For Presidential Debate Democrats Weak On Economy!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
What struck me as noteworthy about the Democrat Debate tonight is that on economics it seems like all the Democrat candidates only speak to Democrats to those Independent and Republican Americans they leave us with the impression that we should be worried about them that a Democrat President will wreck the economy. Yes the next President should treat the climate change issue as a crisis and thereby move aggressively to ween America off fossil fuels. But a carbon tax essentially the only thing that will do is raise prices; yes back to the Obama agenda and aggressive move America passenger fleet to electric vehicles, be aggressive about tax credits for America's homeowners to convert to solar energy. But this idea that a pivot to a green economy will be a job savior you're just blowing smoke and Americans aren't stupid American's know that if China and India and other heavy carbon using countries don't go heavy off carbon fuels America's effort know matter how robust won't mean much.

Also, I was surprised that no Democrat candidate answered the moderator's question well which was a really prudent and pertinent question because it is spot on from a reality standpoint which was what will you offer the American people as President if Congress fails to pass your Medicare for all (or for that matter your government option) health care bill - and I can tell you as a fact if Democrats don't get sixty Senate seats with the 2020 election they ain't and I mean no way not a chance are they passing those crazy expensive pieces of legislation. What I was hoping to hear was a Democrat candidate say I would move on the current Alexander/Murray bill which would reimburse health insurance companies operating in the individual insurance market for expensive enrollees who have serious expensive health problems which would drive down premium prices in the individual market!

What I thought was an excellent policy initiative which will make a profound difference for America is Senate Klobuchar's statements that as President she would make it a top priority to pass legislation that would put the country on track to change the Constitution to overturn the Supreme Court case Citizens United that would reduce the piles and piles of money that come into election races through Public action committees that turn American election into negative advertisement contests. Andrew Yang is very likable and he was outstanding at identifying America's problems but unfortunately his policy solutions missed the mark. Mr. Yang hit the nail on the head when he essentially said that Americans are mad as hell at this free trade globalization mode that has lost four million middle class manufacturing jobs. Donald Trump is offering a direct policy fix getting these large trade deficits down even if tariffs have to be used. Democrats should offer policies that guarantee a fix to this problem, and not only preserve manufacturing but return a lot of manufacturing especially for the home appliances market which can create a lot of middle class jobs!
Economy? All you have to do is sit back and continue to allow the Fed to pump billions of dollars into it.
TRUMP will destroy any of the democrats in a debate. They had no real solutions. As for the economy and trade I think many people question how much a democrat POTUS would sell out the US in order to gain global popularity.

Either way I think my least favorite democrat on stage was Buttigedge, probably followed by Warren. The only one who comes across as likable was Yang and he doesn't have a chance. I will give props to Amy for taming down her shaking voice and not sounding so nervous.

As fas as moderators this was probably the best so far, but that's not saying much.

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