From Arab Spring to Houthi Rebels: Obama's failed foreign policy

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
The Arab Spring took Obama by surprise. I guess he found out about it by watching TV news, like everything else. He was virtually silent during the protests in Egypt and the fall of totalitarian governments in other countries. US policy seemed to be "Dont ask, dont tell" to any of those countries.
What are the results:
Libya: Failed state with virtually no law
Yemen: Failed state with virtually no law
Iraq: Failing
Syria: Failing
Swarming groups of ISIS terrorists finding fertile ground to recruit and train new terrorists. This is what happens with a hands off policy in the US.
This "President" has left nothing in his wake but death, destruction, ruin, debt, racial divide, class warfare, scandal after scandal, lie after lie....

yet to many he remains the pinnacle of all that is the Democrat Party. :fu:

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