for their children...I read a story in some magazine in my dentist office about how inner city schools are reaping in more money than ever before due to increasing the working tax paying population in the inner cities and municipalities...Schools can afford things they couldn't just 4 years ago....People are working and they are less dependent upon government and society at large....
No one Black or White wants to go back to 2012....and that is where the dems want to take us...
Better still is that this is happening for Blacks, Hispanics and other people of color... and it has broken the death grip democrats have had on these populations FOR OVER 40 YEARS.

MSDNC AND ABC are livid... they see all of their power being stripped from them..

Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson
Full Measure: November 10th, 2019 - Cover Story: Switching Sides

ME: Yes, yes, I know what you are thinking: Another thread about blacks for Trump? I strongly suggest that you doubters watch this video. Sharyl Attkisson is a veteran CBS News reporter and she is no Trump cheerleader at all. This is a well researched and balanced piece. Its very good, and whether you like me or not, or whether you like Trump or not, you should really watch this.


She is good.

Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson
Full Measure: November 10th, 2019 - Cover Story: Switching Sides

ME: Yes, yes, I know what you are thinking: Another thread about blacks for Trump? I strongly suggest that you doubters watch this video. Sharyl Attkisson is a veteran CBS News reporter and she is no Trump cheerleader at all. This is a well researched and balanced piece. Its very good, and whether you like me or not, or whether you like Trump or not, you should really watch this.


Posted 2 years ago. From what I see the tide is still slowly coming the Republican's way.

Of course, Hispanics are rapidly coming our way.

Thats a great combo

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