Former GOP Aide: Republicans Will Sacrifice Lives To Reopen Economy To Please Their God Donald Trump


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
The New York Times’ columnist Paul Krugman is one of the few fixtures of the major prestige media honest enough to forthrightly explain why there should be no “controversy” (a word beloved of journalists) about Republican policies.

These policies are not just mistaken, nor are they something about which reasonable people can differ — the GOP consciously advocates for them in bad faith, using arguments they know are false.

Krugman’s favorite target is tax cuts for the rich. Although they have repeatedly been proven not to help the real economy (beyond giving a temporary cocaine buzz to investors), and although their supposed zero impact on deficits is laughably false, Republicans make these justifications with robotic consistency.

Inside testimony proves their bad faith arguments go back decades. Former Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill’s memoir recounts how, when he warned that the 2001 Bush tax cut would throw the budget into deficit, Vice President Cheney cut him short in his trademarked charming manner: “Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter… This is our due.”

Of course, once Barack Obama became president amid economic turmoil largely the result of the GOP’s own policies, deficits mattered to Republicans once again – and intensely so. But they magically ceased to matter when Donald Trump became president.

See the pattern?

From a former aide huh? Must be just another disgruntled employee.
As usual the premise is total bullshit. The economic turmoil was the total lack of confidence in markets when Obamakov won election. Corporations knew tax increases were coming.

Krugman is an idiot. He's been wrong so many times no one with a brain even listens to him anymore. Capitalism runs on confidence and it's clear to everyone with a brain Socialism destroys confidence.
The New York Times’ columnist Paul Krugman is one of the few fixtures of the major prestige media honest enough to forthrightly explain why there should be no “controversy” (a word beloved of journalists) about Republican policies.

These policies are not just mistaken, nor are they something about which reasonable people can differ — the GOP consciously advocates for them in bad faith, using arguments they know are false.

Krugman’s favorite target is tax cuts for the rich. Although they have repeatedly been proven not to help the real economy (beyond giving a temporary cocaine buzz to investors), and although their supposed zero impact on deficits is laughably false, Republicans make these justifications with robotic consistency.

Inside testimony proves their bad faith arguments go back decades. Former Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill’s memoir recounts how, when he warned that the 2001 Bush tax cut would throw the budget into deficit, Vice President Cheney cut him short in his trademarked charming manner: “Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter… This is our due.”

Of course, once Barack Obama became president amid economic turmoil largely the result of the GOP’s own policies, deficits mattered to Republicans once again – and intensely so. But they magically ceased to matter when Donald Trump became president.

See the pattern?

From a former aide huh? Must be just another disgruntled employee.

TDS thread 1,531
Trump has no say on the closings or openings (just like the Democrats initially claimed)… It's all up to the governors of the states!!!

No one is making your governor reopen your state (or making YOU leave your home)...

So you can hide if you want to, and even call your governor and encourage him to keep the state on virtual lockdown for a few years...

But if you do, enjoy doing without even the basics, and I sure hope for your sake that your neighbors never find out who you are....
The New York Times’ columnist Paul Krugman is one of the few fixtures of the major prestige media honest enough to forthrightly explain why there should be no “controversy” (a word beloved of journalists) about Republican policies.

These policies are not just mistaken, nor are they something about which reasonable people can differ — the GOP consciously advocates for them in bad faith, using arguments they know are false.

Krugman’s favorite target is tax cuts for the rich. Although they have repeatedly been proven not to help the real economy (beyond giving a temporary cocaine buzz to investors), and although their supposed zero impact on deficits is laughably false, Republicans make these justifications with robotic consistency.

Inside testimony proves their bad faith arguments go back decades. Former Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill’s memoir recounts how, when he warned that the 2001 Bush tax cut would throw the budget into deficit, Vice President Cheney cut him short in his trademarked charming manner: “Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter… This is our due.”

Of course, once Barack Obama became president amid economic turmoil largely the result of the GOP’s own policies, deficits mattered to Republicans once again – and intensely so. But they magically ceased to matter when Donald Trump became president.

See the pattern?

From a former aide huh? Must be just another disgruntled employee.

TDS thread 1,531

Once again the village idiot posts what s/he believes is an original post. See the pattern, is it blank with dark matter.
The New York Times’ columnist Paul Krugman is one of the few fixtures of the major prestige media honest enough to forthrightly explain why there should be no “controversy” (a word beloved of journalists) about Republican policies.

These policies are not just mistaken, nor are they something about which reasonable people can differ — the GOP consciously advocates for them in bad faith, using arguments they know are false.

Krugman’s favorite target is tax cuts for the rich. Although they have repeatedly been proven not to help the real economy (beyond giving a temporary cocaine buzz to investors), and although their supposed zero impact on deficits is laughably false, Republicans make these justifications with robotic consistency.

Inside testimony proves their bad faith arguments go back decades. Former Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill’s memoir recounts how, when he warned that the 2001 Bush tax cut would throw the budget into deficit, Vice President Cheney cut him short in his trademarked charming manner: “Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter… This is our due.”

Of course, once Barack Obama became president amid economic turmoil largely the result of the GOP’s own policies, deficits mattered to Republicans once again – and intensely so. But they magically ceased to matter when Donald Trump became president.

See the pattern?

From a former aide huh? Must be just another disgruntled employee.

TDS thread 1,531

Once again the village idiot posts what s/he believes is an original post. See the pattern, is it blank with dark matter.

And your efforts to appear intelligent are failing miserably.
The New York Times’ columnist Paul Krugman is one of the few fixtures of the major prestige media honest enough to forthrightly explain why there should be no “controversy” (a word beloved of journalists) about Republican policies.

These policies are not just mistaken, nor are they something about which reasonable people can differ — the GOP consciously advocates for them in bad faith, using arguments they know are false.

Krugman’s favorite target is tax cuts for the rich. Although they have repeatedly been proven not to help the real economy (beyond giving a temporary cocaine buzz to investors), and although their supposed zero impact on deficits is laughably false, Republicans make these justifications with robotic consistency.

Inside testimony proves their bad faith arguments go back decades. Former Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill’s memoir recounts how, when he warned that the 2001 Bush tax cut would throw the budget into deficit, Vice President Cheney cut him short in his trademarked charming manner: “Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter… This is our due.”

Of course, once Barack Obama became president amid economic turmoil largely the result of the GOP’s own policies, deficits mattered to Republicans once again – and intensely so. But they magically ceased to matter when Donald Trump became president.

See the pattern?

From a former aide huh? Must be just another disgruntled employee.

The article sucks.

The aide is offering an opinion.

AlterNet was NEVER known for any kind of cogent well supported article.

Total bullshit.
Krugman....The same moronic asshole who tried to claim that 9/11™ was economic stimulus in disguise.

The New York Times’ columnist Paul Krugman is one of the few fixtures of the major prestige media honest enough to forthrightly explain why there should be no “controversy” (a word beloved of journalists) about Republican policies.

These policies are not just mistaken, nor are they something about which reasonable people can differ — the GOP consciously advocates for them in bad faith, using arguments they know are false.

Krugman’s favorite target is tax cuts for the rich. Although they have repeatedly been proven not to help the real economy (beyond giving a temporary cocaine buzz to investors), and although their supposed zero impact on deficits is laughably false, Republicans make these justifications with robotic consistency.

Inside testimony proves their bad faith arguments go back decades. Former Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill’s memoir recounts how, when he warned that the 2001 Bush tax cut would throw the budget into deficit, Vice President Cheney cut him short in his trademarked charming manner: “Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter… This is our due.”

Of course, once Barack Obama became president amid economic turmoil largely the result of the GOP’s own policies, deficits mattered to Republicans once again – and intensely so. But they magically ceased to matter when Donald Trump became president.

See the pattern?

From a former aide huh? Must be just another disgruntled employee.

The article sucks.

The aide is offering an opinion.

AlterNet was NEVER known for any kind of cogent well supported article.

Total bullshit.
Shitbag OP already started this exact thread using a different agitprop source.....These people are completely deranged.
And when has it been implemented to quarantine the healthy??? Only now, with Covid….which should tell you there's an agenda attached.

Anytime in history (up until this year) only the sick have been quarantined, as it should be
Open up the economy. Sure some people will die, but most of them already have one foot in the grave anyway.
The people of our country should think of themselves as warriors

Our country has to open
This is really the worst attack we’ve ever had. This is worse than Pearl Harbor. This is worse than the World Trade Center. There’s never been an attack like this

its a deliberate act of war.
I would gladly sacrifice your life for a good economy.

Let's hope it doesn't come to that.
Republicans know the economy must be opened back up to save the nation.

Democrats would gladly destroy the nation to win an election.
Former GOP Aide: Republicans Will Sacrifice Lives To Reopen Economy To Please Their God Donald Trump

Feel free to explain that to the 33 million Americans now out of work who have been waiting weeks to receive unemployment checks from antiquated systems all across the country. While you're at it, perhaps you can come here to Las Vegas and tell that to the people sitting in the cars lined up for several blocks for an hour or two as they wait to get food for their families at Silvestri Junior High School because they can't afford to buy any themselves. Maybe you can tell it to the woman in my neighborhood I was talking to the other day who has to live off of her credit card because she's been waiting seven weeks to get an unemployment check.

But don't let any of that get in the way of your partisan talking points. Those are far more important than people's lives. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you still have a steady salary or retirement check coming in, don't you?

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