For the GOP, it's all about politics. A completely separate issue from ripping apart families.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
We have already heard over and over again that Republicans are worried about the Optics. The are nervous ripping families apart might have a negative political impact.

Republicans are shocked and surprised that anyone cares. Hey, the immigrants are brown. Their kids are brown. What's the big deal?

Remember when Republicans let CHIP lapse so they could use those children for political purposes?

This was from Mitch McConnell:


Using children for political purposes is nothing new for Republicans. If they do this to American children, then why would they care about brown foreign children running for their lives?

If Republicans do anything to stop this insanity, it will be because of political pressure.

Even in the midst of this awful, they keep lying by saying "Democrats want open borders" while at the same time, insisting Obama deported more than any president in history.

Politically, will this "having it both ways" work for the GOP? Saying Democrats want open borders yet deported the most people?
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But this has nothing to do with politics for the Dems.

Holy crap.

I become more amazed at what hardcore partisan ideology can do to the mind every single day.
The fact that Democrats can be blackmailed by the GOP threatening children, proves that for Democrats it's not just political.

I thought that would be obvious.
ILMAO at "RIPPING APART FAMILIES". You shouldn't comment on things you know nothing about. It only shows you're an ill-informed, foolish and emotionally triggered liberal.
Right the GOP forced illegals to break our laws and sneak into OUR country illegally. You stupid shit Dem's are going to get your ass whooped again for defending illegals.
i don't care about the optics as i say that the optics are working fine on the third worlder that are now scared of leaving their zhilholes for the USA Border . Optics are fine and are working as intended DeanRD .
Right the GOP forced illegals to break our laws and sneak into OUR country illegally. You stupid shit Dem's are going to get your ass whooped again for defending illegals.

Same shit happened on Obama's watch. Only difference is Trump takes the law more seriously, so he's doing something former POTUS lacked the spine for. This is just another liberal frenzy of propaganda aimed for gathering votes. The liberal elite understands their following are emotional wrecks and grossly ill-informed, so they prey on their very weak minds.
We have already heard over and over again that Republicans are worried about the Optics. The are nervous ripping families apart might have a negative political impact.

Republicans are shocked and surprised that anyone cares. Hey, the immigrants are brown. Their kids are brown. What's the big deal?

Remember when Republicans let CHIP lapse so they could use those children for political purposes?

This was from Mitch McConnell:


Using children for political purposes is nothing new for Republicans. If they do this to American children, then why would they care about brown foreign children running for their lives?

If Republicans do anything to stop this insanity, it will be because of political pressure.

Even in the midst of this awful, they keep lying by saying "Democrats want open borders" while at the same time, insisting Obama deported more than any president in history.

Politically, will this "having it both ways" work for the GOP? Saying Democrats want open borders yet deported the most people?

Damn, D, what is this now - your FOURTH OR FITH BS Thread on this topic, ALL of them continuing to ignore the FACT (and provided link / evidence) that in 2015 Obama's own policy of doing this was ruled against, how the Judge slammed him and his administration were separating families and running what SHE called 'concentration camps', a ruling Obama even FOUGHT at 1st in order to keep doing it?!

'Concentration Camps' - sound familiar? That's the same thing the hypocrites / snowflakes are using to attack Trump now.

Once again snowflakes are exposed for accusing others of doing what THEY do and of being who THEY are...

...and you get exposed for starting ANOTHER thread pushing the same lies and false attacks.

Mods, can you PLEASE consolidate his MANY other threads on this along with the other MANY snowflake threads on this into one hug, thread?!
Lying Trump using children regarding the US border which 'must be defended'. Of course he also said Russia was justified in crossing their border with Ukraine and taking the Crimea Peninsula from them.

Borders, when you're a fascists defending them or rolling over them with tanks is the same thing.
Right the GOP forced illegals to break our laws and sneak into OUR country illegally. You stupid shit Dem's are going to get your ass whooped again for defending illegals.

Same shit happened on Obama's watch. Only difference is Trump takes the law more seriously, so he's doing something former POTUS lacked the spine for. This is just another liberal frenzy of propaganda aimed for gathering votes. The liberal elite understands their following are emotional wrecks and grossly ill-informed, so they prey on their very weak minds.
The Obama admin was sneaky tough on illegal immigration for awhile. It was only later in the admin that they softened on it. You can find a whole lot of clips of prominent democrats like Schumer, Obama and Clinton using forceful language against illegal immigration. It's pretty hilarious how both parties will turn on a dime if it's politically expedient.
We have already heard over and over again that Republicans are worried about the Optics. The are nervous ripping families apart might have a negative political impact.

Republicans are shocked and surprised that anyone cares. Hey, the immigrants are brown. Their kids are brown. What's the big deal?

Remember when Republicans let CHIP lapse so they could use those children for political purposes?

This was from Mitch McConnell:


Using children for political purposes is nothing new for Republicans. If they do this to American children, then why would they care about brown foreign children running for their lives?

If Republicans do anything to stop this insanity, it will be because of political pressure.

Even in the midst of this awful, they keep lying by saying "Democrats want open borders" while at the same time, insisting Obama deported more than any president in history.

Politically, will this "having it both ways" work for the GOP? Saying Democrats want open borders yet deported the most people?

You forgot to quote Scripture to complete the hypocrisy
But this has nothing to do with politics for the Dems.

Holy crap.

I become more amazed at what hardcore partisan ideology can do to the mind every single day.
The fact that Democrats can be blackmailed by the GOP threatening children, proves that for Democrats it's not just political.

I thought that would be obvious.
Well, thanks for saying "not just political". Then we agree, there's elements of both in this.
Lying Trump using children regarding the US border which 'must be defended'. Of course he also said Russia was justified in crossing their border with Ukraine and taking the Crimea Peninsula from them.

Borders, when you're a fascists defending them or rolling over them with tanks is the same thing.
What exactly is it that makes you fascist, Constitution/Rule Of Law violating, pro-terrorist/MS-13/criminal snowflakes so openly despise anyone who wants to secure our borders, protect Americans from the continuous onslaught of crimes committed by the illegal criminals Democrats long to import, and enforce the Rule of Law?

You nutjobs did not rant and rave and ick up your pitch forks and torches when Barry was doing this?

Is your rabid partisanship, extremist loyalty to the exposed criminals, and / or your obvious Trump Dementia seriously THAT strong?
Nobody is "ripping apart families" except maybe Planned Parenthood that thrives on the murder of the unborn and disregards the PTSD symptoms in woman who have undergone the procedure of ripping the life from their bodies and destroying it or selling body parts. LBJ's fifty year old phony "Great Society" did nothing but tear stable Black families apart. Maybe the angry incoherent left doesn't understand that the situation along the border hasn't changed much since Barry Hussein was in charge. Maybe kids are better protected from abuses by human traffickers but little has changed except the politically charged phony hysteria on the left.
Lying Trump using children regarding the US border which 'must be defended'. Of course he also said Russia was justified in crossing their border with Ukraine and taking the Crimea Peninsula from them.

Borders, when you're a fascists defending them or rolling over them with tanks is the same thing.
What exactly is it that makes you fascist, Constitution/Rule Of Law violating, pro-terrorist/MS-13/criminal snowflakes so openly despise anyone who wants to secure our borders, protect Americans from the continuous onslaught of crimes committed by the illegal criminals Democrats long to import, and enforce the Rule of Law?

You nutjobs did not rant and rave and ick up your pitch forks and torches when Barry was doing this?

Is your rabid partisanship, extremist loyalty to the exposed criminals, and / or your obvious Trump Dementia seriously THAT strong?

We have already heard over and over again that Republicans are worried about the Optics. The are nervous ripping families apart might have a negative political impact.

Republicans are shocked and surprised that anyone cares. Hey, the immigrants are brown. Their kids are brown. What's the big deal?

Remember when Republicans let CHIP lapse so they could use those children for political purposes?

This was from Mitch McConnell:


Using children for political purposes is nothing new for Republicans. If they do this to American children, then why would they care about brown foreign children running for their lives?

If Republicans do anything to stop this insanity, it will be because of political pressure.

Even in the midst of this awful, they keep lying by saying "Democrats want open borders" while at the same time, insisting Obama deported more than any president in history.

Politically, will this "having it both ways" work for the GOP? Saying Democrats want open borders yet deported the most people?

Everything in your post is guys only whine when republicans do the shit that democrats's uniformed you guys are.

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