Former U.S. Homeland Security chief of staff outs himself as 'Anonymous' who wrote criticism of Trump


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Miles Taylor is his name, jeopardizing National Security for personal gain is his game.

A former official in U.S. President Donald Trump's administration who penned a scathing anti-Trump op-ed and book under the pen name "Anonymous" made his identity public Wednesday.

Miles Taylor, a former chief of staff at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security said in a tweet: "Donald Trump is a man without character. It's why I wrote A Warning ... and it's why me & my colleagues have spoken out against him (in our own names) for months. It's time for everyone to step out of the shadows."

Taylor has been an outspoken critic of Trump's in recent months, and has a contributor contract on CNN.
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now that he has revealed himself, Trump can put him in jail

" A former official in U.S. President Donald Trump's administration who penned a scathing anti-Trump op-ed and book under the pen name "Anonymous" made his identity public Wednesday.

Miles Taylor, a former chief of staff at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security said in a tweet: "Donald Trump is a man without character. It's why I wrote A Warning ... and it's why me & my colleagues have spoken out against him (in our own names) for months. It's time for everyone to step out of the shadows."

Taylor has been an outspoken critic of Trump's in recent months, and has a contributor contract on CNN.

Taylor's anonymous essay was published in 2018 by The New York Times, infuriating the president and setting off a frantic White House leak investigation to try to unmask the author.

In the essay, the person, who at the time identified themselves only as a senior administration official, said they were part of a secret "resistance" force out to counter Trump's "misguided impulses" and undermine parts of his agenda. "

Here's the thing: anybody within any president's administration has the right to disagree with whatever policy decision is considered and discussed, and say so behind closed doors. But once the decision is made, it's your job to STFU and work for the success of that decision, and if you can't do that then you should resign. To do what this asshole did is unethical, a betrayal of the promise made to serve the president; NOT the man, but the office. He was elected to do the job and you were not, so who the fuck do you think you are? It may not be treason, it may not even be illegal but it is a betrayal of trust, not just to Trump but to all of us.
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Once again the Fake News NYT's ends up with egg on it's face.

They ran multiple stories about "Anonymous" claiming it was a "high ranking official" in the Administration. Turns out to be a low level nobody.
Former Homeland Security official outs himself as ‘Anonymous’ (Will remain as CNN contributor)
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“I’ve seen more exciting reveals in Scooby-Doo episodes.”

Miles Taylor is living Dwight Schrute's personal dream: he got the Fake News NY Times to describe him as a "senior administration official" rather than "assistant to the regional manager," which is more or less what he was as a mid-level functionary with zero policymaking power.

Don’t let @nytimes off the hook. They purposefully misled the country into thinking a notable senior Trump admin official was plotting against him when in fact it was an unknown Obama donor, Miles Taylor, from DHS. They knew what they were doing and it’s not journalism.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1321543632315437057|twgr^share_3&ref_url=
And if Fake News CNN hasn't sunk low enough, Britain's Top Ambassador Has Been Caught By A Democratic Party 'Honey Trap' Hooker

Fake News CNN is the most corrupt, tainted and unethical news organization on the planet.

CNN staffer and News Hooker, Michelle Kosinski put out for Britain’s most important ambassador in the world in exchange for information about Trump and key decisions the administration was about to make – leading to a number of ‘scoops’.


Kosinski-Darroch hook-up resulted in a number of highly sensitive decisions taken by the U.S. and NATO about Russia that were leaked to the CNN staffer who in the sex-for-scoops scheme.

Fake News CNN journalists offering sexual favors to important figures is nothing out of the ordinary.

Kosinski rants in her tweets that she was “doing her job.”

Bang Bang Club of CNN
Kosinski’s disgrace led to her departure from CNN. According to her Linkedin profile, she is currently presenting a web TV show.

Dirty diplomats and slutty female journalists ready to use their bodies as a dump zone for men twenty years their senior is the new Fake News norm.
Undoubtedly another closeted HOMO.

Homeland Security needs to go. It never should have been put in place, since 911 was a complete fraud.
Miles Taylor chose to write as ‘Anonymous’ so no one would know who he was but he could have written under his name and still no one would know who he was.

"i thought it might have been Hope Hicks or Jared or Rand turned out to be a low-level sleazebag...he should be prosecuted" - Trump said in Arizona

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