French Suburbs Becoming 'Separate Islamic Societies'


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
French Suburbs Becoming 'Separate Islamic Societies'

France's decrepit city suburbs are becoming 'separate Islamic societies' cut off from the state, a
ccording to a major new study that examines the spread of Islam in France.

Muslim immigrants are increasingly rejecting French values and identity and instead are immersing themselves in Islam, according to the report, which also warns that Islamic Sharia law is rapidly displacing French civil law in many parts of suburban Paris.

The 2,200-page report, "Banlieue de la République" (Suburbs of the Republic), is the result of a one-year research effort into the four "i's" that comprise the heart of the debate over French national identity: Islam, immigration, identity and insecurity.

The report was commissioned by the influential French think tank L'Institut Montaigne, and directed by Gilles Kepel, a well-known political scientist and specialist in the Muslim world, together with five other French researchers.

The authors of the report show that France, which has between five and six million Muslims (France has the largest Muslim population in European Union), is on the brink of a major social explosion because of the failure of Muslims to integrate into French society.

The report also shows how the problem is being exacerbated by radical Muslim leaders who are promoting the social marginalization of Muslim immigrants in order to create a parallel Muslim society in France that is ruled by Sharia law.

French Suburbs Becoming 'Separate Islamic Societies' :: Hudson New York

Wow, you stupid idiot leftist and marxist are moving head long into turning france into a islamic arab, negroid shit hole. How sicking. YAY, lets destroy white civilized society. I swear to god you leftist marxist fuckers are the stupidest eff'en people in all of humanity.:evil:
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French Suburbs Becoming 'Separate Islamic Societies'

Wow, that sounds cool. Wish we could do that here in America.

So turning all of europe into the middle east or Africa is something you would be ok with?:eek::eek::eek::eek:

Lakhota, what you're saying is that my people need to be wiped out.:(:(
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understandings of cult idenity...

Islam Watch - "Islam: Religion or Cult?" by Ali Sina realize the depth of the problem here. America had this problem with churchianity(not saying Christianity here) until the 1960's when American's revolted & kicked churchianity out of government.
Hypnosis & Milieu control through skillfully thought out public propaganda...

How to Spot Mind Control | Hitler 2012 the real enemy. The Gully Gullible's(GG's) had long ago fell for the 'Allah card' just as some of the other GG's fell for the 'God card' here in the USA. It's up to EACH individual to research, LEARN & PROTECT themselves from the cultists & power brokers. Years ago I dumped the DNC & then the GOP as I realized they both promoted 'Groupthink' which leads to polarization/cultism.
Islam is just another groupthink cult just like nazism, churchianity, Amway & a host of other groupie traps. Arm yourself with knowledge of INDVIDUALITY & personal thought process so you too can avoid becoming a GG victim!

French Suburbs Becoming 'Separate Islamic Societies'

France's decrepit city suburbs are becoming 'separate Islamic societies' cut off from the state, a
ccording to a major new study that examines the spread of Islam in France.

Muslim immigrants are increasingly rejecting French values and identity and instead are immersing themselves in Islam, according to the report, which also warns that Islamic Sharia law is rapidly displacing French civil law in many parts of suburban Paris.

The 2,200-page report, "Banlieue de la République" (Suburbs of the Republic), is the result of a one-year research effort into the four "i's" that comprise the heart of the debate over French national identity: Islam, immigration, identity and insecurity.

The report was commissioned by the influential French think tank L'Institut Montaigne, and directed by Gilles Kepel, a well-known political scientist and specialist in the Muslim world, together with five other French researchers.

The authors of the report show that France, which has between five and six million Muslims (France has the largest Muslim population in European Union), is on the brink of a major social explosion because of the failure of Muslims to integrate into French society.

The report also shows how the problem is being exacerbated by radical Muslim leaders who are promoting the social marginalization of Muslim immigrants in order to create a parallel Muslim society in France that is ruled by Sharia law.

French Suburbs Becoming 'Separate Islamic Societies' :: Hudson New York

Wow, you stupid idiot leftist and marxist are moving head long into turning france into a islamic arab, negroid shit hole. How sicking. YAY, lets destroy white civilized society. I swear to god you leftist marxist fuckers are the stupidest eff'en people in all of humanity.:evil:
Here's one for you Matthew. All rock but all black. Fuck you!

[ame=]Cult of Personality - Living Colour - YouTube[/ame]
Matthew your a disgusting pig. Your the kind of scumbag that wouldn't have the balls to say to my face what you say on the internet. I shit on faggots like you daily when I had no clue about what's important. Reading your posts makes me miss those days.

Our country is intigrated.... Deal with it bitch.
Something else Matthew. The black man didn't spend all our money. The black man didn't create the housing bubble, the black msm didn't create all the regulations that hold us back. The black man didn't create our corupt system.

Had the black man created you, you would be singing a different tune. You were blessed with being who you are. Your failures are not the product of the black man. They are your own. Own them and make your life better or make more excuses. The choice is yours, but you look pathetic trying to blame your insecurities on someone you have no control over
France made the mistake of becoming a haven for Muslims.

France let them all into their country.

The Muslims didn't assimilate into French society. They made their own.

France is now reaping what it sowed.

Can't say I feel any sympathy for em.
Wonder how long until we're over there bleeding trying to help them regain their Nation. Again.
French Suburbs Becoming 'Separate Islamic Societies'

Wow, that sounds cool. Wish we could do that here in America.

So turning all of europe into the middle east or Africa is something you would be ok with?:eek::eek::eek::eek:

Lakhota, what you're saying is that my people need to be wiped out.:(:(

I'm all for wiping out stupid. But I prefer education to extermination.

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