Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

America: SOS

Norah Petersen


Obamacare will never be repealed, it will transform the economy and political system permanently for the worse. The economy will continue to tank. There will be higher taxes and higher unemployment. Worse still is the prospect for our national security. The danger of our open border with Mexico will never be resolved, violent drug cartels and Islamic terrorists will continue to have 24/7 access to the country and no one in Washington will blink an eye. The defense budget will be cut. No one will stop Iran from getting the bomb. Russia and China will rapidly become more aggressive. And as America's national security declines, so does the security of the rest of the free world. As Mark Steyn said:

"The first victims of American retreat will be the many corners of the world that have benefited from an unusually benign hegemon. But the consequences of retreat will come home, too. In a more dangerous world, American decline will be steeper, faster, and more devastating than Britain's -- and something far closer to Rome's."

Reagan said that freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Well, we found that it is actually never more than one election away from extinction.

Read more: Blog: America: SOS
"I am angry that so many sons of the powerful and well placed and many professional athletes (who were probably healthier than any of us) managed to wangle slots in Reserve and National Guard units. Of the many tragedies of Vietnam, this raw class discrimination strikes me as the most damaging to the ideal that all Americans are created equal and owe equal allegiance to our country."
- General Colin Powell
A "champagne" unit in the US military is a unit where the families with wealth and/or political influence have been able to position their sons so that they can enjoy the prestige associated with military service in the United States while avoiding the perils of hazardous duty.

During the Vietnam War, the National Guand became a haven for "Champagne Units."
- only 8700 of those in the National Guard were sent to Vietnam (0.3% of its personnel)
- a disproportionate number of famous, wealthy, and/or politically well connected young men received slots in the Guard or Reserves during Vietnam,
- 360 athletes such as Bill Bradley and Nolan Ryan managed to obtain positions in the Guard while continuing their with their professional careers

The Texas Air National Guard 147th Fighter Interceptor Group, at Ellington Field in Houston was a classic example of a "champagne unit." Its membership included:
- Lloyd Bentsen Jr., son of Lloyd Bentsen - served in the House of Representatives from 1949 to 1955, four-term United States senator (1971–1993) from Texas, Democratic Party nominee for Vice President in 1988, Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, U.S. Treasury Secretary

- George W. Bush, son of George H. W. Bush - 41st President of the United States (1989–93), 43rd Vice President of the United States (1981–89), a congressman, an ambassador, a Director of Central Intelligence

- John Connally III, son of John Connally Jr. - 39th governor of Texas, Secretary of the Navy, Secretary of the Treasury

- the son of John Tower - Republican United States senator from Texas (1961-1985), chairman of the Reagan-appointed Tower Commission

- James R. Bath - director of Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), frontman for Salem bin Laden (Osama's brother), part owner of Arbusto Energy with George W. Bush

- seven members of the Dallas Cowboys

With all due respect to "American_Jihad," it is not the Columbian drug cartels, Islamic terrorirists, Iran, North Korea, China and/or Russia that represent the greatest threat to American freedom, it is the failure of those in power within the country to lead by example.
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With all due respect to "American_Jihad," it is not the Columbian drug cartels, Islamic terrorirists, Iran, North Korea, China and/or Russia that represent the greatest threat to American freedom, it is the failure of those in power within the country to lead by example.[/b]

Obama. No military service.
Biden. College deferments.
Clinton. College deferments.
Gore. Cushy journalist job.

No, you are simply wrong. The greatest threat to American freedom is the attitude that I am entitled and everyone else is obligated to provide.
"I am angry that so many sons of the powerful and well placed and many professional athletes (who were probably healthier than any of us) managed to wangle slots in Reserve and National Guard units. Of the many tragedies of Vietnam, this raw class discrimination strikes me as the most damaging to the ideal that all Americans are created equal and owe equal allegiance to our country."
- General Colin Powell

Champagne unit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A "champagne" unit in the US military is a unit where the families with wealth and/or political influence have been able to position their sons so that they can enjoy the prestige associated with military service in the United States while avoiding the perils of hazardous duty.

During the Vietnam War, the National Guand became a haven for "Champagne Units."
- only 8700 of those in the National Guard were sent to Vietnam (0.3% of its personnel)
- a disproportionate number of famous, wealthy, and/or politically well connected young men received slots in the Guard or Reserves during Vietnam,
- 360 athletes such as Bill Bradley and Nolan Ryan managed to obtain positions in the Guard while continuing their with their professional careers

The Texas Air National Guard 147th Fighter Interceptor Group, at Ellington Field in Houston was a classic example of a "champagne unit." Its membership included:
- Lloyd Bentsen Jr., son of Lloyd Bentsen - served in the House of Representatives from 1949 to 1955, four-term United States senator (1971–1993) from Texas, Democratic Party nominee for Vice President in 1988, Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, U.S. Treasury Secretary

- George W. Bush, son of George H. W. Bush - 41st President of the United States (1989–93), 43rd Vice President of the United States (1981–89), a congressman, an ambassador, a Director of Central Intelligence

- John Connally III, son of John Connally Jr. - 39th governor of Texas, Secretary of the Navy, Secretary of the Treasury

- the son of John Tower - Republican United States senator from Texas (1961-1985), chairman of the Reagan-appointed Tower Commission

- James R. Bath - director of Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), frontman for Salem bin Laden (Osama's brother), part owner of Arbusto Energy with George W. Bush

- seven members of the Dallas Cowboys

With all due respect to "American_Jihad," it is not the Columbian drug cartels, Islamic terrorirists, Iran, North Korea, China and/or Russia that represent the greatest threat to American freedom, it is the failure of those in power within the country to lead by example.

You forgot the link:
Champagne unit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"I am angry that so many sons of the powerful and well placed and many professional athletes (who were probably healthier than any of us) managed to wangle slots in Reserve and National Guard units. Of the many tragedies of Vietnam, this raw class discrimination strikes me as the most damaging to the ideal that all Americans are created equal and owe equal allegiance to our country."
- General Colin Powell

Champagne unit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A "champagne" unit in the US military is a unit where the families with wealth and/or political influence have been able to position their sons so that they can enjoy the prestige associated with military service in the United States while avoiding the perils of hazardous duty.

During the Vietnam War, the National Guand became a haven for "Champagne Units."
- only 8700 of those in the National Guard were sent to Vietnam (0.3% of its personnel)
- a disproportionate number of famous, wealthy, and/or politically well connected young men received slots in the Guard or Reserves during Vietnam,
- 360 athletes such as Bill Bradley and Nolan Ryan managed to obtain positions in the Guard while continuing their with their professional careers

The Texas Air National Guard 147th Fighter Interceptor Group, at Ellington Field in Houston was a classic example of a "champagne unit." Its membership included:
- Lloyd Bentsen Jr., son of Lloyd Bentsen - served in the House of Representatives from 1949 to 1955, four-term United States senator (1971–1993) from Texas, Democratic Party nominee for Vice President in 1988, Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, U.S. Treasury Secretary

- George W. Bush, son of George H. W. Bush - 41st President of the United States (1989–93), 43rd Vice President of the United States (1981–89), a congressman, an ambassador, a Director of Central Intelligence

- John Connally III, son of John Connally Jr. - 39th governor of Texas, Secretary of the Navy, Secretary of the Treasury

- the son of John Tower - Republican United States senator from Texas (1961-1985), chairman of the Reagan-appointed Tower Commission

- James R. Bath - director of Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), frontman for Salem bin Laden (Osama's brother), part owner of Arbusto Energy with George W. Bush

- seven members of the Dallas Cowboys

With all due respect to "American_Jihad," it is not the Columbian drug cartels, Islamic terrorirists, Iran, North Korea, China and/or Russia that represent the greatest threat to American freedom, it is the failure of those in power within the country to lead by example.

You forgot the link:
Champagne unit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Someone else did the work and he took the credit. Are you surprised?
A "champagne" unit in the US military is a unit where the families with wealth and/or political influence have been able to position their sons so that they can enjoy the prestige associated with military service in the United States while avoiding the perils of hazardous duty.

During the Vietnam War, the National Guand became a haven for "Champagne Units."
- only 8700 of those in the National Guard were sent to Vietnam (0.3% of its personnel)
- a disproportionate number of famous, wealthy, and/or politically well connected young men received slots in the Guard or Reserves during Vietnam,
- 360 athletes such as Bill Bradley and Nolan Ryan managed to obtain positions in the Guard while continuing their with their professional careers

The Texas Air National Guard 147th Fighter Interceptor Group, at Ellington Field in Houston was a classic example of a "champagne unit." Its membership included:
- Lloyd Bentsen Jr., son of Lloyd Bentsen - served in the House of Representatives from 1949 to 1955, four-term United States senator (1971–1993) from Texas, Democratic Party nominee for Vice President in 1988, Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, U.S. Treasury Secretary

- George W. Bush, son of George H. W. Bush - 41st President of the United States (1989–93), 43rd Vice President of the United States (1981–89), a congressman, an ambassador, a Director of Central Intelligence

- John Connally III, son of John Connally Jr. - 39th governor of Texas, Secretary of the Navy, Secretary of the Treasury

- the son of John Tower - Republican United States senator from Texas (1961-1985), chairman of the Reagan-appointed Tower Commission

- James R. Bath - director of Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), frontman for Salem bin Laden (Osama's brother), part owner of Arbusto Energy with George W. Bush

- seven members of the Dallas Cowboys

With all due respect to "American_Jihad," it is not the Columbian drug cartels, Islamic terrorirists, Iran, North Korea, China and/or Russia that represent the greatest threat to American freedom, it is the failure of those in power within the country to lead by example.

You forgot the link:
Champagne unit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Someone else did the work and he took the credit. Are you surprised?

They even go to the trouble to cut all these out ([2])
I see American_jihad has got a serious poop fetish. That photo is no doubt just one of many such photos in his vast, vast collection of pooping photos.

Why are so many conservatives so obsessed with poop? I think it must be an aftereffect of their many happy days of hanging out in mens' room stalls.
I see American_jihad has got a serious poop fetish. That photo is no doubt just one of many such photos in his vast, vast collection of pooping photos.

Why are so many conservatives so obsessed with poop? I think it must be an aftereffect of their many happy days of hanging out in mens' room stalls.

MaMoo, you should diet and take this guys advice...:D

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