Former Australian PM says FOX has created "A Market for Crazy"


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

They know Rupert well in Australia. They know the whole family. They know what slime they are and how they are working hard to tear down Democracies. Turnbull himself is Conservative. But as we have seen, there is a big difference between Conservative and trumpism.

It seems FOX just decides to throw lies out there and hope that after a while. their crazy audience will begin to believe them. “Look, when somebody tells lies and spreads information and you call them out, you are calling out the liar, not the people that have been taken in by the lies. They’re the victims,” Turnbull replied, arguing that Murdoch should be “held responsible” for his role in “spreading disinformation.”

Doesn't Rupert and his demented son, Lachlan , know that they are doing Putin's work? They are dividing American's, often against each others.

They know Rupert well in Australia. They know the whole family. They know what slime they are and how they are working hard to tear down Democracies. Turnbull himself is Conservative. But as we have seen, there is a big difference between Conservative and trumpism.

It seems FOX just decides to throw lies out there and hope that after a while. their crazy audience will begin to believe them. “Look, when somebody tells lies and spreads information and you call them out, you are calling out the liar, not the people that have been taken in by the lies. They’re the victims,” Turnbull replied, arguing that Murdoch should be “held responsible” for his role in “spreading disinformation.”

Doesn't Rupert and his demented son, Lachlan , know that they are doing Putin's work? They are dividing American's, often against each others.
Rupert don't care he's got one foot in the grave.
There are disinformation campaigns out there but they aren't coming from FOX News they are coming from those in the media who make unsubstantiated claims about what Trump said in phone calls with Georgia election officals or bountys being put on American soliders if Afghanistan by Russia which turn out to be totally wrong or greatly exaggerated.
and OAN, and Qanon...
QAnon is not really media, it's more of a blog for American patriots.
Patriots like the ones that broke into the US Capitol on January 6th? You mean Patriots like the ones beating Capitol police with flag poles holding the American flag? Is that the kind of Patriots you are talking about.

I bet you were at home sitting in front of the TV, cheering your "Patriots" on as they sacked the US Capitol...weren't you? You and the Liar in Chief should date.

They know Rupert well in Australia. They know the whole family. They know what slime they are and how they are working hard to tear down Democracies. Turnbull himself is Conservative. But as we have seen, there is a big difference between Conservative and trumpism.

It seems FOX just decides to throw lies out there and hope that after a while. their crazy audience will begin to believe them. “Look, when somebody tells lies and spreads information and you call them out, you are calling out the liar, not the people that have been taken in by the lies. They’re the victims,” Turnbull replied, arguing that Murdoch should be “held responsible” for his role in “spreading disinformation.”

Doesn't Rupert and his demented son, Lachlan , know that they are doing Putin's work? They are dividing American's, often against each others.
Divide & Conquer is the best known strategy for disabling or even destroying a target. D&C can be somewhat effective when used for a short period of time but is best used for a protracted time until the target is disabled through infighting then sweep in & take over the target. Elementary my dear Watson, elementary!
and OAN, and Qanon...
QAnon is not really media, it's more of a blog for American patriots.
Alex Jones, Candice Owens, Rush Limpball, Shitpirro, yeah, great media for Repubs..
And who do you think are "real" Republicans? John McShitstain? Lindsey Grahamnesty? Susan Collins? MITTENS? The Bush Cabal? Please! All far Left neocon RINOs.
Too funny! Dude..just read your make so many little insults and allusions that i don't even recognize half who whom you're talking about!

LOL@'Left neocon RINOs'
and OAN, and Qanon...
QAnon is not really media, it's more of a blog for American patriots.
Alex Jones, Candice Owens, Rush Limpball, Shitpirro, yeah, great media for Repubs..
And who do you think are "real" Republicans? John McShitstain? Lindsey Grahamnesty? Susan Collins? MITTENS? The Bush Cabal? Please! All far Left neocon RINOs.
Too funny! Dude..just read your make so many little insults and allusions that i don't even recognize half who whom you're talking about!

LOL@'Left neocon RINOs'
It fits each and every one of those scumbags. Not a true Conservative in the bunch.
and OAN, and Qanon...
QAnon is not really media, it's more of a blog for American patriots.
Patriots like the ones that broke into the US Capitol on January 6th? You mean Patriots like the ones beating Capitol police with flag poles holding the American flag? Is that the kind of Patriots you are talking about.

I bet you were at home sitting in front of the TV, cheering your "Patriots" on as they sacked the US Capitol...weren't you? You and the Liar in Chief should date.
I saw Pro Democracy activists being ushered in the door, and queuing orderly on the carpet between the velvet ropes. And leaving when told to leave.
Get off, CNN.
and OAN, and Qanon...
QAnon is not really media, it's more of a blog for American patriots.
Alex Jones, Candice Owens, Rush Limpball, Shitpirro, yeah, great media for Repubs..
And who do you think are "real" Republicans? John McShitstain? Lindsey Grahamnesty? Susan Collins? MITTENS? The Bush Cabal? Please! All far Left neocon RINOs.
Too funny! Dude..just read your make so many little insults and allusions that i don't even recognize half who whom you're talking about!

LOL@'Left neocon RINOs'
It fits each and every one of those scumbags. Not a true Conservative in the bunch.
Maybe yes..maybe no--but for sure..none of those you allude to..have ever held a leftist position on anything. Sometimes they agreed with the left..not really the same thing though..and usually for different reasons.
and OAN, and Qanon...
QAnon is not really media, it's more of a blog for American patriots.
Patriots like the ones that broke into the US Capitol on January 6th? You mean Patriots like the ones beating Capitol police with flag poles holding the American flag? Is that the kind of Patriots you are talking about.

I bet you were at home sitting in front of the TV, cheering your "Patriots" on as they sacked the US Capitol...weren't you? You and the Liar in Chief should date.
I saw Pro Democracy activists being ushered in the door, and queuing orderly on the carpet between the velvet ropes. And leaving when told to leave.
Get off, CNN.
HuH? Are Pro Democracy activists the enemy now? Who knew!

Not that I buy into a single word you're trying to bs about the entire capital riot being some sort of massive false flag or something equally convoluted.

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