Foxnews: Islam growsin Haiti as never before !

Ancient lion

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Nov 22, 2010
This is a victory for me," the 43-year-old woman said about her post-quake conversion. The former Protestant spoke in the tent-filled courtyard of her home, her face framed by a clean, black head scarf. "It's a victory that I received peace and found guidance."

Islam is hardly unknown in the Caribbean; countries such as Trinidad & Tobago, Suriname and Guyana have significant Muslim populations. Many of those nations have strong roots in countries such as India and Indonesia where Islam is widespread.

The ancestors of Haitians, by contrast, were brought largely from non-Muslim areas of Africa. Haiti's French colonial rulers also imported their Christian beliefs.

The recent growth of Islam, as well as other new religions, shows Haiti is modernizing and becoming more pluralistic, said Patrick Bellegarde-Smith, a professor of Africology at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

"Inroads made by Islam (and by extension, by Mormonism and Rastafarianism) tell me that Haiti is very much a product of this century, subject to all winds, ill-winds and otherwise, that blow over the Caribbean nation-states," Bellegarde-Smith wrote in an email.

Rosedany Bazille, a 39-year-old teacher who converted several months after the earthquake, said she had felt rudderless before embracing the religion and was looking for a way forward.

"Islam can put people on the right path and show them who's God," she said.

With so much still wrong in Haiti, the need for Islam couldn't be greater, said Billy. Two months ago, he launched his live talk show to educate his compatriots about his adopted faith.

Billy's BlackBerry buzzed with missives, including this one in Creole: "M vle vini Muslim" — "I want to be a Muslim."

Islam appears to spread in Haiti, a country where Christianity and Voodoo hold sway | Fox News

As promised...
It's easy to grow in a place as never before when there has never been growth before
Haiti is an example of desperation, despair, desolation and disillusion. Such places are ripe for anything that seems to promise a change.
It's easy to grow in a place that already mostly follows the same god of this world that islam follows. Voodoo/Islam, both beliefs in religion of the evil one. Christianity in haiti is almost non-existant as they are too apt to hold onto their old false religion even when voicing that they are Christians. You cannot be both a Christian AND a believer in voodoo and other occult thinking, and approx 80% of haitians beleive in the occult, therefore they cannot be Chrsitian. Islam is perfect for them, it;s a lateral move under the same god of this world that brings us voodoo and other occult beliefs. The end result is the same whether they follow their own old occultist beliefs or if they follow islam, they end up in hell.
Haiti is an example of desperation, despair, desolation and disillusion. Such places are ripe for anything that seems to promise a change.
It's easy to grow in a place that already mostly follows the same god of this world that islam follows. Voodoo/Islam, both beliefs in religion of the evil one. Christianity in haiti is almost non-existant as they are too apt to hold onto their old false religion even when voicing that they are Christians. You cannot be both a Christian AND a believer in voodoo and other occult thinking, and approx 80% of haitians beleive in the occult, therefore they cannot be Chrsitian. Islam is perfect for them, it;s a lateral move under the same god of this world that brings us voodoo and other occult beliefs. The end result is the same whether they follow their own old occultist beliefs or if they follow islam, they end up in hell.
FOX TV News - Islam World Most Growing Religion in America and the world

FOX TV News - Islam World Most Growing Religion - YouTube
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Haiti is an example of desperation, despair, desolation and disillusion. Such places are ripe for anything that seems to promise a change.
It's easy to grow in a place that already mostly follows the same god of this world that islam follows. Voodoo/Islam, both beliefs in religion of the evil one. Christianity in haiti is almost non-existant as they are too apt to hold onto their old false religion even when voicing that they are Christians. You cannot be both a Christian AND a believer in voodoo and other occult thinking, and approx 80% of haitians beleive in the occult, therefore they cannot be Chrsitian. Islam is perfect for them, it;s a lateral move under the same god of this world that brings us voodoo and other occult beliefs. The end result is the same whether they follow their own old occultist beliefs or if they follow islam, they end up in hell.
FOX TV News - Islam World Most Growing Religion in America and the world

FOX TV News - Islam World Most Growing Religion - YouTube

That must be do to the fact that you bring more children than regular families and that people cannot that easily leave Islam:eusa_whistle:
Does popularity equal righteousness? Heck, FoxNews is the most popular cable news channel, but that does not make them the best or the most correct.

Personally? I don't long as Islam leaves me in peace to worship as I choose, I will give them the same courtesy.
Travel warning issued for Haiti...
US State Department Issues Travel Warning for Haiti
December 29, 2012 - The U.S. State Department has issued a travel warning for Americans living in or traveling to Haiti, citing numerous hazards, including murder, robbery and infectious disease, mainly in the Port-au-Prince area.
The advisory issued Friday said "no one is safe from kidnapping, regardless of occupation, nationality, race, gender, or age." The warning said recent travelers have been attacked and robbed shortly after leaving the Port-au-Prince airport.

At least two U.S. citizens were shot and killed in robbery and kidnapping incidents this year. The warning said Haitian authorities have "limited capacity" to deter or investigate violent acts, or prosecute assailants. The advisory says cholera persists in many areas of the country.

The warning encouraged visitors to Haiti to purchase evacuation insurance because some travelers to Haiti who have been injured in accidents or have other serious health concerns have not been able to find medical care in Haiti. They end up having to pay for medical evacuation to the U.S. The advisory described ambulance services in Haiti as "particularly weak."

Pulling foreign aid to countries based on how much of their population is Islamic is a really good idea! Next we can ban Islam here and start burning crosses in those dirty Muslims lawns! :rolleyes:

really? Why not?

Tell me... why should we give aid of any kind to people, country and a religion that preaches our destruction... that hate us?

Sorry... not my idea of something to wast our tax payers money on
Pulling foreign aid to countries based on how much of their population is Islamic is a really good idea! Next we can ban Islam here and start burning crosses in those dirty Muslims lawns! :rolleyes:

really? Why not?

Tell me... why should we give aid of any kind to people, country and a religion that preaches our destruction... that hate us?

Sorry... not my idea of something to wast our tax payers money on

The destruction of America is not an Islamic tenant. Being a muslim doesn't make someone anti-American.
Pulling foreign aid to countries based on how much of their population is Islamic is a really good idea! Next we can ban Islam here and start burning crosses in those dirty Muslims lawns! :rolleyes:

really? Why not?

Tell me... why should we give aid of any kind to people, country and a religion that preaches our destruction... that hate us?

Sorry... not my idea of something to wast our tax payers money on

The destruction of America is not an Islamic tenant. Being a muslim doesn't make someone anti-American.

the destruction of anything .... NOT muslim.... is an islamic tenant.
It's easy to grow in a place that already mostly follows the same god of this world that islam follows. Voodoo/Islam, both beliefs in religion of the evil one. Christianity in haiti is almost non-existant as they are too apt to hold onto their old false religion even when voicing that they are Christians. You cannot be both a Christian AND a believer in voodoo and other occult thinking, and approx 80% of haitians beleive in the occult, therefore they cannot be Chrsitian. Islam is perfect for them, it;s a lateral move under the same god of this world that brings us voodoo and other occult beliefs. The end result is the same whether they follow their own old occultist beliefs or if they follow islam, they end up in hell.

That description is a blithely hopeless ignorance. Haiti is predominantly Catholic (80%) and the roughly half the population that partakes of Voodoo rituals do it simultaneously with their Catholocism. Voodoo practitioners have always been simultaneous Catholics, owing in part to a common sense of iconography (Catholic saints/Voodoo loa) and they commonly incorporate Catholic prayers into Voodoo ceremonies. Much the same is true of Voodoo's relatives Santería in Cuba and Candomblé in Brazil. But Voodoo has no such "evil one" deity. Such a split is not a given starting point in human spirituality; it's the unfortunate philosophical yoke we are sentenced to by our own checkered Eurocentric history.

I'm afraid that split between good and evil is a Christian failing, just as is the split between the physical and the spiritual world. In Voodoo these are not opposing or contrasting forces, but intersecting ones. The conflicts implied by the limitations of Christianity, simply don't exist in the African spiritual idiom. So trying to look at Voodoo through a Christianist lens is going to render a picture fraught with the narrow philosophical prejudices that distort that lens by its own limitations.

I suspect that that unfortunate distortion of "good/evil" religious dichotomy leaves its mark in the inability of its followers to think outside the same limitation-box of "black/white" absolutism in their worldview. And more's the pity because it shuts them out from insight and foments ignorance. As in the post above.
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