Fraud claims aimed in part at keeping Trump base loyal


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
“The Trump campaign’s strategy to file a barrage of lawsuits challenging President-elect Joe Biden’s win is more about providing President Donald Trump with an off-ramp for a loss he can’t quite grasp and less about changing the election’s outcome, according to senior officials, campaign aides and allies who spoke to The Associated Press.

Trump has promised legal action in the coming days as he refused to concede his loss to Biden, making an aggressive pitch for donors to help finance any court fight. Trump and his campaign have leveled accusations of large-scale voter fraud in Pennsylvania and other states that broke for Biden, so far without proof.

But proof isn’t really the point, said the people. The AP spoke with 10 Trump senior officials, campaign aides and allies who were not authorized to discuss the subject publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.

Trump aides and allies also acknowledged privately the legal fights would — at best — forestall the inevitable, and some had deep reservations about the president’s attempts to undermine faith in the vote. But they said Trump and a core group of allies were aiming to keep his loyal base of supporters on his side even in defeat.”

“The Trump campaign’s strategy to file a barrage of lawsuits challenging President-elect Joe Biden’s win is more about providing President Donald Trump with an off-ramp for a loss he can’t quite grasp and less about changing the election’s outcome, according to senior officials, campaign aides and allies who spoke to The Associated Press.

Trump has promised legal action in the coming days as he refused to concede his loss to Biden, making an aggressive pitch for donors to help finance any court fight. Trump and his campaign have leveled accusations of large-scale voter fraud in Pennsylvania and other states that broke for Biden, so far without proof.

But proof isn’t really the point, said the people. The AP spoke with 10 Trump senior officials, campaign aides and allies who were not authorized to discuss the subject publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.

Trump aides and allies also acknowledged privately the legal fights would — at best — forestall the inevitable, and some had deep reservations about the president’s attempts to undermine faith in the vote. But they said Trump and a core group of allies were aiming to keep his loyal base of supporters on his side even in defeat.”


A weak psychological operation. The efficacious factor about Donald J. Trump the democrats never could understand was and remains the faith Americans have in him. They believe in him. They believe in him much the same way original Americans believed in a man by the name of George Washington. You mighta heard of him . . .
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“The Trump campaign’s strategy to file a barrage of lawsuits challenging President-elect Joe Biden’s win is more about providing President Donald Trump with an off-ramp for a loss he can’t quite grasp and less about changing the election’s outcome, according to senior officials, campaign aides and allies who spoke to The Associated Press.

Trump has promised legal action in the coming days as he refused to concede his loss to Biden, making an aggressive pitch for donors to help finance any court fight. Trump and his campaign have leveled accusations of large-scale voter fraud in Pennsylvania and other states that broke for Biden, so far without proof.

But proof isn’t really the point, said the people. The AP spoke with 10 Trump senior officials, campaign aides and allies who were not authorized to discuss the subject publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.

Trump aides and allies also acknowledged privately the legal fights would — at best — forestall the inevitable, and some had deep reservations about the president’s attempts to undermine faith in the vote. But they said Trump and a core group of allies were aiming to keep his loyal base of supporters on his side even in defeat.”


A weak psychological operation. The efficacious factor about Donald J. Trump the democrats never could understand was and remains the faith Americans have in him. They believe in him. They believe in him much the same way original Americans believed in a man by the name of George Washington. You mighta heard of him . . .
“The Trump campaign’s strategy to file a barrage of lawsuits challenging President-elect Joe Biden’s win is more about providing President Donald Trump with an off-ramp for a loss he can’t quite grasp and less about changing the election’s outcome, according to senior officials, campaign aides and allies who spoke to The Associated Press.

Trump has promised legal action in the coming days as he refused to concede his loss to Biden, making an aggressive pitch for donors to help finance any court fight. Trump and his campaign have leveled accusations of large-scale voter fraud in Pennsylvania and other states that broke for Biden, so far without proof.

But proof isn’t really the point, said the people. The AP spoke with 10 Trump senior officials, campaign aides and allies who were not authorized to discuss the subject publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.

Trump aides and allies also acknowledged privately the legal fights would — at best — forestall the inevitable, and some had deep reservations about the president’s attempts to undermine faith in the vote. But they said Trump and a core group of allies were aiming to keep his loyal base of supporters on his side even in defeat.”


A weak psychological operation. The efficacious factor about Donald J. Trump the democrats never could understand was and remains the faith Americans have in him. They believe in him. They believe in him much the same way original Americans believed in a man by the name of George Washington. You mighta heard of him . . .
Don't waste bits to debate the op, just flame the fuck out of the kid
“The Trump campaign’s strategy to file a barrage of lawsuits challenging President-elect Joe Biden’s win is more about providing President Donald Trump with an off-ramp for a loss he can’t quite grasp and less about changing the election’s outcome, according to senior officials, campaign aides and allies who spoke to The Associated Press.

Trump has promised legal action in the coming days as he refused to concede his loss to Biden, making an aggressive pitch for donors to help finance any court fight. Trump and his campaign have leveled accusations of large-scale voter fraud in Pennsylvania and other states that broke for Biden, so far without proof.

But proof isn’t really the point, said the people. The AP spoke with 10 Trump senior officials, campaign aides and allies who were not authorized to discuss the subject publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.

Trump aides and allies also acknowledged privately the legal fights would — at best — forestall the inevitable, and some had deep reservations about the president’s attempts to undermine faith in the vote. But they said Trump and a core group of allies were aiming to keep his loyal base of supporters on his side even in defeat.”


A weak psychological operation. The efficacious factor about Donald J. Trump the democrats never could understand was and remains the faith Americans have in him. They believe in him. They believe in him much the same way original Americans believed in a man by the name of George Washington. You mighta heard of him . . .
“The Trump campaign’s strategy to file a barrage of lawsuits challenging President-elect Joe Biden’s win is more about providing President Donald Trump with an off-ramp for a loss he can’t quite grasp and less about changing the election’s outcome, according to senior officials, campaign aides and allies who spoke to The Associated Press.

Trump has promised legal action in the coming days as he refused to concede his loss to Biden, making an aggressive pitch for donors to help finance any court fight. Trump and his campaign have leveled accusations of large-scale voter fraud in Pennsylvania and other states that broke for Biden, so far without proof.

But proof isn’t really the point, said the people. The AP spoke with 10 Trump senior officials, campaign aides and allies who were not authorized to discuss the subject publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.

Trump aides and allies also acknowledged privately the legal fights would — at best — forestall the inevitable, and some had deep reservations about the president’s attempts to undermine faith in the vote. But they said Trump and a core group of allies were aiming to keep his loyal base of supporters on his side even in defeat.”


A weak psychological operation. The efficacious factor about Donald J. Trump the democrats never could understand was and remains the faith Americans have in him. They believe in him. They believe in him much the same way original Americans believed in a man by the name of George Washington. You mighta heard of him . . .
Don't waste bits to debate the op, just flame the fuck out of the kid

Roger that. So, as I was saying . . . Donald J. Trump is not unlike Christ in his resurrection during the election . . . ooh, ah . . . boom!
A weak psychological operation. The efficacious factor about Donald J. Trump the democrats never could understand was and remains the faith Americans have in him. They believe in him. They believe in him much the same way original Americans believed in a man by the name of George Washington. You mighta heard of him . . .

For what it is worth and for the record, I am STILL not a Trump fan. I completely understand why so many people hate him.

That said, he (Trump) stands up for the right things and he stands against the leftardz who see to destroy this country by circumventing the Constitution. Trump stands against the corrupt biased, complicit media. Trump stands against the fake polls intended to steal and skew the election. Trump stands against ILLEGAL immigration. Trump stands against Abortion on demand. Trump stands against the rioters and looters, flag burners and ANTIFAtardz that the leftardz embrace. . .

So, flawed a person as he may be. . . . Trump is all we have RIGHT NOW to defeat the fucking leftardz who are seeking to destroy this country and turn it into a socialism shithole for generations to come.
A weak psychological operation. The efficacious factor about Donald J. Trump the democrats never could understand was and remains the faith Americans have in him. They believe in him. They believe in him much the same way original Americans believed in a man by the name of George Washington. You mighta heard of him . . .

For what it is worth and for the record, I am STILL not a Trump fan. I completely understand why so many people hate him.

That said, he (Trump) stands up for the right things and he stands against the leftardz who see to destroy this country by circumventing the Constitution. Trump stands against the corrupt biased, complicit media. Trump stands against the fake polls intended to steal and skew the election. Trump stands against ILLEGAL immigration. Trump stands against Abortion on demand. Trump stands against the rioters and looters, flag burners and ANTIFAtardz that the leftardz embrace. . .

So, flawed a person as he may be. . . . Trump is all we have RIGHT NOW to defeat the fucking leftardz who are seeking to destroy this country and turn it into a socialism shithole for generations to come.

I can see where you are coming from. I am equal parts looking at Trump like he is some Alexander the Great and also wanting to egg his house. What we needed (and Trump delivered for many) was a leader we could truly believe in. Americans haven't had that since US Grant, IMHO.
The right needs to keep their base riled up until the runoff elections for Senators from Georgia in January. That election will determine the leadership of the Senate,
“The Trump campaign’s strategy to file a barrage of lawsuits challenging President-elect Joe Biden’s win is more about providing President Donald Trump with an off-ramp for a loss he can’t quite grasp and less about changing the election’s outcome, according to senior officials, campaign aides and allies who spoke to The Associated Press.

Trump has promised legal action in the coming days as he refused to concede his loss to Biden, making an aggressive pitch for donors to help finance any court fight. Trump and his campaign have leveled accusations of large-scale voter fraud in Pennsylvania and other states that broke for Biden, so far without proof.

But proof isn’t really the point, said the people. The AP spoke with 10 Trump senior officials, campaign aides and allies who were not authorized to discuss the subject publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.

Trump aides and allies also acknowledged privately the legal fights would — at best — forestall the inevitable, and some had deep reservations about the president’s attempts to undermine faith in the vote. But they said Trump and a core group of allies were aiming to keep his loyal base of supporters on his side even in defeat.”


So your saying that computer glitch that switched 6000 Trump votes into Biden votes never happened, and it shouldnt be looked into whether other counties using the same software aalso had similar "GLITCHES"??

There are things that need to be looked into. Get over it. last time I checked Trump didnt send FBI agents to spy on Biden or hire ex mI6 agents to make up crap. Trump was blamed for 4 years of conspiring with Russians, I think Biden can use a little scrutiny and its not going to kill him.
A weak psychological operation. The efficacious factor about Donald J. Trump the democrats never could understand was and remains the faith Americans have in him. They believe in him. They believe in him much the same way original Americans believed in a man by the name of George Washington. You mighta heard of him . . .

For what it is worth and for the record, I am STILL not a Trump fan. I completely understand why so many people hate him.

That said, he (Trump) stands up for the right things and he stands against the leftardz who see to destroy this country by circumventing the Constitution. Trump stands against the corrupt biased, complicit media. Trump stands against the fake polls intended to steal and skew the election. Trump stands against ILLEGAL immigration. Trump stands against Abortion on demand. Trump stands against the rioters and looters, flag burners and ANTIFAtardz that the leftardz embrace. . .

So, flawed a person as he may be. . . . Trump is all we have RIGHT NOW to defeat the fucking leftardz who are seeking to destroy this country and turn it into a socialism shithole for generations to come.

I'll take Trumps boorish behavior over the Democrats deep corruption, lying and self serving nature any day. At least you know what you get with him.
“The Trump campaign’s strategy to file a barrage of lawsuits challenging President-elect Joe Biden’s win is more about providing President Donald Trump with an off-ramp for a loss he can’t quite grasp and less about changing the election’s outcome, according to senior officials, campaign aides and allies who spoke to The Associated Press.

Trump has promised legal action in the coming days as he refused to concede his loss to Biden, making an aggressive pitch for donors to help finance any court fight. Trump and his campaign have leveled accusations of large-scale voter fraud in Pennsylvania and other states that broke for Biden, so far without proof.

But proof isn’t really the point, said the people. The AP spoke with 10 Trump senior officials, campaign aides and allies who were not authorized to discuss the subject publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.

Trump aides and allies also acknowledged privately the legal fights would — at best — forestall the inevitable, and some had deep reservations about the president’s attempts to undermine faith in the vote. But they said Trump and a core group of allies were aiming to keep his loyal base of supporters on his side even in defeat.”

What a load of horse shit. Trump has millions of loyal followers because he's Trump. He's not a politician. He's a billionaire who can't be bought and he's a businessman who knows how to get shit done. He says what he thinks, not what some politician would say.

He did a great job for this country in his four years and could possibly get another four years. Time will tell on that.
“The Trump campaign’s strategy to file a barrage of lawsuits challenging President-elect Joe Biden’s win is more about providing President Donald Trump with an off-ramp for a loss he can’t quite grasp and less about changing the election’s outcome, according to senior officials, campaign aides and allies who spoke to The Associated Press.

Trump has promised legal action in the coming days as he refused to concede his loss to Biden, making an aggressive pitch for donors to help finance any court fight. Trump and his campaign have leveled accusations of large-scale voter fraud in Pennsylvania and other states that broke for Biden, so far without proof.

But proof isn’t really the point, said the people. The AP spoke with 10 Trump senior officials, campaign aides and allies who were not authorized to discuss the subject publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.

Trump aides and allies also acknowledged privately the legal fights would — at best — forestall the inevitable, and some had deep reservations about the president’s attempts to undermine faith in the vote. But they said Trump and a core group of allies were aiming to keep his loyal base of supporters on his side even in defeat.”

What a load of horse shit. Trump has millions of loyal followers because he's Trump. He's not a politician. He's a billionaire who can't be bought and he's a businessman who knows how to get shit done. He says what he thinks, not what some politician would say.

He did a great job for this country in his four years and could possibly get another four years. Time will tell on that.
If he`s actually a billionaire why did he need to rob his own charity? The Trump Foundation is shut down and he was fined $2 million dollars for stealing from himself. He has millions of loyal followers because he`s Trump? Did he have these followers his entire life or did they fall in love when he called Mexicans racists and murderers? I think we know the answer.

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