Former CIA Agents drop bombshell: Bill Clinton Had ANOTHER Chance To Kill Osama bin Laden…”Didn’t Have the b*lls” To Do It…George W. Bush “didn’t Take


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
Not surprising.....who is the worst billary or hillary?

Not surprising.....who is the worst billary or hillary?

It is almost certain Osama Bin Laden had nothing to do with 9-11, because he denied from the outset that he was responsible. Terrorists NEVER deny their successes. The whole point of terrorism is to make your weaker group seem able to inflict pain and suffering on the more powerful group. 9-11 was the most spectacularly successful terrorist attack in history. And the perp is going to deny it was his? Not a chance.

Secondly, how is some Arab living in a cave in Afghanistan plus nineteen Arabs with box-cutters going to knock down three skyscrapers with two airplanes? It's insane to believe the official story.
Not surprising.....who is the worst billary or hillary?

As opposed to every month that GWB took office that he had a briefing that told him that this was a threat...all the way up to just before shit actually went down...ehh..I don't expect you alt-righters to have any..well...anything...
Try and keep up boyo..........

Oh, please, what is that? Even with the "translation" provided by the Pentagon (the same people who used 9-11 to launch our attack on Iraq) it doesn't show Bin Laden claiming responsibility for this great "victory".

An additional lesson was provided by New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman. With Bin Laden gone, he said to CNN, it was time to eradicate Bin Ladenism, which he defined as using violence to affect political changes. An apologist for the ultra violent state Israel and America’s invasion of Iraq, Friedman did not seem to care that it is the US that leads the world in violence for political and economic ends. Even before 9/11, the Taliban made repeated overtures to hand Bin Laden over to the US, but America would have none of it. Our intention, then as now, was to bomb, bomb and bomb!

Bin Laden the Vindicator -

September 17, 2001 Posted: 11:21 AM EDT (1521 GMT)

DOHA, Qatar (CNN) -- Islamic militant leader Osama bin Laden, the man the United States considers the prime suspect in last week's terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, denied any role Sunday in the actions believed to have killed thousands.

In a statement issued to the Arabic satellite channel Al Jazeera, based in Qatar, bin Laden said, "The U.S. government has consistently blamed me for being behind every occasion its enemies attack it.

"I would like to assure the world that I did not plan the recent attacks, which seems to have been planned by people for personal reasons," bin Laden's statement said.


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Funny how in the immediate aftermath of 9-11, Western media is reporting him denying his responsibility, but then, months and years later, they report him "finally admitting" he was responsible--with bad quality audio and just a picture of him on the screen. If you buy that from our lying press, you'll buy anything.

The Telegraph, founded by Joseph Moses Levy, owned by Jews, fanatically pro-Israel, reports that Osama Bin-Laden says on a video message "Yes, we are terrorists, yes, we kill their innocents." And you swallow it? Sheesh, ya might be kinda dumb. The NYT, also owned by Jews, takes investment money from George Soros, Haim Saban, and Carlos Slim, and supported the US attack on Iraq. It is apparently reporting on the same golly-gee "confession" video in the link you posted (I couldn't read because it is behind a pay wall). And the france24 piece is even more stupid. It is a story from 2009, for the love of God, and cites the US group IntelCenter's translation of yet another video in which, surprise surprise, Osama Bin Laden tells Americans that he knocked down those three towers in New York with two planes and some box cutters because...wait for it...our support for Israel! IntelCenter, by the way, is a "company" that is really a Jewish guy in his condominium in Alexandria, VA.

And you bought it!

Damn, Americans are like little kids.
Not surprising.....who is the worst billary or hillary?

It is almost certain Osama Bin Laden had nothing to do with 9-11, because he denied from the outset that he was responsible. Terrorists NEVER deny their successes. The whole point of terrorism is to make your weaker group seem able to inflict pain and suffering on the more powerful group. 9-11 was the most spectacularly successful terrorist attack in history. And the perp is going to deny it was his? Not a chance.

Secondly, how is some Arab living in a cave in Afghanistan plus nineteen Arabs with box-cutters going to knock down three skyscrapers with two airplanes? It's insane to believe the official story.


Funny how in the immediate aftermath of 9-11, Western media is reporting him denying his responsibility, but then, months and years later, they report him "finally admitting" he was responsible--with bad quality audio and just a picture of him on the screen. If you buy that from our lying press, you'll buy anything.

The Telegraph, founded by Joseph Moses Levy, owned by Jews, fanatically pro-Israel, reports that Osama Bin-Laden says on a video message "Yes, we are terrorists, yes, we kill their innocents." And you swallow it? Sheesh, ya might be kinda dumb. The NYT, also owned by Jews, takes investment money from George Soros, Haim Saban, and Carlos Slim, and supported the US attack on Iraq. It is apparently reporting on the same golly-gee "confession" video in the link you posted (I couldn't read because it is behind a pay wall). And the france24 piece is even more stupid. It is a story from 2009, for the love of God, and cites the US group IntelCenter's translation of yet another video in which, surprise surprise, Osama Bin Laden tells Americans that he knocked down those three towers in New York with two planes and some box cutters because...wait for it...our support for Israel! IntelCenter, by the way, is a "company" that is really a Jewish guy in his condominium in Alexandria, VA.

And you bought it!

Damn, Americans are like little kids.
Who gives a shit what he says? He did it. I dont think you fully comprehend how thorough CIA investigations are. They wouldnt have spent years hunting him if they didnt think he did it. That would be fucking preposterous.

Funny how in the immediate aftermath of 9-11, Western media is reporting him denying his responsibility, but then, months and years later, they report him "finally admitting" he was responsible--with bad quality audio and just a picture of him on the screen. If you buy that from our lying press, you'll buy anything.

The Telegraph, founded by Joseph Moses Levy, owned by Jews, fanatically pro-Israel, reports that Osama Bin-Laden says on a video message "Yes, we are terrorists, yes, we kill their innocents." And you swallow it? Sheesh, ya might be kinda dumb. The NYT, also owned by Jews, takes investment money from George Soros, Haim Saban, and Carlos Slim, and supported the US attack on Iraq. It is apparently reporting on the same golly-gee "confession" video in the link you posted (I couldn't read because it is behind a pay wall). And the france24 piece is even more stupid. It is a story from 2009, for the love of God, and cites the US group IntelCenter's translation of yet another video in which, surprise surprise, Osama Bin Laden tells Americans that he knocked down those three towers in New York with two planes and some box cutters because...wait for it...our support for Israel! IntelCenter, by the way, is a "company" that is really a Jewish guy in his condominium in Alexandria, VA.

And you bought it!

Damn, Americans are like little kids.
Who gives a shit what he says? He did it. I dont think you fully comprehend how thorough CIA investigations are. They wouldnt have spent years hunting him if they didnt think he did it. That would be fucking preposterous.

He claims Israel is behind our conclusion that osama was behind 9/11 but then adds that Israel intelligence claims it was because of our support for makes no sense they would do that...aka blame themselves....nonsense.

Funny how in the immediate aftermath of 9-11, Western media is reporting him denying his responsibility, but then, months and years later, they report him "finally admitting" he was responsible--with bad quality audio and just a picture of him on the screen. If you buy that from our lying press, you'll buy anything.

The Telegraph, founded by Joseph Moses Levy, owned by Jews, fanatically pro-Israel, reports that Osama Bin-Laden says on a video message "Yes, we are terrorists, yes, we kill their innocents." And you swallow it? Sheesh, ya might be kinda dumb. The NYT, also owned by Jews, takes investment money from George Soros, Haim Saban, and Carlos Slim, and supported the US attack on Iraq. It is apparently reporting on the same golly-gee "confession" video in the link you posted (I couldn't read because it is behind a pay wall). And the france24 piece is even more stupid. It is a story from 2009, for the love of God, and cites the US group IntelCenter's translation of yet another video in which, surprise surprise, Osama Bin Laden tells Americans that he knocked down those three towers in New York with two planes and some box cutters because...wait for it...our support for Israel! IntelCenter, by the way, is a "company" that is really a Jewish guy in his condominium in Alexandria, VA.

And you bought it!

Damn, Americans are like little kids.

Tell us about your connections to Islam?

Funny how in the immediate aftermath of 9-11, Western media is reporting him denying his responsibility, but then, months and years later, they report him "finally admitting" he was responsible--with bad quality audio and just a picture of him on the screen. If you buy that from our lying press, you'll buy anything.

The Telegraph, founded by Joseph Moses Levy, owned by Jews, fanatically pro-Israel, reports that Osama Bin-Laden says on a video message "Yes, we are terrorists, yes, we kill their innocents." And you swallow it? Sheesh, ya might be kinda dumb. The NYT, also owned by Jews, takes investment money from George Soros, Haim Saban, and Carlos Slim, and supported the US attack on Iraq. It is apparently reporting on the same golly-gee "confession" video in the link you posted (I couldn't read because it is behind a pay wall). And the france24 piece is even more stupid. It is a story from 2009, for the love of God, and cites the US group IntelCenter's translation of yet another video in which, surprise surprise, Osama Bin Laden tells Americans that he knocked down those three towers in New York with two planes and some box cutters because...wait for it...our support for Israel! IntelCenter, by the way, is a "company" that is really a Jewish guy in his condominium in Alexandria, VA.

And you bought it!

Damn, Americans are like little kids.
Who gives a shit what he says? He did it. I dont think you fully comprehend how thorough CIA investigations are. They wouldnt have spent years hunting him if they didnt think he did it. That would be fucking preposterous.

He claims Israel is behind our conclusion that osama was behind 9/11 but then adds that Israel intelligence claims it was because of our support for makes no sense they would do that...aka blame themselves....nonsense.
So, some guy sitting in a cave on the other side of the world was able to knock down three skyscrapers in one day in the heart of a superpower using 19 guys with box-cutters? Really? Does that sound even remotely plausible to you? Do you know how hard it is to bring down a skyscraper?

Cui bono?

Funny how in the immediate aftermath of 9-11, Western media is reporting him denying his responsibility, but then, months and years later, they report him "finally admitting" he was responsible--with bad quality audio and just a picture of him on the screen. If you buy that from our lying press, you'll buy anything.

The Telegraph, founded by Joseph Moses Levy, owned by Jews, fanatically pro-Israel, reports that Osama Bin-Laden says on a video message "Yes, we are terrorists, yes, we kill their innocents." And you swallow it? Sheesh, ya might be kinda dumb. The NYT, also owned by Jews, takes investment money from George Soros, Haim Saban, and Carlos Slim, and supported the US attack on Iraq. It is apparently reporting on the same golly-gee "confession" video in the link you posted (I couldn't read because it is behind a pay wall). And the france24 piece is even more stupid. It is a story from 2009, for the love of God, and cites the US group IntelCenter's translation of yet another video in which, surprise surprise, Osama Bin Laden tells Americans that he knocked down those three towers in New York with two planes and some box cutters because...wait for it...our support for Israel! IntelCenter, by the way, is a "company" that is really a Jewish guy in his condominium in Alexandria, VA.

And you bought it!

Damn, Americans are like little kids.
Who gives a shit what he says? He did it. I dont think you fully comprehend how thorough CIA investigations are. They wouldnt have spent years hunting him if they didnt think he did it. That would be fucking preposterous.

He claims Israel is behind our conclusion that osama was behind 9/11 but then adds that Israel intelligence claims it was because of our support for makes no sense they would do that...aka blame themselves....nonsense.
So, some guy sitting in a cave on the other side of the world was able to knock down three skyscrapers in one day in the heart of a superpower using 19 guys with box-cutters? Really? Does that sound even remotely plausible to you? Do you know how hard it is to bring down a skyscraper?

Cui bono?

You ignorance is astounding has been explained many times....try and keep up.

Now I will put you on ignore...some people are so stupid I have to cast them into the outer darkness where all they can hear is screaming, and the gnashing of teeth etc. aka..........
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Back to the OP.

When was the first attempted bombing of the World Trade Center?

When was the bombing of the USS Cole?

Who was President at the time of both incidents?

Funny how in the immediate aftermath of 9-11, Western media is reporting him denying his responsibility, but then, months and years later, they report him "finally admitting" he was responsible--with bad quality audio and just a picture of him on the screen. If you buy that from our lying press, you'll buy anything.

The Telegraph, founded by Joseph Moses Levy, owned by Jews, fanatically pro-Israel, reports that Osama Bin-Laden says on a video message "Yes, we are terrorists, yes, we kill their innocents." And you swallow it? Sheesh, ya might be kinda dumb. The NYT, also owned by Jews, takes investment money from George Soros, Haim Saban, and Carlos Slim, and supported the US attack on Iraq. It is apparently reporting on the same golly-gee "confession" video in the link you posted (I couldn't read because it is behind a pay wall). And the france24 piece is even more stupid. It is a story from 2009, for the love of God, and cites the US group IntelCenter's translation of yet another video in which, surprise surprise, Osama Bin Laden tells Americans that he knocked down those three towers in New York with two planes and some box cutters because...wait for it...our support for Israel! IntelCenter, by the way, is a "company" that is really a Jewish guy in his condominium in Alexandria, VA.

And you bought it!

Damn, Americans are like little kids.
Who gives a shit what he says? He did it. I dont think you fully comprehend how thorough CIA investigations are. They wouldnt have spent years hunting him if they didnt think he did it. That would be fucking preposterous.

He claims Israel is behind our conclusion that osama was behind 9/11 but then adds that Israel intelligence claims it was because of our support for makes no sense they would do that...aka blame themselves....nonsense.
So, some guy sitting in a cave on the other side of the world was able to knock down three skyscrapers in one day in the heart of a superpower using 19 guys with box-cutters? Really? Does that sound even remotely plausible to you? Do you know how hard it is to bring down a skyscraper?

Cui bono?

You ignorance is astounding has been explained many times....try and keep up.

Now I will put you on ignore...some people are so stupid I have to cast them into the outer darkness where all they can hear is screaming, and the gnashing of teeth etc. aka..........

Hahaha ok, I know it can be scary to let one's beliefs be challenged. For those with a bit more moxie, here is the real deal on 9-11 (hint: Israel did it...ssshhhhh)


Funny how in the immediate aftermath of 9-11, Western media is reporting him denying his responsibility, but then, months and years later, they report him "finally admitting" he was responsible--with bad quality audio and just a picture of him on the screen. If you buy that from our lying press, you'll buy anything.

The Telegraph, founded by Joseph Moses Levy, owned by Jews, fanatically pro-Israel, reports that Osama Bin-Laden says on a video message "Yes, we are terrorists, yes, we kill their innocents." And you swallow it? Sheesh, ya might be kinda dumb. The NYT, also owned by Jews, takes investment money from George Soros, Haim Saban, and Carlos Slim, and supported the US attack on Iraq. It is apparently reporting on the same golly-gee "confession" video in the link you posted (I couldn't read because it is behind a pay wall). And the france24 piece is even more stupid. It is a story from 2009, for the love of God, and cites the US group IntelCenter's translation of yet another video in which, surprise surprise, Osama Bin Laden tells Americans that he knocked down those three towers in New York with two planes and some box cutters because...wait for it...our support for Israel! IntelCenter, by the way, is a "company" that is really a Jewish guy in his condominium in Alexandria, VA.

And you bought it!

Damn, Americans are like little kids.
Who gives a shit what he says? He did it. I dont think you fully comprehend how thorough CIA investigations are. They wouldnt have spent years hunting him if they didnt think he did it. That would be fucking preposterous.

He claims Israel is behind our conclusion that osama was behind 9/11 but then adds that Israel intelligence claims it was because of our support for makes no sense they would do that...aka blame themselves....nonsense.
So, some guy sitting in a cave on the other side of the world was able to knock down three skyscrapers in one day in the heart of a superpower using 19 guys with box-cutters? Really? Does that sound even remotely plausible to you? Do you know how hard it is to bring down a skyscraper?

Cui bono?

You ignorance is astounding has been explained many times....try and keep up.

Now I will put you on ignore...some people are so stupid I have to cast them into the outer darkness where all they can hear is screaming, and the gnashing of teeth etc. aka..........

Hahaha ok, I know it can be scary to let one's beliefs be challenged. For those with a bit more moxie, here is the real deal on 9-11 (hint: Israel did it...ssshhhhh)

Youre dumb for believing that. Youre even dumber for admitting it.

Funny how in the immediate aftermath of 9-11, Western media is reporting him denying his responsibility, but then, months and years later, they report him "finally admitting" he was responsible--with bad quality audio and just a picture of him on the screen. If you buy that from our lying press, you'll buy anything.

The Telegraph, founded by Joseph Moses Levy, owned by Jews, fanatically pro-Israel, reports that Osama Bin-Laden says on a video message "Yes, we are terrorists, yes, we kill their innocents." And you swallow it? Sheesh, ya might be kinda dumb. The NYT, also owned by Jews, takes investment money from George Soros, Haim Saban, and Carlos Slim, and supported the US attack on Iraq. It is apparently reporting on the same golly-gee "confession" video in the link you posted (I couldn't read because it is behind a pay wall). And the france24 piece is even more stupid. It is a story from 2009, for the love of God, and cites the US group IntelCenter's translation of yet another video in which, surprise surprise, Osama Bin Laden tells Americans that he knocked down those three towers in New York with two planes and some box cutters because...wait for it...our support for Israel! IntelCenter, by the way, is a "company" that is really a Jewish guy in his condominium in Alexandria, VA.

And you bought it!

Damn, Americans are like little kids.
Who gives a shit what he says? He did it. I dont think you fully comprehend how thorough CIA investigations are. They wouldnt have spent years hunting him if they didnt think he did it. That would be fucking preposterous.

He claims Israel is behind our conclusion that osama was behind 9/11 but then adds that Israel intelligence claims it was because of our support for makes no sense they would do that...aka blame themselves....nonsense.
So, some guy sitting in a cave on the other side of the world was able to knock down three skyscrapers in one day in the heart of a superpower using 19 guys with box-cutters? Really? Does that sound even remotely plausible to you? Do you know how hard it is to bring down a skyscraper?

Cui bono?

You ignorance is astounding has been explained many times....try and keep up.

Now I will put you on ignore...some people are so stupid I have to cast them into the outer darkness where all they can hear is screaming, and the gnashing of teeth etc. aka..........

Hahaha ok, I know it can be scary to let one's beliefs be challenged. For those with a bit more moxie, here is the real deal on 9-11 (hint: Israel did it...ssshhhhh)

Youre dumb for believing that. Youre even dumber for admitting it.

I don't know. Let's compare what we believe and see who is dumber. OK? I believe Israel did 9-11, that those five dancing Israeli Mossad agents who were laughing and high-fiving each other as they video-taped the towers erupting into flames were part of the same organization that planted the charges that brought down the towers. I believe they were dancing because they saw it as a "win" for their team when the towers came down.

OK, you're turn. Who do you think did it? The guy in the cave?

Funny how in the immediate aftermath of 9-11, Western media is reporting him denying his responsibility, but then, months and years later, they report him "finally admitting" he was responsible--with bad quality audio and just a picture of him on the screen. If you buy that from our lying press, you'll buy anything.

The Telegraph, founded by Joseph Moses Levy, owned by Jews, fanatically pro-Israel, reports that Osama Bin-Laden says on a video message "Yes, we are terrorists, yes, we kill their innocents." And you swallow it? Sheesh, ya might be kinda dumb. The NYT, also owned by Jews, takes investment money from George Soros, Haim Saban, and Carlos Slim, and supported the US attack on Iraq. It is apparently reporting on the same golly-gee "confession" video in the link you posted (I couldn't read because it is behind a pay wall). And the france24 piece is even more stupid. It is a story from 2009, for the love of God, and cites the US group IntelCenter's translation of yet another video in which, surprise surprise, Osama Bin Laden tells Americans that he knocked down those three towers in New York with two planes and some box cutters because...wait for it...our support for Israel! IntelCenter, by the way, is a "company" that is really a Jewish guy in his condominium in Alexandria, VA.

And you bought it!

Damn, Americans are like little kids.
Who gives a shit what he says? He did it. I dont think you fully comprehend how thorough CIA investigations are. They wouldnt have spent years hunting him if they didnt think he did it. That would be fucking preposterous.

He claims Israel is behind our conclusion that osama was behind 9/11 but then adds that Israel intelligence claims it was because of our support for makes no sense they would do that...aka blame themselves....nonsense.
So, some guy sitting in a cave on the other side of the world was able to knock down three skyscrapers in one day in the heart of a superpower using 19 guys with box-cutters? Really? Does that sound even remotely plausible to you? Do you know how hard it is to bring down a skyscraper?

Cui bono?

You ignorance is astounding has been explained many times....try and keep up.

Now I will put you on ignore...some people are so stupid I have to cast them into the outer darkness where all they can hear is screaming, and the gnashing of teeth etc. aka..........

Hahaha ok, I know it can be scary to let one's beliefs be challenged. For those with a bit more moxie, here is the real deal on 9-11 (hint: Israel did it...ssshhhhh)

Youre dumb for believing that. Youre even dumber for admitting it.

I don't know. Let's compare what we believe and see who is dumber. OK? I believe Israel did 9-11, that those five dancing Israeli Mossad agents who were laughing and high-fiving each other as they video-taped the towers erupting into flames were part of the same organization that planted the charges that brought down the towers. I believe they were dancing because they saw it as a "win" for their team when the towers came down.

OK, you're turn. Who do you think did it? The guy in the cave?

Thanks for doubling down on dumb. It gave me a good laugh. Mossad? Pfff... :lol:

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