FL legislator wants to outlaw the phrase "illegal alien"


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
Illiteracy is a terrible thing, especially in an elected state legislator. Maybe if each of us buys a dictionary and sends it to her, she'll get the message?

I have to wonder if she was one of the ones who objected so strenuously to the word "niggardly" a few years back.

Is it any surprise that our public schools perform so poorly? The legislators who control them cannot recognize the ignorance and illiteracy of the students, when it's no greater than their own.

Sometimes I fear for my country. We get the government we deserve.


The News-Press: Local & State

Bill would mandate nicer term for illegals

February 27, 2007

TALLAHASSEE -- A state legislator whose district is home to thousands of Caribbean immigrants wants to ban the term "illegal alien" from the state's official documents.

"I personally find the word 'alien' offensive when applied to individuals, especially to children," said Sen. Frederica Wilson, D-Miami. "An alien to me is someone from out of space."

She has introduced a bill providing that: "A state agency or official may not use the term 'illegal alien' in an official document of the state." There would be no penalty for using the words.

In Miami-Dade County, Wilson said, "we don't say 'alien,' we say 'immigrant.'"

She said she encountered the situation when trying to pass a bill allowing children of foreigners to get in-state tuition at colleges and universities. Wilson, who directs a dropout prevention and education program in Miami, said she politely asks witnesses at public hearings on such issues not to use the term.

"There are students in our schools whose parents are trying to become citizens and we shouldn't label them," she said. "They are immigrants, through no fault of their own, not aliens."

Wilson said the first word isn't as bad as the second.

"'Illegal,' I can live with, but I like 'undocumented' better," she said.

Asked if her bill (SB 2154) might run afoul of Gov. Charlie Crist's "plain speaking" mandate for government agencies, Wilson said, "I think getting rid of 'alien' would be plain speaking."
Illiteracy is a terrible thing, especially in an elected state legislator. Maybe if each of us buys a dictionary and sends it to her, she'll get the message?

I have to wonder if she was one of the ones who objected so strenuously to the word "niggardly" a few years back.

Is it any surprise that our public schools perform so poorly? The legislators who control them cannot recognize the ignorance and illiteracy of the students, when it's no greater than their own.

Sometimes I fear for my country. We get the government we deserve.


The News-Press: Local & State

Bill would mandate nicer term for illegals

February 27, 2007

TALLAHASSEE -- A state legislator whose district is home to thousands of Caribbean immigrants wants to ban the term "illegal alien" from the state's official documents.

"I personally find the word 'alien' offensive when applied to individuals, especially to children," said Sen. Frederica Wilson, D-Miami. "An alien to me is someone from out of space."

She has introduced a bill providing that: "A state agency or official may not use the term 'illegal alien' in an official document of the state." There would be no penalty for using the words.

In Miami-Dade County, Wilson said, "we don't say 'alien,' we say 'immigrant.'"

She said she encountered the situation when trying to pass a bill allowing children of foreigners to get in-state tuition at colleges and universities. Wilson, who directs a dropout prevention and education program in Miami, said she politely asks witnesses at public hearings on such issues not to use the term.

"There are students in our schools whose parents are trying to become citizens and we shouldn't label them," she said. "They are immigrants, through no fault of their own, not aliens."

Wilson said the first word isn't as bad as the second.

"'Illegal,' I can live with, but I like 'undocumented' better," she said.

Asked if her bill (SB 2154) might run afoul of Gov. Charlie Crist's "plain speaking" mandate for government agencies, Wilson said, "I think getting rid of 'alien' would be plain speaking."

So, we should call them "undocumented immigrants"? I might be persuaded to go along with that, really.

Once they apply for citizenship, and learn to speak American, both them, AND their parents.

Otherwise their CRIMINALS, and I'll call them what they are, Illegal Aliens.
So, we should call them "undocumented immigrants"? I might be persuaded to go along with that, really.

Once they apply for citizenship, and learn to speak American, both them, AND their parents.
One small quibble: At that point, they are "documented".

Otherwise their CRIMINALS, and I'll call them what they are, Illegal Aliens.


You get an "A" in basic English... th course that that FL legislator just flunked.
These people are undocumented workers.
Enron crooks and pedophile Republican lawmakers are criminals.

What Republican lawmaker is a pedophile?

I wasn't aware that breaking the law made some people criminals and others not. The law is the law. All people are treated equally before it.
Libs use alot of different code words to fool the voters

Increased investments = raise taxes

Alternate sources of revenues = new taxes

undocumented immigrants = illegal immigrants

militants, insurgents = murdering terrorists

terrorism = nuisances

'I support the troops but not the war.' = 'I hope the news reports more casualties I can use as a political bludgeon.'

'Labels are only to scare people.' = 'Stop accurately calling me a liberal; I'm trying to hide that.'

'One person's terrorist is another's freedom fighter.' = 'I'm such a moral midget, I can't even call people murdering women and children what they are."

"You’re questioning my patriotism!" = "Your legitimate attacks on my voting record is making me question my patriotism."
Illegal aliens are not "undocumented".

They can get all kinds of useful documents without a problem, including social security cards which can be purchased on the black market. I recently was at my local DMV getting my driver's license renewed. Of the over 60 people waiting around (yeah, the usual government "efficiency"....I waited for over 2.5 hours) at least half were obvious immigrants, most of which preferred to speak in their foreign language with each other. In fact, there were Spanish signs posted, as well as Spanish-speaking clerks working there and speaking in Spanish to those who couldn't speak in English. I wouldn't be surprised if the written drivers' test was in Spanish as well.

Just for kicks I asked a desk clerk if they checked applicants for U.S. citizenship. She got a weird look on her face and said "We don't ask for that in the state of Washington". I suppose providing a birth certificate from Mexico is just fine and dandy.
Illegal aliens are not "undocumented".

They can get all kinds of useful documents without a problem, including social security cards which can be purchased on the black market. I recently was at my local DMV getting my driver's license renewed. Of the over 60 people waiting around (yeah, the usual government "efficiency"....I waited for over 2.5 hours) at least half were obvious immigrants, most of which preferred to speak in their foreign language with each other. In fact, there were Spanish signs posted, as well as Spanish-speaking clerks working there and speaking in Spanish to those who couldn't speak in English. I wouldn't be surprised if the written drivers' test was in Spanish as well.

Just for kicks I asked a desk clerk if they checked applicants for U.S. citizenship. She got a weird look on her face and said "We don't ask for that in the state of Washington". I suppose providing a birth certificate from Mexico is just fine and dandy.

Hey, take it easy on the libs. They need to increase their base so they are going try and get illeagals and convicted felons the right to vote. Libs already have 99.9% of the cemetery vote so they are looking elsewhere to expand

Rememebr the CA 50th election to replace Duke Cunnimgham? You had the female lib tell a group of Hispanics "you do not need papers to vote"

She lost

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