FOX’s Chris Wallace Makes Difficult Admission To His Conservative Audience


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

As a FOX Noise talking head, Chris Wallace was an embarrassment to his father, Mike Wallace. Mike Wallace came from an era of actual journalism, where as his son, is nothing more than propaganda voice for the extreme right wing.

But, Chris Wallace is also a father, a father of girls, who he just discovered are among the many who are survivors sexual assaults by young men. We all know the type, most are the “boys" from families of moderate to immense wealth, who believe they are entitled to sexually assault young, unwilling girls, as a rite of passage.

Naturally, they boast to their friends of their success the previous night, and claim the girl felt the Earth move. Which is certainly the case with Brett Kavanaugh. And like every other “young stud” who claimed great sexual prowess, Kavanaugh expected his victims to remain silent for life. After all, in those days, rape was only a crime if the victim could convince the jury she was NOT a tramp.

In today’s world, the victim still must convince conservatives on the jury she is NOT a tramp. This can be quite difficult, as we’ve seen. In fact, since the idiot trump entered the White House, conservatives' preference for political candidates who are also sexual predators has increased greatly. (Before the conservatives get their panties in a twist, remember, you people voted overwhelmingly for the idiot trump, an admitted sexual predator, and Roy Moore, who, while not a pedophile, is an ephebophile, which is also sexually predatory and repugnant to people of reason.)

That aside, as a talking head for FOX Noise, it is Chris Wallace’s job is to defend Republican sex criminals, defend Republican politicians caught receiving bribes, and defend every other mode of corruption by Republicans in office or running for office.

For Wallace to publicly take his daughters’ claims seriously, and then warn viewers watching his coverage on FOX Noise on Thursday “that they should be careful not to discount the allegations of Christine Blasey Ford against Brett Kavanaugh, invoking the experience of his own daughters in high school” was a dangerous action for him to take.

Wallace went on to say, “ ‘My family, a lot of it on email, has been discussing this and disagreeing and arguing about it. Two of my daughters have told me stories that I had never heard before about things that happened to them in high school and hadn’t told their parents.’ “

“ ‘There are teenage girls who don’t tell stories to a lot of people and then it comes up,’ he continued. ‘I don’t think we can disregard Ford and the seriousness of this.’ ”

Of course, Wallace’s words fell on the deaf ears of the FOX Noise audience, who are certain Kavanaugh never had a sexual thought until his wedding night. And the Old White Men of the GOP, they admire Kavanaugh for his sexual aggressiveness towards young girls, because raping young girls IS a rite of passage for those corrupt perverts. As Mitch McConnell is proving by ignoring the growing allegations against Kavanaugh, and the idiot trump.

It’s just more of the hypocrisy of the Republican congressional majority, and is what so many conservatives admire most about their Grand Old Party.

The conservatives’ admiration will be evident in their responses to this OP. Rational people need not reply to the foolishness of the righties. (And, yes, Democrats have also faced accusations, all but a few reacted honorably, and stepped down as a result. Unfortunately, there is NO honor in the Republican Party.)

Fox News’ Chris Wallace's daughters convinced him to reevaluate Kavanaugh


I would say to Mr. Wallace that the world is what it is. The powerful will always take advantage of the weak be it physically, mentally, financially, spiritually, etc...

Brett Kavanaugh may or may not have done what was alleged. I don't think anyone is dismissing the seriousness of the charges.
I think that people are dismissive of the time in his life when he allegedly did this and I think people (like myself) are dubious on why this wasn't brought up when he was getting several jobs on the way to where he is today.

There is a stigma associated with the nature of the alleged crime. Its not diminishing the stigma to ask why the allegations were not brought to light earlier when the gestation period was over three decades.
The Democrats sunk about as low as they ever have today. It would be a shame to reward their disgusting behavior, but who knows?

The election of Donald Trump was great for a lot of reasons. But none more important than revealing just how dirty and disgusting these Democrats are.
Kiss my ass Kavanaugh had victims. He's only got accusers who can present no fucking evidence.
The Democrats sunk about as low as they ever have today. It would be a shame to reward their disgusting behavior, but who knows?

The election of Donald Trump was great for a lot of reasons. But none more important than revealing just how dirty and disgusting these Democrats are.

Spot on. One star just won't do...

Have a little faith baby. Have a little faith! Now get back down into your hole.
I would say to Mr. Wallace that the world is what it is. The powerful will always take advantage of the weak be it physically, mentally, financially, spiritually, etc...

Brett Kavanaugh may or may not have done what was alleged. I don't think anyone is dismissing the seriousness of the charges.
I think that people are dismissive of the time in his life when he allegedly did this and I think people (like myself) are dubious on why this wasn't brought up when he was getting several jobs on the way to where he is today.

There is a stigma associated with the nature of the alleged crime. Its not diminishing the stigma to ask why the allegations were not brought to light earlier when the gestation period was over three decades.
Are you saying that victims of sexual assault have to either speak up within a certain time or forever hold their peace? You do realize sexual assault doesn't involve wedding vows?
I've got several real problems with your entire argumentation.
-First, it is VERY common for people to not report cases of sexual assault. It is by no means a small thing to commit to the mental anguish and confronting a person and an incident, that is so invasive as sexual assault.
-Second, trying to imply, like I think you are, that age of the culprit has any bearing on the seriousness of that type of crime. We aren't talking about shoplifting.
-Third, that we simply have to accept that powerful men do this kind of thing. Being powerful brings a greater responsibility to act appropriately, not less.
-Fourth, that doubting this incident occurred is enough reason to elect someone to the supreme court. The standard for a Supreme Court justice should be higher than, I don't know for certain he committed sexual assault.
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You think that 16 year old boys are powerful men? Really? You know these boys could not even say the word fuck. The farthest they would go is fffffff.
You think that 16 year old boys are powerful men? Really? You know these boys could not even say the word fuck. The farthest they would go is fffffff.
Interesting that you choose to only reply to one of the four things I brought up. To answer your question, no 16 year old boys aren't. Brett Kavanaugh is. He is trying to become a Supreme Court Justice. Is it to much to expect a person in that position to be beyond reproach? He will be asked to judge on cases that have far reaching consequences, yet you seem to be suggesting he shouldn't be held to a standard I want everybody to meet.
You think that 16 year old boys are powerful men? Really? You know these boys could not even say the word fuck. The farthest they would go is fffffff.
Interesting that you choose to only reply to one of the four things I brought up. To answer your question, no 16 year old boys aren't. Brett Kavanaugh is. He is trying to become a Supreme Court Justice. Is it to much to expect a person in that position to be beyond reproach? He will be asked to judge on cases that have far reaching consequences, yet you seem to be suggesting he shouldn't be held to a standard I want everybody to meet.
The rebps want him to be held to a standard they want everyone to meet...;)

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