Fucking bastard


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Grandpa Charged With Forcing Grand Canyon Hikes | FoxNews.com

FLAGSTAFF, Arizona – A 45-year-old grandfather forced his three young grandsons to hike 18 miles (29 kilometers) in triple-digit heat at the Grand Canyon and denied them food and water, authorities said.
Christopher Carlson remained jailed Thursday on six counts of child abuse. The boys, ages 12, 9 and 8, told investigators that they had been hit, pushed, choked, pinched and squeezed during trips on a popular trail at the canyon's South Rim last month.
On the latest hike over the weekend down the Bright Angel Trail, temperatures reached 108 degrees (42 Celsius) at Phantom Ranch along the Colorado River. A ranger spotted the group with binoculars on the trail and saw Carlson shoving the oldest boy and whipping him with a rolled-up T-shirt, authorities said.

P.S.: Is there any way on earth that man looks 45?

But the years make sense. Daughter, 28 - so he was 17 when she was born, and she was 16 when she had her oldest.

Mom Asks 'What The Hell Happened?' In Abuse Arrest - Indiana News Story - WRTV Indianapolis

Rangers fed and hydrated the boys and they were placed in the care of Child Protective Services. One boy had symptoms of heat stroke, while the other two exhibited signs of heat exhaustion and dehydration.

National Park Service Special Agent Chris Smith testified at a hearing Thursday that Carlson told authorities that the boys had been overweight and that he thought the hike would get them into shape.

"He told me that he loved his grandchildren very much, but at the same time there were tough people in the world and his grandchildren needed to be tough as well," Smith said.

Authorities said Carlson tortured and beat the boys, and instructed them to lie to park rangers about any injuries. Rangers and passers-by noted the alleged abuse by Carlson, according to court documents.

The boys said Carlson also forced their fingers down their throats, making them vomit.

Oh, yeah; because that's how adults who love children, show it. I remember it well.

And you KNOW he didn't just go off his nut in the Grand Canyon. Lord only knows what other damage was done.
Some men just cant engauge their big brain and think only with their testostrone
Did anyone notices the ages? The grandfather is 45 and his oldest grandson is 12. Sounds like a bunch of rednecks.
Amazing, first the guy looks like he is in his late 20s. Second, a 45 year old grandfather, with the oldest being 12? Is this PF Tinmore's white trash family or what!
He is a bully and my guess is that his father was a bully and it is the only way he knows how to act. I would suggest that some Navy Seals take him on a little hike and swim. It would serve him well.
This isn't child abuse.

This is torture. And it's even further sadistic b/c it's coming from a person that should have never come close to doing such a thing.

The sadest part; They walked past people and no one stopped them.
Did anyone notices the ages? The grandfather is 45 and his oldest grandson is 12. Sounds like a bunch of rednecks.

Yep, and that hillbilly redneck lives in my town. I'll make sure to run him down if I ever see him out on the streets the sick freak. :evil:
I will happily testify in your defence, "honest your Honor he leaped right in front of that poor woman!"

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