Free Healthcare and Education for all!

Everyone gets free healthcare and a free education.
Presumably free is better than fee-for-service, but there's an old saying, "You get what you pay for."

How are we supposed to get "healthcare" as a "good" -- somehow worth money to be paid for -- from cruel, wicked, and perverse doctors whose every desire and lust is to cause as much pain, harm, and damage to the human body asthey can get away with without going to prison?

As far as education goes, inevitably, you can get all the communist indoctrination you want for free, but if it's something that might benefit you or make you money, you are going to have to work, fight, and struggle for it, and in the end you will be deprived of any benefits of it for yourself anyways. In other words, there is simply too much irremediable stupidity in the modern educational establishment for it to count for anything at all.

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