For Disgruntled Republicans

Adam's Apple

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2004
Makes good sense to me; how about you?

The 2006 Choice
By Cal Thomas, The Washington Times
November 3, 2006

Conservatives who are upset that Republicans haven't done enough during their 12 years in control of the House and Senate and nearly six years in control of the White House need a slap in the face.

for full article:
Cal Thomas presents a clear, sensible argument, as always. The question now - and one I certainly don't presume to know the answer to - is: how angry is Christian conservative America? Angry enough to swallow a bitter pill, in order to banish forever the elitist, globalist wing of the Republican Party? This arrogant subset - in the persons of the President and the Senate - has clearly told the base to take its archaic, pesky notions of sovereignty, the sanctity of our borders, and the rule of law, and piss off. I've got to think that carries a price.

I believe, though, that whoever wins Tuesday will draw the wrong conclusions from victory. The Democrats, if successful, will assume that their filth and lies have carried the day - and that's not an altogether bad thing. That means that the truth will AGAIN escape them, to wit: the seventies are over. America sees the Democrat Party for what it is. There's nowhere to hide. The emporer has no clothes. They'll learn nothing; there'll be no introspection - no soul-searching. They'll stupidly bring the same, delusional game plan in '08, and every following election cycle, until a truly conservative party - by whatever name it takes (Sadder But Wiser Republicans, maybe) - drives them into their richly deserved extinction. '06 will prove to be only the most fleeting and temporary of reprieves.

But, if the Republicans get out of this with their skins, the elitists who infect the Party will prove just as blind and arrogant. With a sigh of relief, they'll go right back to screwing America, with a renewed vigor - reinforced in their belief that the hideousness of liberalism has rendered them invincible. "What are they gonna do - vote AGAINST us?" will become the battle cry for the destruction of our nation - from within, in the name of mammon, and with the unwitting, but vital aid of Christian conservative America.

For my part, I'm going to support the Republican House; they've done a good job - the ones in my state, anyway. My Senator - Mike DeWine - can go to hell. So can George Voinovich - but, then - he's not up for his "job evaluation" this year. I'll take care of him later. A blank space from me on the Senate - sink or swim, bastards. How anybody else is going to handle it, I haven't a clue. Follow your hearts, my friends. God bless you.
Posted by Adam Apple:

Last week over lunch, I asked Vice President Dick Cheney about conservative angst. He said in previous campaigns, "I would have given a lot to get an economy this good to be able to run on." Noting the recession that occurred right after he and the president took office in 2001, Mr. Cheney told me, "We [also] had 9/11. ... We had Katrina, a war. We had to spend a lot of money on the war and homeland security. And so a series of repeated shocks... to the economy and here we are, we've got 4.6 unemployment. We added 6.6 million new jobs in the last three years. Productivity is running at an all-time high. More Americans [are] working than ever before. Inflation is under control. ... The stock market has hit all-time records. What do you want? How much better do we have to make it before people say, 'yes, that's pretty good'? "
It's a good question. Is there anyone who believes government doesn't have enough of our money? Then vote for Democrats. Is there anyone who thinks withdrawing from Iraq before the country can stand on its own against terrorism means there won't be more terrorism? Then vote for Democrats. Do you prefer liberal judges reading their prejudices into the Constitution and increasingly depriving us of our right to decide our own future? Then vote for Democrats.
If not, conservatives should vote Republican and then work to continue advancing conservative goals. Those goals are more likely to be reached under Republicans than under Democrats. That's the choice this year, a choice that will be made whether one votes, or cuts and runs out of a false notion that Republicans need to be punished for not doing more. As the vice president said, "What do you want?"

This is the "meat, and potatoes" of the Cal Thomas article, that AA posted.

As Musicman points out as well, there are choices to be made, important choices, ones we will have to live with for years.

I just hate to think of it, as choosing between the best of two evils, but maybe, as in the past, that's what we have.

Maybe we'll always be faced with this type of dilemma. I recall my parents complaining about the very same thing years ago. As much as we would like to believe things have changed, that we've made a difference, well, maybe not.

Indeed, "What do you want?":smoke:
But, if the Republicans get out of this with their skins, the elitists who infect the Party will prove just as blind and arrogant. With a sigh of relief, they'll go right back to screwing America, with a renewed vigor - reinforced in their belief that the hideousness of liberalism has rendered them invincible. "What are they gonna do - vote AGAINST us?" will become the battle cry for the destruction of our nation - from within, in the name of mammon, and with the unwitting, but vital aid of Christian conservative America.

I hear you, Musicman, and I feel your pain. If the Republicans should keep the House, the base will have to keep the heat on for the next two years to keep your scenario from happening.
Im not sure its anger we need. I think its just plain old brain power. The fact is if Republicans lose control of the house, its going to be the conservatives in the house who have been keeping their promises that will be paying rather than the moderates in the Senate.

Looks at PA right now. Im being told i need to vote against my Republican politicians to show them not to take us for granted. But the fact is the politicians I elected arent taking me for granted. Quite the opposite, they are the ones doing their job.

The problem is those angry at republicans arent really thinking about "is my representative causing the problems or helping to fix them" They are thinking "He has an R by his name so lets vote him out"
Avatar, you're validating a segment of a program Fox News (cable) had on one night last week where the point was made that, although Congress' rating in the polls is in the basement, when people were asked individually if they were satisfied with the job their own Congressman was doing, they overwhelmingly said they were.

Like you, I think my own Congressman has done a fine job and deserves to be returned to Washington.
I'm happy with my congressman and satisfied with my senators. I'd consider voting in some competition if my senators were up for re-election, but they're not.

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