Forget Climategate: this ‘global warming’ scandal is much bigger


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Just remember this whenever you see some AGW cultist claiming 2014 was the Nth warmest year on record:

Forget Climategate this global warming scandal is much bigger - Breitbart

Now how would you feel if you went and took these temperature records along to one of the world’s leading global warming experts – say Gavin Schmidt at NASA or Phil Jones at CRU or Michael Mann at Penn State – and they studied your records for a moment and said: “This isn’t right.” What if they then crossed out all your temperature measurements, did a few calculations on the back of an envelope, and scribbled in their amendments? And you studied those adjustments and you realised, to your astonishment, that the new, pretend temperature measurements told an entirely different story from the original, real temperature measurements: that where before your records showed a cooling since the 1940s they now showed a warming trend.

You’d be gobsmacked, would you not?

Yet, incredible though it may seem, the scenario I’ve just described is more or less exactly analogous to what has happened to the raw data from weather stations all over the world.

Take the ones in Paraguay – a part of the world which contributed heavily to NASA GISS’s recent narrative about 2014 having been the “hottest year on record.”

If it wasn’t for the diligence of amateur investigators like retired accountant Paul Homewood, probably no one would care, not even Paraguayans, what has been going on with the Paraguayan temperature records. But Homewood has done his homework and here, revealed at his site Notalotofpeopleknowthat, is what he found.

He began by examining Paraguay’s only three genuinely rural weather stations. (ie the ones least likely to have had their readings affected over the years by urban development.)

All three – at least in the versions used by NASA GISS for their “hottest year on record” claim – show a “clear and steady” upward (warming) trend since the 1950s, with 2014 shown as the hottest year at one of the sites, Puerto Casado.

Judging by this chart all is clear: it’s getting hotter in Paraguay, just like it is everywhere else in the world.

Data.GISS GISS Surface Temperature Analysis

But wait. How did the Puerto Casado chart look before the temperature data was adjusted? Rather different as you see here:

Data.GISS GISS Surface Temperature Analysis

Perhaps, though, Puerto Casada was an anomaly?

Nope. Similar adjustments, in the same direction, appear to have been made to the two other rural sites.

Ah. But there was surely some innocent explanation for this, Homewood surmised. Perhaps the rural stations were wildly out of kilter with the urban stations and had been ‘homogenised’ accordingly.

Except, guess what?


OK. So why am I making you look at all these charts? Because seeing is believing.
When dead grass/weedy fields burst into flames from spontaneous combustion we'll realize there may be some global warming happening....IF we are still alive at that point. Otherwise, we've already known those phony ass numbers have been literally CREATED from scratch by the agoreist society.
When dead grass/weedy fields burst into flames from spontaneous combustion we'll realize there may be some global warming happening....IF we are still alive at that point. Otherwise, we've already known those phony ass numbers have been literally CREATED from scratch by the agoreist society.

You'll notice that the holy brethren of the AGW cult never respond to threads like this one, but they'll start a parallel thread saying 2014 was the third warmest year on record..
When dead grass/weedy fields burst into flames from spontaneous combustion we'll realize there may be some global warming happening....IF we are still alive at that point. Otherwise, we've already known those phony ass numbers have been literally CREATED from scratch by the agoreist society.

You'll notice that the holy brethren of the AGW cult never respond to threads like this one, but they'll start a parallel thread saying 2014 was the third warmest year on record..

I noticed. Never fail to notice.
When dead grass/weedy fields burst into flames from spontaneous combustion we'll realize there may be some global warming happening....IF we are still alive at that point. Otherwise, we've already known those phony ass numbers have been literally CREATED from scratch by the agoreist society.

You'll notice that the holy brethren of the AGW cult never respond to threads like this one, but they'll start a parallel thread saying 2014 was the third warmest year on record..

I'll respond. You and anyone else that expects to find objective science or accurate, factual information in Breitbart is simply fooking stupid.
When dead grass/weedy fields burst into flames from spontaneous combustion we'll realize there may be some global warming happening....IF we are still alive at that point. Otherwise, we've already known those phony ass numbers have been literally CREATED from scratch by the agoreist society.

You'll notice that the holy brethren of the AGW cult never respond to threads like this one, but they'll start a parallel thread saying 2014 was the third warmest year on record..

I'll respond. You and anyone else that expects to find objective science or accurate, factual information in Breitbart is simply fooking stupid.

The irony impaired AGW cult and their comments.
When dead grass/weedy fields burst into flames from spontaneous combustion we'll realize there may be some global warming happening....IF we are still alive at that point. Otherwise, we've already known those phony ass numbers have been literally CREATED from scratch by the agoreist society.

You'll notice that the holy brethren of the AGW cult never respond to threads like this one, but they'll start a parallel thread saying 2014 was the third warmest year on record..

I'll respond. You and anyone else that expects to find objective science or accurate, factual information in Breitbart is simply fooking stupid.

Personal attack with NOTHING of intellect to back it up.... Damn, where is your Government GRANT CHECK for your climate study.... the study you do on the internet, WITHOUT FACTS?.....Did they send it to Al Gore again????
It's amazing how consistently the Liberal response never addresses the issue, they just attack and dismiss the source. Sure is easier that way, eh?
Learned it from the Right who reject all sources not biased Right. Funny thing is, the Right will not tolerate their own rationalizations when they bite them in their hypocritical asses!
It's amazing how consistently the Liberal response never addresses the issue, they just attack and dismiss the source. Sure is easier that way, eh?
Learned it from the Right who reject all sources not biased Right. Funny thing is, the Right will not tolerate their own rationalizations when they bite them in their hypocritical asses!

How about addressing the OP.
It's amazing how consistently the Liberal response never addresses the issue, they just attack and dismiss the source. Sure is easier that way, eh?
Learned it from the Right who reject all sources not biased Right. Funny thing is, the Right will not tolerate their own rationalizations when they bite them in their hypocritical asses!
How about addressing the OP.
The OP has no credibility to address, you know that. It even admits the "scenario" is imaginary.
"the scenario I’ve just described is more or less"
Quite a bit less!!!
It's amazing how consistently the Liberal response never addresses the issue, they just attack and dismiss the source. Sure is easier that way, eh?
Learned it from the Right who reject all sources not biased Right. Funny thing is, the Right will not tolerate their own rationalizations when they bite them in their hypocritical asses!
How about addressing the OP.
The OP has no credibility to address, you know that. It even admits the "scenario" is imaginary.
"the scenario I’ve just described is more or less"
Quite a bit less!!!

What "scenario?" The OP contains the actual data before and after it is "homogenized." There is no "scenario." Are you claiming the data posted is a lie?
It's amazing how consistently the Liberal response never addresses the issue, they just attack and dismiss the source. Sure is easier that way, eh?
Learned it from the Right who reject all sources not biased Right. Funny thing is, the Right will not tolerate their own rationalizations when they bite them in their hypocritical asses!
How about addressing the OP.
The OP has no credibility to address, you know that. It even admits the "scenario" is imaginary.
"the scenario I’ve just described is more or less"
Quite a bit less!!!

Yet the AGW cult will still drone on about their religious propaganda and continue to deny real science..
It's amazing how consistently the Liberal response never addresses the issue, they just attack and dismiss the source. Sure is easier that way, eh?
Learned it from the Right who reject all sources not biased Right. Funny thing is, the Right will not tolerate their own rationalizations when they bite them in their hypocritical asses!
How about addressing the OP.
The OP has no credibility to address, you know that. It even admits the "scenario" is imaginary.
"the scenario I’ve just described is more or less"
Quite a bit less!!!

What "scenario?" The OP contains the actual data before and after it is "homogenized." There is no "scenario." Are you claiming the data posted is a lie?
I quoted them admitting it was made up. BigotBarf "homogenized" the data, like the Right always does. Post the data and prove me wrong. You can't because Bigot posted no data that they didn't manufacture, so all data depends on the credibility of BigotBarf, and they have none!
It's amazing how consistently the Liberal response never addresses the issue, they just attack and dismiss the source. Sure is easier that way, eh?
Learned it from the Right who reject all sources not biased Right. Funny thing is, the Right will not tolerate their own rationalizations when they bite them in their hypocritical asses!
How about addressing the OP.
The OP has no credibility to address, you know that. It even admits the "scenario" is imaginary.
"the scenario I’ve just described is more or less"
Quite a bit less!!!

What "scenario?" The OP contains the actual data before and after it is "homogenized." There is no "scenario." Are you claiming the data posted is a lie?
I quoted them admitting it was made up. BigotBarf "homogenized" the data, like the Right always does. Post the data and prove me wrong. You can't because Bigot posted no data that they didn't manufacture, so all data depends on the credibility of BigotBarf, and they have none!

The irony impaired far left/AGW cult members and their comments..

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