Food deserts


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2015
Anyone remember how the lack of grocery stores in urban areas was wacism, and had to be fixed because wacism?

Who else is looking forward to when this issue is rediscovered so we can laugh at the libs who supported BLM and the politicians that ordered the cops to stand down while rioters burned down the stores in their areas?
Anyone remember how the lack of grocery stores in urban areas was wacism, and had to be fixed because wacism?

Who else is looking forward to when this issue is rediscovered so we can laugh at the libs who supported BLM and the politicians that ordered the cops to stand down while rioters burned down the stores in their areas?

What current event is this?
Anyone remember how the lack of grocery stores in urban areas was wacism, and had to be fixed because wacism?

Who else is looking forward to when this issue is rediscovered so we can laugh at the libs who supported BLM and the politicians that ordered the cops to stand down while rioters burned down the stores in their areas?

What current event is this?

THe riots that burnt down billions of dollars worth of businesses and is not being rebuilt, because who would be dumb enough to rebuild in a city where the people elect mayors that order the cops to let rioters riot and loot and burn?

And as this is going to be an ongoing issue, I thought, current.
Because of this ,Insurance companies will either raise rates or cancel insurance altogether in those areas. No insurance means no business license. So those stores will be boarded up and the whole area will go down hill. Those who organized it should be held responsible . If I was a lawyer, I would go after them on behalf of the residents and business owners.
Because of this ,Insurance companies will either raise rates or cancel insurance altogether in those areas. No insurance means no business license. So those stores will be boarded up and the whole area will go down hill. Those who organized it should be held responsible . If I was a lawyer, I would go after them on behalf of the residents and business owners.

It is even worse that just that. The insurance often has a maximum clean up cost. If exceeded, then the business might not even be able to pay to get the lot cleaned up.
Portland, Oregon is attractive because of the natural beauty ... preserved by very restrictive environmental regulations on business ... it's a horrible place for business, but a great place to live ... [smile] ... by design ...

There's extensive forestland within city limits ... 20, 30 miles away is primordial coastal rain forest, where X-Files was filmed ... Mt Hood, Mt Baker, Mt St Helans and Mt Jefferson dominate the skyline ... clean water ...

All at the expense of business ...
Anyone remember how the lack of grocery stores in urban areas was wacism, and had to be fixed because wacism?
I don't know if it's "racist" but checkers at urban grocery stores have a nasty habit of refusing service customers, and referring them to restaurants.
Because of this ,Insurance companies will either raise rates or cancel insurance altogether in those areas. No insurance means no business license. So those stores will be boarded up and the whole area will go down hill. Those who organized it should be held responsible . If I was a lawyer, I would go after them on behalf of the residents and business owners.

It is even worse that just that. The insurance often has a maximum clean up cost. If exceeded, then the business might not even be able to pay to get the lot cleaned up.
And that will cause the area to turn back to a 1960s style slum and all the hard work people put in to building there area would be gone.
A food desert occurs when a majority of stores or all stores have been robbed, burned, or shoplifted out of business. Then they refuse to reopen.

And now we will see that, even more.

liberalism always produces the exact opposite of it's stated intentions.
Because of this ,Insurance companies will either raise rates or cancel insurance altogether in those areas. No insurance means no business license. So those stores will be boarded up and the whole area will go down hill. Those who organized it should be held responsible . If I was a lawyer, I would go after them on behalf of the residents and business owners.

It is even worse that just that. The insurance often has a maximum clean up cost. If exceeded, then the business might not even be able to pay to get the lot cleaned up.
And that will cause the area to turn back to a 1960s style slum and all the hard work people put in to building there area would be gone.

Yep. Generations of hard work, burned up in a couple of weeks because elected mayors sided with the mob and ordered the cops to let them rule the streets.

And this is just ONE aspect of how this will fuck over the people that voted for these dem mayors.

It would be hilarious, if I though anyone would learn anything from it.

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