For politicians with unfettered lockdown power, we are the new Kulaks


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
For politicians with unfettered lockdown power, we are the new Kulaks

For politicians with unfettered lockdown power, we are the new Kulaks
16 May 2020 ~~ By Andrea Widberg
The Holodomor of the early 1930s happened when Stalin deliberately starved small, independent Ukrainian farmers who wanted to retain their independence and private ownership rather than become part of the Soviet agricultural collective. Although Democrat governors aren't starving anyone (although some have had a good run at killing nursing home patients), there's an eerie historic parallel here when one looks at how Democrat politicians have used the excuse of the Wuhan virus to bankrupt the working and middle classes.
Democrat politicians are not engaging in a mass genocide here in America. Nevertheless, it's hard to miss the fact that they are targeting working Americans who refuse to get with the completely irrational lockdown mandates that are destroying the working and middle classes. That is, not only are the Democrats barring people from working, but when people try to work, the Democrats unleash the government on them, instantly destroying their businesses and even attacking their families.
Democrat-driven policies have also ensured that small businesses will not be able to get back on their feet. A study has shown that two thirds of the workers who lost their jobs because of the lockdowns are getting more in unemployment insurance than they did from their salaries.
Add to all this the fact that Nancy Pelosi's $3-trillion "stimulus" would hand taxpayer money over to illegal aliens, release most ICE detainees, and effectively declare amnesty for illegal aliens. You can't help but suspect that the Democrats want to wipe out independent Americans, making them vassals of the state and clearing the way for an entirely new, more amenable batch of "citizens."

there's no denying the totalitarian nature of today's Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Party is on full display within Congress and especially in Blue Plantation run States. The November election choice is very clear now, and will be even clearer as the Democrat governors attempt to extend the lockdowns in their respective states.
While PMS/DSA Democrat Leftist continue to promote Cannabis, and other illegal drugs China and the Mexican Cartels gladly supply them. Meanwhile Americans die at rates only equivalent to wartime statistics.
Now that we have been exposed to the Wuhan Covid-19 SARS virus, the PMS/DSA Left continues it's onslaught upon the citizens that supposedly elected them by quarantine, and cases like NYC, New Jersey and Pennsylvania seeding Nursing Homes with the virus that kill our most vulnerable the aged.
Then there's those Blue State governors that had blatantly have violated the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. This has filtered down to the local tyrants that are imposing stricter powers that restrict people from from and basic needs.
Strangely these wannabe totalitarians, that have revealed themselves will face reelection soon enough and don't understand why there is resistance to their draconian actions. That's because they are not patriots and they don't know the real truth about the revolution of 1776. It wasn't just disgruntled colonists against unfair taxes ... it was a deep in the heart stubbornness that shouted we are free.
Oh they're trying but America is giving a huge fuck you

Why does Dr. Fauci still have a job? :dunno:

". . .Despite the launch of Operation Warp Speed, the appointment of a Big Pharma Executive, and the calls for military involvement in distribution of vaccines, some Trump supporters still maintain that Donald J. Trump is not a part of the Rockefeller-Gates agenda to vaccinate the entire world. However, Trump’s action tell another story.

Although Trump questioned the safety of vaccinations as far back as 2014, since becoming President he has towed the party line. In April 2019, while questioned about alleged outbreaks of measles and whether or not he supports Americans’ right to opt out of the MMR vaccine, Trump stated that Americans “have to get the shots. The vaccinations are so important.” Trump concluded with the support of mandatory vaccinations: “This is really going around now. They have to get their shots.”

We do acknowledge that Donald Trump has made several statements – including during Friday’s press conference – indicating that he is not currently planning to call for mandatory vaccinations of all Americans. However, rather than hanging on the words of the president as if they are gospel, we should judge the man by his actions. When looking at Trump’s actual actions – not his tweets – it’s clear that he has not drained the swamp, but has instead, filled it with familiar Deep State bureaucrats pushing an agenda of their own. The individuals involved in this agenda do not have the best interests of Americans in mind."

“If I speak, I am condemned.
If I stay silent, I am damned!”
― victor hugos, Les Misérables


For politicians with unfettered lockdown power, we are the new Kulaks

For politicians with unfettered lockdown power, we are the new Kulaks
16 May 2020 ~~ By Andrea Widberg
The Holodomor of the early 1930s happened when Stalin deliberately starved small, independent Ukrainian farmers who wanted to retain their independence and private ownership rather than become part of the Soviet agricultural collective. Although Democrat governors aren't starving anyone (although some have had a good run at killing nursing home patients), there's an eerie historic parallel here when one looks at how Democrat politicians have used the excuse of the Wuhan virus to bankrupt the working and middle classes.
Democrat politicians are not engaging in a mass genocide here in America. Nevertheless, it's hard to miss the fact that they are targeting working Americans who refuse to get with the completely irrational lockdown mandates that are destroying the working and middle classes. That is, not only are the Democrats barring people from working, but when people try to work, the Democrats unleash the government on them, instantly destroying their businesses and even attacking their families.
Democrat-driven policies have also ensured that small businesses will not be able to get back on their feet. A study has shown that two thirds of the workers who lost their jobs because of the lockdowns are getting more in unemployment insurance than they did from their salaries.
Add to all this the fact that Nancy Pelosi's $3-trillion "stimulus" would hand taxpayer money over to illegal aliens, release most ICE detainees, and effectively declare amnesty for illegal aliens. You can't help but suspect that the Democrats want to wipe out independent Americans, making them vassals of the state and clearing the way for an entirely new, more amenable batch of "citizens."

there's no denying the totalitarian nature of today's Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Party is on full display within Congress and especially in Blue Plantation run States. The November election choice is very clear now, and will be even clearer as the Democrat governors attempt to extend the lockdowns in their respective states.
While PMS/DSA Democrat Leftist continue to promote Cannabis, and other illegal drugs China and the Mexican Cartels gladly supply them. Meanwhile Americans die at rates only equivalent to wartime statistics.
Now that we have been exposed to the Wuhan Covid-19 SARS virus, the PMS/DSA Left continues it's onslaught upon the citizens that supposedly elected them by quarantine, and cases like NYC, New Jersey and Pennsylvania seeding Nursing Homes with the virus that kill our most vulnerable the aged.
Then there's those Blue State governors that had blatantly have violated the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. This has filtered down to the local tyrants that are imposing stricter powers that restrict people from from and basic needs.
Strangely these wannabe totalitarians, that have revealed themselves will face reelection soon enough and don't understand why there is resistance to their draconian actions. That's because they are not patriots and they don't know the real truth about the revolution of 1776. It wasn't just disgruntled colonists against unfair taxes ... it was a deep in the heart stubbornness that shouted we are free.

Comparing yourselves to Kulaks is atrocious and self serving. Get a grip and pull up your big boy pants. There is no comparison.

Although Democrat governors aren't starving anyone…

Not yet.

But what does any sane person believe will be the result of destroying the economy, in the manner that Democrats are obviously and deliberately trying to do?

If this is not stopped, then I think it is undeniable that one result will be that people will starve, and people will die. The Democrats responsible for this know this, and intend this.
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Although Democrat governors aren't starving anyone…

Not yet.

But what does any sane person believe will be the result of destroying the economy, in the manner that Democrats are obviously and deliberately trying to do?

If this is not stopped, then I think it is undeniable that one result will be that people will starve, and people will die. The Democrats responsible for this know this, and intend this.

Tell us about about the millions of American Kulaks that died while collecting unemployment, CRE act funding, and welfare to help them through this.
Tell us about about the millions of American Kulaks that died while collecting unemployment, CRE act funding, and welfare to help them through this.

How unimabginably stupid does one have to be to believe that this is, in any way, sustainable—that it is even possible, much less wise, for government to be handing out large amounts of money to support non-workers, out of taxes collected from only a tiny minority who are being allowed to work?

This is not any normal level of stupidity. This is Coyote-level stupidity.
Oh they're trying but America is giving a huge fuck you
Just shopped a grocery store with rather large FACE COVERINGS REQUIRED PER (silly fiat decree here) on the doors, with NO MASK.

Got my basket of stuff and checked out...No fuss, no muss.

My hero...<swoon>...Dork

As for the Op-Ed. What a load of horse shit. American Thinker??? RATFLMAO...another conservative rag...
Oh they're trying but America is giving a huge fuck you
Just shopped a grocery store with rather large FACE COVERINGS REQUIRED PER (silly fiat decree here) on the doors, with NO MASK.

Got my basket of stuff and checked out...No fuss, no muss.

My hero...<swoon>...Dork

As for the Op-Ed. What a load of horse shit. American Thinker??? RATFLMAO...another conservative rag...
Op is correct that the democrats want us controlled or dead. No denying that.

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