Fox News has a brand new conspiracy theory for the Biden era!


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Well, here we go. Fox is losing so many viewers to Newsmax and OAN that they decided they'd better start dishing up Q-style Kookery. Bad decision is ya ask me. They could have gotten rid of Hannity, Carlson, Ingraham and picked up a wide swath of more centrist viewers who appreciate real journalism from guys like Chris Wallace and Shep Smith. Sad - VERY sad actually. :confused:

Fox News’ Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson have latched onto a new conspiracy theory in the waning days of Donald Trump’s presidency and the beginning of Joe Biden’s, telling viewers that the incoming president and the federal government are attempting to intimidate and silence conservatives—and using footage of the heightened military presence in Washington, D.C. to support their claim. As thousands of National Guard troops streamed into Washington from across the country in the wake of the deadly storming of the U.S. Capitol by pro-Trump extremists—a movement Fox’s conspiracy-filled election coverage helped fuel—Hannity on Monday claimed Democrats are behind “a chilling, Orwellian effort … to silence, cancel, any opposition voices,” while Carlson pointed to the sight of the fortified capital ahead of the inauguration as a show of force from Democrats intending to send the message: “Do not question us. Men with guns enforce our decrees,” Axios reports.​
The new, unfounded conspiracy seems like an attempt to unify pro-Trump viewers ahead of the transfer of power, the traditionally peaceful nature of which was thrown into question amid new threats of violence from right-wing extremists emboldened by the Capitol attack. It’s also an indication of the direction the network may take in a post-Trump world, when there’s no president to spin conspiracies via tweet for its talking heads to parrot. Based on several reports, the network plans to put a renewed emphasis on its opinion section. At least 16 of Fox News’s editorial employees, including senior editors, were fired on Tuesday—layoffs the network claimed are part of a “restructuring” initiative but that others characterized as a “purge,” the Daily Beast reports. Of the dozen current and recently departed staffers who spoke with the outlet, all said the layoffs are part of a broader change underway at Fox, described by the Daily Beast as an attempt “to pivot its website from straight-news reporting to right-wing opinion content in the mold of Fox’s primetime programming.”​

Well, here we go. Fox is losing so many viewers to Newsmax and OAN that they decided they'd better start dishing up Q-style Kookery. Bad decision is ya ask me. They could have gotten rid of Hannity, Carlson, Ingraham and picked up a wide swath of more centrist viewers who appreciate real journalism from guys like Chris Wallace and Shep Smith. Sad - VERY sad actually. :confused:

Fox News’ Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson have latched onto a new conspiracy theory in the waning days of Donald Trump’s presidency and the beginning of Joe Biden’s, telling viewers that the incoming president and the federal government are attempting to intimidate and silence conservatives—and using footage of the heightened military presence in Washington, D.C. to support their claim. As thousands of National Guard troops streamed into Washington from across the country in the wake of the deadly storming of the U.S. Capitol by pro-Trump extremists—a movement Fox’s conspiracy-filled election coverage helped fuel—Hannity on Monday claimed Democrats are behind “a chilling, Orwellian effort … to silence, cancel, any opposition voices,” while Carlson pointed to the sight of the fortified capital ahead of the inauguration as a show of force from Democrats intending to send the message: “Do not question us. Men with guns enforce our decrees,” Axios reports.​
The new, unfounded conspiracy seems like an attempt to unify pro-Trump viewers ahead of the transfer of power, the traditionally peaceful nature of which was thrown into question amid new threats of violence from right-wing extremists emboldened by the Capitol attack. It’s also an indication of the direction the network may take in a post-Trump world, when there’s no president to spin conspiracies via tweet for its talking heads to parrot. Based on several reports, the network plans to put a renewed emphasis on its opinion section. At least 16 of Fox News’s editorial employees, including senior editors, were fired on Tuesday—layoffs the network claimed are part of a “restructuring” initiative but that others characterized as a “purge,” the Daily Beast reports. Of the dozen current and recently departed staffers who spoke with the outlet, all said the layoffs are part of a broader change underway at Fox, described by the Daily Beast as an attempt “to pivot its website from straight-news reporting to right-wing opinion content in the mold of Fox’s primetime programming.”​

Otherwise they might have to report the truth.
The new, unfounded conspiracy

UP YOURS, asshole. Joe Biden literally SPELLED IT OUT in his inaugural speech that he is going after all these things from "insurgent groups," to fake news and misinformation to "white supremacists" that anyone with a brain stem knows is all code words for putting Trump Supporters, conservatives, and all channels of democrat opposition and conservative talk radio and news all out of commission by labeling them as misinformation and stirring the pot for the non-existent domestic "terrorist" threat now dreamed up by the democrats and their lackey media.

Democrats see an opportunity now to LOCK OUT real America seen in Trump's following from ever retaking the center stage while cementing their hold on monolithic one-party runing power.
Otherwise they might have to report the truth.

Apparently truth doesn't sell.
Apparently lies are not selling too well now. Fox ratings have dropped to third place. MSNBC second. CNN third.
Otherwise they might have to report the truth.

Apparently truth doesn't sell.
Truth does sell. Fox is just late to the bandwagon. Old man Murdock came back because ratings are so bad. All they have left now are mouth breathers.
Truth does sell. Fox is just late to the bandwagon. Old man Murdock came back because ratings are so bad. All they have left now are mouth breathers.

I think you're right and that Rupert is making a horrible decision. Just read some of the posts here in USMB. They seem to LOATHE Fox News now and it may be too late to get them back by going to the Q-Kookery like OAN and Newsmax did long ago.
Well, here we go. Fox is losing so many viewers to Newsmax and OAN that they decided they'd better start dishing up Q-style Kookery. Bad decision is ya ask me. They could have gotten rid of Hannity, Carlson, Ingraham and picked up a wide swath of more centrist viewers who appreciate real journalism from guys like Chris Wallace and Shep Smith. Sad - VERY sad actually. :confused:

The new, unfounded conspiracy seems like an attempt to unify pro-Trump viewers ahead of the transfer of power, the traditionally peaceful nature of which was thrown into question amid new threats of violence from right-wing extremists emboldened by the Capitol attack. It’s also an indication of the direction the network may take in a post-Trump world, when there’s no president to spin conspiracies via tweet for its talking heads to parrot. Based on several reports, the network plans to put a renewed emphasis on its opinion section. At least 16 of Fox News’s editorial employees, including senior editors, were fired on Tuesday—layoffs the network claimed are part of a “restructuring” initiative but that others characterized as a “purge,” the Daily Beast reports. Of the dozen current and recently departed staffers who spoke with the outlet, all said the layoffs are part of a broader change underway at Fox, described by the Daily Beast as an attempt “to pivot its website from straight-news reporting to right-wing opinion content in the mold of Fox’s primetime programming.”​

Wow!! This really is news, thanx, DrLove. Yet ANOTHER purge, like the big Antifa purge on Twitter.

Yeah, well, Fox had BETTER purge. I had plural relatives from widely separated parts of the country suggesting I get my news from One America News and NewsMax and I don't know what-all after that truly awful election coverage. I had to watch the national AND Georgia elections on CNN, Fox was so bad, and that's saying something. Every time CNN went to the leftist commentators, I had to dive for cover, but it was still better than Fox.

And then they covered the Jan. 6 thing better, but too little, too late. Fox has killed itself! I don't know what got into them. They are losing their entire audience, and we hardly watch any TV news at all now --- can't trust anyone! Just switch to the business channels as fast as we can, get away from there. So they are purging I HOPE in an attempt to get their conservatives back. But maybe they'll turn into Biden stooges. My Washington Times, a reliably pretty-far-right paper the whole Trump administration, just turned on its heel and marched Left ---- Wednesday. I don't know what is wrong with them; do they think we all just disappeared? I'll have to unsubscribe.
Democrats see an opportunity now to LOCK OUT real America seen in Trump's following from ever retaking the center stage while cementing their hold on monolithic one-party runing power.

There's an idea with real promise. . . . it worked out so well for the leftists last time they tried it. :uhh:
Nobody and I mean nobody is happy to see Trump gone, than Fux Noise. Having to pretend and deflect from this mf was not only exhausting, it was painful for these fake news if anybody is glad to see democrats back in control, its Fux Noise. But here's the deal, if you want to live in a bubble of vomit and bullshit, that's the place to get wet!!
I think you're right and that Rupert is making a horrible decision. Just read some of the posts here in USMB. They seem to LOATHE Fox News now and it may be too late to get them back by going to the Q-Kookery like OAN and Newsmax did long ago.

I'm not saying I loathe Fox, but I can't be watching that stuff. I'm just hiding out and waiting for the dust to settle, but it sure is a Dust Bowl right now.

I think this is an important development. That people take HUGE swings of opinion en masse and just suddenly abandon something like Fox News. Well, and Twitter! And Facebook! This is the power of the Internet, these sudden powerful large-scale shifts of opinion. And a whole market disappears. It's how people and whole groups are Cancelled. I guess it's better than Madame Guillotine, but I don't like it.

When Fox did such an awful job with election coverage and got hot push-back from the White House late at night, I was fascinated to see Brett Baier look ------ scared. He became very conciliatory. Fox is in a heap of trouble; they could lose their market as fast as they gained it.
I think you're right and that Rupert is making a horrible decision. Just read some of the posts here in USMB. They seem to LOATHE Fox News now and it may be too late to get them back by going to the Q-Kookery like OAN and Newsmax did long ago.

I'm not saying I loathe Fox, but I can't be watching that stuff. I'm just hiding out and waiting for the dust to settle, but it sure is a Dust Bowl right now.

I think this is an important development. That people take HUGE swings of opinion en masse and just suddenly abandon something like Fox News. Well, and Twitter! And Facebook! This is the power of the Internet, these sudden powerful large-scale shifts of opinion. And a whole market disappears. It's how people and whole groups are Cancelled. I guess it's better than Madame Guillotine, but I don't like it.

When Fox did such an awful job with election coverage and got hot push-back from the White House late at night, I was fascinated to see Brett Baier look ------ scared. He became very conciliatory. Fox is in a heap of trouble; they could lose their market as fast as they gained it.
The beauty about this wonderful country that Trump fucked up, is that everybody got a source of information to go to...and if these brain dead diaper wearing maxi pad Trump whores want to feed their empty heads with false fake news...WHO CARES?
There is a nice big market for a conservative leaning cable news channel. If Fox News doesn’t want to service that market then another cable network will.

Actually I think there is a really big market for a news outlet that broadcasts accurate news and not propaganda. Now of the major cable outlets fit that bill today. Today you get to pick the channel or outlet that delivers your favorite propaganda and I get to pick mine. We are treated like mushrooms. We are fed bullshit and kept in the dark.
There is a nice big market for a conservative leaning cable news channel. If Fox News doesn’t want to service that market then another cable network will.

Actually I think there is a really big market for a news outlet that broadcasts accurate news and not propaganda. Now of the major cable outlets fit that bill today. Today you get to pick the channel or outlet that delivers your favorite propaganda and I get to pick mine. We are treated like mushrooms. We are fed bullshit and kept in the dark.
There is a nice big market for a conservative leaning cable news channel. If Fox News doesn’t want to service that market then another cable network will.

Actually I think there is a really big market for a news outlet that broadcasts accurate news and not propaganda. Now of the major cable outlets fit that bill today. Today you get to pick the channel or outlet that delivers your favorite propaganda and I get to pick mine. We are treated like mushrooms. We are fed bullshit and kept in the dark.

Sometimes it is not what you cover but what you don’t cover.

Well, here we go. Fox is losing so many viewers to Newsmax and OAN that they decided they'd better start dishing up Q-style Kookery. Bad decision is ya ask me. They could have gotten rid of Hannity, Carlson, Ingraham and picked up a wide swath of more centrist viewers who appreciate real journalism from guys like Chris Wallace and Shep Smith. Sad - VERY sad actually. :confused:

The new, unfounded conspiracy seems like an attempt to unify pro-Trump viewers ahead of the transfer of power, the traditionally peaceful nature of which was thrown into question amid new threats of violence from right-wing extremists emboldened by the Capitol attack. It’s also an indication of the direction the network may take in a post-Trump world, when there’s no president to spin conspiracies via tweet for its talking heads to parrot. Based on several reports, the network plans to put a renewed emphasis on its opinion section. At least 16 of Fox News’s editorial employees, including senior editors, were fired on Tuesday—layoffs the network claimed are part of a “restructuring” initiative but that others characterized as a “purge,” the Daily Beast reports. Of the dozen current and recently departed staffers who spoke with the outlet, all said the layoffs are part of a broader change underway at Fox, described by the Daily Beast as an attempt “to pivot its website from straight-news reporting to right-wing opinion content in the mold of Fox’s primetime programming.”​

Wow!! This really is news, thanx, DrLove. Yet ANOTHER purge, like the big Antifa purge on Twitter.

Yeah, well, Fox had BETTER purge. I had plural relatives from widely separated parts of the country suggesting I get my news from One America News and NewsMax and I don't know what-all after that truly awful election coverage. I had to watch the national AND Georgia elections on CNN, Fox was so bad, and that's saying something. Every time CNN went to the leftist commentators, I had to dive for cover, but it was still better than Fox.

And then they covered the Jan. 6 thing better, but too little, too late. Fox has killed itself! I don't know what got into them. They are losing their entire audience, and we hardly watch any TV news at all now --- can't trust anyone! Just switch to the business channels as fast as we can, get away from there. So they are purging I HOPE in an attempt to get their conservatives back. But maybe they'll turn into Biden stooges. My Washington Times, a reliably pretty-far-right paper the whole Trump administration, just turned on its heel and marched Left ---- Wednesday. I don't know what is wrong with them; do they think we all just disappeared? I'll have to unsubscribe.
Fox Business News has Lou Dobbs. Once a respected CNN Host. He sounds deranged today. You have to wonder what happened to him. Sad.
There is a nice big market for a conservative leaning cable news channel. If Fox News doesn’t want to service that market then another cable network will.

Actually I think there is a really big market for a news outlet that broadcasts accurate news and not propaganda. Now of the major cable outlets fit that bill today. Today you get to pick the channel or outlet that delivers your favorite propaganda and I get to pick mine. We are treated like mushrooms. We are fed bullshit and kept in the dark.

I try to listen to the one that gives me news from all over and my local news. Spectrum has a state wide newscast.
They won the election. Now they want to crush all right wing commentary. Democrats are looking more and more like gestapo agents of a new era.

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