FOX Neocon Impeach Trump Poll Goes BOOM!


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
It was all horse poopoo as it over sample Dems by 11% points.

It Now Appears Fox News' Trump Poll Was Setup in Such a Way That Trump Could Never Win

“Fox News host Greg Gutfeld on Thursday blasted his network’s most recent poll finding a majority of registered voters want President Donald Trump impeached and removed from office over the Ukraine scandal, claiming it was unfairly biased towards Democrats and that ‘these polls have been known to be wrong,’” the article began.

Haha, the old “fake news” gambit! Those Fox News agitprop flunkies. They can’t even accept reality even if it comes from their own network!

Except Gutfeld’s criticism of the poll was totally legitimate.

“I’ve been seeing this poll everywhere and I know it’s a Fox News poll but we got to point out that it’s weighted toward Democrats,” Gutfeld said....

The latest survey on the topic from Gallup, taken last month, shows that 31 percent of Americans consider themselves Democrats, 29 percent consider themselves Republicans and 38 percent consider themselves independents.

However, in Fox News’ poll, which sampled 1,003 voters, the percentages were exactly as Gutfeld said they were. This is a problem for two major reasons.

The first, obviously, is that the margin between self-identified Democrats and Republicans is not nearly how they’re represented in Fox News’ poll. That’s minor, however, when you consider how massively independents are underrepresented in the poll — particularly when you realize their opinions on impeachment.​
It was all horse poopoo as it over sample Dems by 11% points.

It Now Appears Fox News' Trump Poll Was Setup in Such a Way That Trump Could Never Win

“Fox News host Greg Gutfeld on Thursday blasted his network’s most recent poll finding a majority of registered voters want President Donald Trump impeached and removed from office over the Ukraine scandal, claiming it was unfairly biased towards Democrats and that ‘these polls have been known to be wrong,’” the article began.

Haha, the old “fake news” gambit! Those Fox News agitprop flunkies. They can’t even accept reality even if it comes from their own network!

Except Gutfeld’s criticism of the poll was totally legitimate.

“I’ve been seeing this poll everywhere and I know it’s a Fox News poll but we got to point out that it’s weighted toward Democrats,” Gutfeld said....

The latest survey on the topic from Gallup, taken last month, shows that 31 percent of Americans consider themselves Democrats, 29 percent consider themselves Republicans and 38 percent consider themselves independents.

However, in Fox News’ poll, which sampled 1,003 voters, the percentages were exactly as Gutfeld said they were. This is a problem for two major reasons.

The first, obviously, is that the margin between self-identified Democrats and Republicans is not nearly how they’re represented in Fox News’ poll. That’s minor, however, when you consider how massively independents are underrepresented in the poll — particularly when you realize their opinions on impeachment.​

Just because you self-identify does not mean you are one. There are many independents who vote Republican or Democrat. My voting record would likely land me in the Republican column as I have participated in every Republican Presidential race since 1980. I would also suggest you look at suburban women who support impeachment and removal by a even larger margin.
Every one DO RESEARCH ON David Shaw the so called republican pollster for Fox, he is a lefty!

All information on his statements he’s made is anti trump
Every one DO RESEARCH ON David Shaw the so called republican pollster for Fox, he is a lefty!

All information on his statements he’s made is anti trump

Really, this is all a feller needs to know about polling data.

So, any time we see a poll everyone should yell F You, Frank! You'll see why at the very end. Because from these loaded polls we see that it's them which drive the media narrative. It's close to four minutes, though, sorry. But it's a good four minutes. Very enlightening.
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It was all horse poopoo as it over sample Dems by 11% points.

It Now Appears Fox News' Trump Poll Was Setup in Such a Way That Trump Could Never Win

“Fox News host Greg Gutfeld on Thursday blasted his network’s most recent poll finding a majority of registered voters want President Donald Trump impeached and removed from office over the Ukraine scandal, claiming it was unfairly biased towards Democrats and that ‘these polls have been known to be wrong,’” the article began.

Haha, the old “fake news” gambit! Those Fox News agitprop flunkies. They can’t even accept reality even if it comes from their own network!

Except Gutfeld’s criticism of the poll was totally legitimate.

“I’ve been seeing this poll everywhere and I know it’s a Fox News poll but we got to point out that it’s weighted toward Democrats,” Gutfeld said....

The latest survey on the topic from Gallup, taken last month, shows that 31 percent of Americans consider themselves Democrats, 29 percent consider themselves Republicans and 38 percent consider themselves independents.

However, in Fox News’ poll, which sampled 1,003 voters, the percentages were exactly as Gutfeld said they were. This is a problem for two major reasons.

The first, obviously, is that the margin between self-identified Democrats and Republicans is not nearly how they’re represented in Fox News’ poll. That’s minor, however, when you consider how massively independents are underrepresented in the poll — particularly when you realize their opinions on impeachment.​

Yep! I studied and researched this poll yesterday. That it's Democrat-weighted and, therefore, misleading is obvious. Look up David Shaw! The news side of Fox is incrementally becoming as despicably corrupt as CNN and MSNBC.
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Yep, Bill "toady" Barr gave Murdoch a firm tongue lashing. Lucky he's not up on sedition charges.
If Barr was a Democrat, Murdock would have already been arrested for illegally reporting news across state lines. :D
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Wasn't this the reason why polls were all wrong in 2012?
Lol, the polls were regarding two Establishment Twinks, so yeah, the polls were done fairly accurately.

But when the DC Political Crony Networks don't like a candidate as much as they did Ross Perot for example, they skewer the results and spread malicious rumors about him and make his life hell with Bullshit pranks.

The Brits did that to America First people before WW2. They had agents go around harassing Americans that wanted to stay out of the war, things like sabotaging the car engines at work, or killing their pet and hanging it on the porch at night, spreading rumors that they were cheating on their spouse, really funny stuff like that.

Our Establishment today plays even more viciously than the Brits and will put you in solitary confinement for an undefined length of time! Isnt that hilarious?

Hahaha, jokes on us!

We should have hung all the bastard starting with Wilson.
Every one DO RESEARCH ON David Shaw the so called republican pollster for Fox, he is a lefty!

All information on his statements he’s made is anti trump

Really, this is all a feller needs to know about polling data.

So, any time we see a poll everyone should yell F You, Frank! You'll see why at the very end. Because from these loaded polls we see that it's them which drive the media narrative. It's close to four minutes, though, sorry. But it's a good four minutes. Very enlightening.

God DAMMIT, I love Penn Jillette!!!

It was all horse poopoo as it over sample Dems by 11% points.

It Now Appears Fox News' Trump Poll Was Setup in Such a Way That Trump Could Never Win

“Fox News host Greg Gutfeld on Thursday blasted his network’s most recent poll finding a majority of registered voters want President Donald Trump impeached and removed from office over the Ukraine scandal, claiming it was unfairly biased towards Democrats and that ‘these polls have been known to be wrong,’” the article began.

Haha, the old “fake news” gambit! Those Fox News agitprop flunkies. They can’t even accept reality even if it comes from their own network!

Except Gutfeld’s criticism of the poll was totally legitimate.

“I’ve been seeing this poll everywhere and I know it’s a Fox News poll but we got to point out that it’s weighted toward Democrats,” Gutfeld said....

The latest survey on the topic from Gallup, taken last month, shows that 31 percent of Americans consider themselves Democrats, 29 percent consider themselves Republicans and 38 percent consider themselves independents.

However, in Fox News’ poll, which sampled 1,003 voters, the percentages were exactly as Gutfeld said they were. This is a problem for two major reasons.

The first, obviously, is that the margin between self-identified Democrats and Republicans is not nearly how they’re represented in Fox News’ poll. That’s minor, however, when you consider how massively independents are underrepresented in the poll — particularly when you realize their opinions on impeachment.​
Yes! If Democrats are +11 on election day, then the election will produce these results.


Fox News
Clinton 274, Trump 215


Actual result:

Crooked Hillary 232

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