Five FBI Agents Referred to Criminal Investigation by IG


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
It seems that the Federal Praetorian Investigators are being revealed.

We do not need a kabal of elitist wack-jobs interrupting the democratic processes of our Republic.

Put them up against a wall and shoot the bastards, IMO, to set an example.


IG refers five FBI employees for investigation, as more anti-Trump messages revealed

Strzok and Page, who were romantically involved, both served for a short period of time on Special Counsel Robert Muellerā€™s Russia investigation team. Strzok was reassigned following the revelations of his anti-Trump texts. Page resigned last month.

But while many of those texts were made public in late 2017, the IG report revealed a new one in which Strzok vowed to "stop" Trump from becoming president -- and made clear that as many as five total FBI employees exchanged politically charged messages. "The text messages and instant messages sent by these employees included statements of hostility toward then candidate Trump and statements of support for candidate Clinton," the report said.

The report revealed instant messages between unnamed agents, labeled ā€œAgent 1ā€ and ā€œAgent 5,ā€ discussing their jobs in August 2016.

ā€œI find anyone who enjoys [this job] an absolute f---ing idiot. If you donā€™t think so, ask them one more question. Who are you voting for? I guarantee you it will be Donald Drumpf,ā€ Agent 1 sent.

ā€œI forgot about drumpfā€¦thatā€™s so sad and pathetic if they want to vote for him,ā€ Agent 5 responded. ā€œSomeone who canā€™t answer a question. Someone who canā€™t be professional for even a second.ā€

In September, Agent 1 and 5 conversed again, bashing Trump supporters as ā€œretarded.ā€

ā€œIā€™m trying to think of a ā€˜would I ratherā€™ instead of spending time with those people,ā€ Agent 5 sent.

Agent 1 asked, ā€œstick your tongue in a fan??ā€

Agent 5 later wrote: ā€œI would rather have brunch with trump and a bunch of his supporters like the ones from ohio that are retarded.ā€

The report did not, however, find evidence connecting those political opinions held by FBI officials to decisions made in the Clinton investigation.

ā€œThere were clearly tensions and disagreements in a number of important areas between Midyear agents and prosecutors. However, we did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that improper considerations, including political bias, directly affected the specific investigative decisionsā€¦,ā€ the report read. ā€œNonetheless, these messages cast a cloud over the FBIā€™s handling of the Midyear investigation and the investigationā€™s credibility.ā€

Futher, the report said that while it found no evidence the views influenced investigative decisions, ā€œfive employeesā€ have been referred for investigation into whether the messages violated FBI code.

ā€œThe FBI will handle these referrals pursuant to the FBIā€™s disciplinary investigation and adjudication processes, and will impose disciplinary measures as warranted,ā€ the report read.

It is unclear which five FBI employees have been referred for investigation.

An FBI spokesperson told Fox News Thursday they were not able to comment on the names of the five employees referred for investigation.

The IG report included a new text conversation between Strzok and Page from August 2016.

ā€œ[Trumpā€™s] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!ā€ Page texted Strzok.

ā€œNo. No he wonā€™t. Weā€™ll stop it,ā€ Strzok responded.

Those texts ā€œcaused [the OIG] to question the earlier Midyear investigative decisions in which he was involved, and whether he took specific actions in the Midyear investigation based on his political views,ā€ the report read.​
Trump was willing to forgive the plotters until they decided to jail Manafort. He's going to the mattresses. The Plotters will rue the day they choose Soros over the USA
Trump was willing to forgive the plotters until they decided to jail Manafort. He's going to the mattresses. The Plotters will rue the day they choose Soros over the USA
Trump is going for blood now.

These libtards continue to underestimate Trump and his capabilities.

I say fuck 'em, each and every one.
There was clear bias. The IG report describes bias throughout its report..... then says there was no bias. Just like Comey's grandstanding speech when he went on and on describing all of Hillary's misdeeds only to say at the end, no prosecutor would pursue the case

The machine is running at high RPM, tightly curtailed

There was clear bias. The IG report describes bias throughout its report..... then says there was no bias. Just like Comey's grandstanding speech when he went on and on describing all of Hillary's misdeeds only to say at the end, no prosecutor would pursue the case

The machine is running at high RPM, tightly curtailed

The report admits that there was bias, but claims it found no evidence that this bias affected the investigation of Hillary Clintons crimes.
It seems that the Federal Praetorian Investigators are being revealed.

We do not need a kabal of elitist wack-jobs interrupting the democratic processes of our Republic.

Put them up against a wall and shoot the bastards, IMO, to set an example.


IG refers five FBI employees for investigation, as more anti-Trump messages revealed

Strzok and Page, who were romantically involved, both served for a short period of time on Special Counsel Robert Muellerā€™s Russia investigation team. Strzok was reassigned following the revelations of his anti-Trump texts. Page resigned last month.

But while many of those texts were made public in late 2017, the IG report revealed a new one in which Strzok vowed to "stop" Trump from becoming president -- and made clear that as many as five total FBI employees exchanged politically charged messages. "The text messages and instant messages sent by these employees included statements of hostility toward then candidate Trump and statements of support for candidate Clinton," the report said.

The report revealed instant messages between unnamed agents, labeled ā€œAgent 1ā€ and ā€œAgent 5,ā€ discussing their jobs in August 2016.

ā€œI find anyone who enjoys [this job] an absolute f---ing idiot. If you donā€™t think so, ask them one more question. Who are you voting for? I guarantee you it will be Donald Drumpf,ā€ Agent 1 sent.

ā€œI forgot about drumpfā€¦thatā€™s so sad and pathetic if they want to vote for him,ā€ Agent 5 responded. ā€œSomeone who canā€™t answer a question. Someone who canā€™t be professional for even a second.ā€

In September, Agent 1 and 5 conversed again, bashing Trump supporters as ā€œretarded.ā€

ā€œIā€™m trying to think of a ā€˜would I ratherā€™ instead of spending time with those people,ā€ Agent 5 sent.

Agent 1 asked, ā€œstick your tongue in a fan??ā€

Agent 5 later wrote: ā€œI would rather have brunch with trump and a bunch of his supporters like the ones from ohio that are retarded.ā€

The report did not, however, find evidence connecting those political opinions held by FBI officials to decisions made in the Clinton investigation.

ā€œThere were clearly tensions and disagreements in a number of important areas between Midyear agents and prosecutors. However, we did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that improper considerations, including political bias, directly affected the specific investigative decisionsā€¦,ā€ the report read. ā€œNonetheless, these messages cast a cloud over the FBIā€™s handling of the Midyear investigation and the investigationā€™s credibility.ā€

Futher, the report said that while it found no evidence the views influenced investigative decisions, ā€œfive employeesā€ have been referred for investigation into whether the messages violated FBI code.

ā€œThe FBI will handle these referrals pursuant to the FBIā€™s disciplinary investigation and adjudication processes, and will impose disciplinary measures as warranted,ā€ the report read.

It is unclear which five FBI employees have been referred for investigation.

An FBI spokesperson told Fox News Thursday they were not able to comment on the names of the five employees referred for investigation.

The IG report included a new text conversation between Strzok and Page from August 2016.

ā€œ[Trumpā€™s] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!ā€ Page texted Strzok.

ā€œNo. No he wonā€™t. Weā€™ll stop it,ā€ Strzok responded.

Those texts ā€œcaused [the OIG] to question the earlier Midyear investigative decisions in which he was involved, and whether he took specific actions in the Midyear investigation based on his political views,ā€ the report read.​

If he was making decisions based on his political views then he would not have recommended re-opening the Clinton investigation. His text messages also showed he was no fan of Clinton.
There was clear bias. The IG report describes bias throughout its report..... then says there was no bias. Just like Comey's grandstanding speech when he went on and on describing all of Hillary's misdeeds only to say at the end, no prosecutor would pursue the case

The machine is running at high RPM, tightly curtailed


The IG report shows no evidence of bias in the decision. Prosecutorial discretion is a legitimate reason.
It seems that the Federal Praetorian Investigators are being revealed.

We do not need a kabal of elitist wack-jobs interrupting the democratic processes of our Republic.

Put them up against a wall and shoot the bastards, IMO, to set an example.


IG refers five FBI employees for investigation, as more anti-Trump messages revealed

Strzok and Page, who were romantically involved, both served for a short period of time on Special Counsel Robert Muellerā€™s Russia investigation team. Strzok was reassigned following the revelations of his anti-Trump texts. Page resigned last month.

But while many of those texts were made public in late 2017, the IG report revealed a new one in which Strzok vowed to "stop" Trump from becoming president -- and made clear that as many as five total FBI employees exchanged politically charged messages. "The text messages and instant messages sent by these employees included statements of hostility toward then candidate Trump and statements of support for candidate Clinton," the report said.

The report revealed instant messages between unnamed agents, labeled ā€œAgent 1ā€ and ā€œAgent 5,ā€ discussing their jobs in August 2016.

ā€œI find anyone who enjoys [this job] an absolute f---ing idiot. If you donā€™t think so, ask them one more question. Who are you voting for? I guarantee you it will be Donald Drumpf,ā€ Agent 1 sent.

ā€œI forgot about drumpfā€¦thatā€™s so sad and pathetic if they want to vote for him,ā€ Agent 5 responded. ā€œSomeone who canā€™t answer a question. Someone who canā€™t be professional for even a second.ā€

In September, Agent 1 and 5 conversed again, bashing Trump supporters as ā€œretarded.ā€

ā€œIā€™m trying to think of a ā€˜would I ratherā€™ instead of spending time with those people,ā€ Agent 5 sent.

Agent 1 asked, ā€œstick your tongue in a fan??ā€

Agent 5 later wrote: ā€œI would rather have brunch with trump and a bunch of his supporters like the ones from ohio that are retarded.ā€

The report did not, however, find evidence connecting those political opinions held by FBI officials to decisions made in the Clinton investigation.

ā€œThere were clearly tensions and disagreements in a number of important areas between Midyear agents and prosecutors. However, we did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that improper considerations, including political bias, directly affected the specific investigative decisionsā€¦,ā€ the report read. ā€œNonetheless, these messages cast a cloud over the FBIā€™s handling of the Midyear investigation and the investigationā€™s credibility.ā€

Futher, the report said that while it found no evidence the views influenced investigative decisions, ā€œfive employeesā€ have been referred for investigation into whether the messages violated FBI code.

ā€œThe FBI will handle these referrals pursuant to the FBIā€™s disciplinary investigation and adjudication processes, and will impose disciplinary measures as warranted,ā€ the report read.

It is unclear which five FBI employees have been referred for investigation.

An FBI spokesperson told Fox News Thursday they were not able to comment on the names of the five employees referred for investigation.

The IG report included a new text conversation between Strzok and Page from August 2016.

ā€œ[Trumpā€™s] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!ā€ Page texted Strzok.

ā€œNo. No he wonā€™t. Weā€™ll stop it,ā€ Strzok responded.

Those texts ā€œcaused [the OIG] to question the earlier Midyear investigative decisions in which he was involved, and whether he took specific actions in the Midyear investigation based on his political views,ā€ the report read.​
From your link :

The report did not, however, find evidence connecting those political opinions held by FBI officials to decisions made in the Clinton investigation.
There were clearly tensions and disagreements in a number of important areas between Midyear agents and prosecutors. However, we did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that improper considerations, including political bias, directly affected the specific investigative decisionsā€¦,ā€ the report read. ā€œNonetheless, these messages cast a cloud over the FBIā€™s handling of the Midyear investigation and the investigationā€™s credibility.ā€

Futher, the report said that while it found no evidence the views influenced investigative decisions, ā€œfive employeesā€ have been referred for investigation into whether the messages violated FBI code.

Nothing criminal, no effect on the investigation.....

What's that you're eating? A nothingburger?

Enjoy it!
There was clear bias. The IG report describes bias throughout its report..... then says there was no bias. Just like Comey's grandstanding speech when he went on and on describing all of Hillary's misdeeds only to say at the end, no prosecutor would pursue the case

The machine is running at high RPM, tightly curtailed


The IG report shows no evidence of bias in the decision. Prosecutorial discretion is a legitimate reason.

There was clear bias in the way Hillary was treated. I used to work for DoD and retired after 35 years of service. I had employees working for me who had TS clearances. If anyone of them, had done what Hillary did as presented in the evidence, they would have been arrested and prosecuted. I just can't imagine one of my guys coming in and saying, hey boss, they found classified information on my home computer..... its OK right?

It seems that the Federal Praetorian Investigators are being revealed.

We do not need a kabal of elitist wack-jobs interrupting the democratic processes of our Republic.

Put them up against a wall and shoot the bastards, IMO, to set an example.


IG refers five FBI employees for investigation, as more anti-Trump messages revealed

Strzok and Page, who were romantically involved, both served for a short period of time on Special Counsel Robert Muellerā€™s Russia investigation team. Strzok was reassigned following the revelations of his anti-Trump texts. Page resigned last month.

But while many of those texts were made public in late 2017, the IG report revealed a new one in which Strzok vowed to "stop" Trump from becoming president -- and made clear that as many as five total FBI employees exchanged politically charged messages. "The text messages and instant messages sent by these employees included statements of hostility toward then candidate Trump and statements of support for candidate Clinton," the report said.

The report revealed instant messages between unnamed agents, labeled ā€œAgent 1ā€ and ā€œAgent 5,ā€ discussing their jobs in August 2016.

ā€œI find anyone who enjoys [this job] an absolute f---ing idiot. If you donā€™t think so, ask them one more question. Who are you voting for? I guarantee you it will be Donald Drumpf,ā€ Agent 1 sent.

ā€œI forgot about drumpfā€¦thatā€™s so sad and pathetic if they want to vote for him,ā€ Agent 5 responded. ā€œSomeone who canā€™t answer a question. Someone who canā€™t be professional for even a second.ā€

In September, Agent 1 and 5 conversed again, bashing Trump supporters as ā€œretarded.ā€

ā€œIā€™m trying to think of a ā€˜would I ratherā€™ instead of spending time with those people,ā€ Agent 5 sent.

Agent 1 asked, ā€œstick your tongue in a fan??ā€

Agent 5 later wrote: ā€œI would rather have brunch with trump and a bunch of his supporters like the ones from ohio that are retarded.ā€

The report did not, however, find evidence connecting those political opinions held by FBI officials to decisions made in the Clinton investigation.

ā€œThere were clearly tensions and disagreements in a number of important areas between Midyear agents and prosecutors. However, we did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that improper considerations, including political bias, directly affected the specific investigative decisionsā€¦,ā€ the report read. ā€œNonetheless, these messages cast a cloud over the FBIā€™s handling of the Midyear investigation and the investigationā€™s credibility.ā€

Futher, the report said that while it found no evidence the views influenced investigative decisions, ā€œfive employeesā€ have been referred for investigation into whether the messages violated FBI code.

ā€œThe FBI will handle these referrals pursuant to the FBIā€™s disciplinary investigation and adjudication processes, and will impose disciplinary measures as warranted,ā€ the report read.

It is unclear which five FBI employees have been referred for investigation.

An FBI spokesperson told Fox News Thursday they were not able to comment on the names of the five employees referred for investigation.

The IG report included a new text conversation between Strzok and Page from August 2016.

ā€œ[Trumpā€™s] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!ā€ Page texted Strzok.

ā€œNo. No he wonā€™t. Weā€™ll stop it,ā€ Strzok responded.

Those texts ā€œcaused [the OIG] to question the earlier Midyear investigative decisions in which he was involved, and whether he took specific actions in the Midyear investigation based on his political views,ā€ the report read.​

If he was making decisions based on his political views then he would not have recommended re-opening the Clinton investigation. His text messages also showed he was no fan of Clinton.
But his wife and kids were

There was clear bias. The IG report describes bias throughout its report..... then says there was no bias. Just like Comey's grandstanding speech when he went on and on describing all of Hillary's misdeeds only to say at the end, no prosecutor would pursue the case

The machine is running at high RPM, tightly curtailed

The report admits that there was bias, but claims it found no evidence that this bias affected the investigation of Hillary Clintons crimes.
There was clear bias. The IG report describes bias throughout its report..... then says there was no bias. Just like Comey's grandstanding speech when he went on and on describing all of Hillary's misdeeds only to say at the end, no prosecutor would pursue the case

The machine is running at high RPM, tightly curtailed


The IG report shows no evidence of bias in the decision. Prosecutorial discretion is a legitimate reason.

Comey's nut job wife was big Hillary supporter, so there was no way Comey was going to be responsible for charging Hillary.
It seems that the Federal Praetorian Investigators are being revealed.

We do not need a kabal of elitist wack-jobs interrupting the democratic processes of our Republic.

Put them up against a wall and shoot the bastards, IMO, to set an example.


IG refers five FBI employees for investigation, as more anti-Trump messages revealed

Strzok and Page, who were romantically involved, both served for a short period of time on Special Counsel Robert Muellerā€™s Russia investigation team. Strzok was reassigned following the revelations of his anti-Trump texts. Page resigned last month.

But while many of those texts were made public in late 2017, the IG report revealed a new one in which Strzok vowed to "stop" Trump from becoming president -- and made clear that as many as five total FBI employees exchanged politically charged messages. "The text messages and instant messages sent by these employees included statements of hostility toward then candidate Trump and statements of support for candidate Clinton," the report said.

The report revealed instant messages between unnamed agents, labeled ā€œAgent 1ā€ and ā€œAgent 5,ā€ discussing their jobs in August 2016.

ā€œI find anyone who enjoys [this job] an absolute f---ing idiot. If you donā€™t think so, ask them one more question. Who are you voting for? I guarantee you it will be Donald Drumpf,ā€ Agent 1 sent.

ā€œI forgot about drumpfā€¦thatā€™s so sad and pathetic if they want to vote for him,ā€ Agent 5 responded. ā€œSomeone who canā€™t answer a question. Someone who canā€™t be professional for even a second.ā€

In September, Agent 1 and 5 conversed again, bashing Trump supporters as ā€œretarded.ā€

ā€œIā€™m trying to think of a ā€˜would I ratherā€™ instead of spending time with those people,ā€ Agent 5 sent.

Agent 1 asked, ā€œstick your tongue in a fan??ā€

Agent 5 later wrote: ā€œI would rather have brunch with trump and a bunch of his supporters like the ones from ohio that are retarded.ā€

The report did not, however, find evidence connecting those political opinions held by FBI officials to decisions made in the Clinton investigation.

ā€œThere were clearly tensions and disagreements in a number of important areas between Midyear agents and prosecutors. However, we did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that improper considerations, including political bias, directly affected the specific investigative decisionsā€¦,ā€ the report read. ā€œNonetheless, these messages cast a cloud over the FBIā€™s handling of the Midyear investigation and the investigationā€™s credibility.ā€

Futher, the report said that while it found no evidence the views influenced investigative decisions, ā€œfive employeesā€ have been referred for investigation into whether the messages violated FBI code.

ā€œThe FBI will handle these referrals pursuant to the FBIā€™s disciplinary investigation and adjudication processes, and will impose disciplinary measures as warranted,ā€ the report read.

It is unclear which five FBI employees have been referred for investigation.

An FBI spokesperson told Fox News Thursday they were not able to comment on the names of the five employees referred for investigation.

The IG report included a new text conversation between Strzok and Page from August 2016.

ā€œ[Trumpā€™s] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!ā€ Page texted Strzok.

ā€œNo. No he wonā€™t. Weā€™ll stop it,ā€ Strzok responded.

Those texts ā€œcaused [the OIG] to question the earlier Midyear investigative decisions in which he was involved, and whether he took specific actions in the Midyear investigation based on his political views,ā€ the report read.​

How do you know when Jimmie lies?

When he starts a thread

ā€œfive employeesā€ have been referred for investigation into whether the messages violated FBI code.

ā€œThe FBI will handle these referrals pursuant to the FBIā€™s disciplinary investigation and adjudication processes, and will impose disciplinary measures as warranted,ā€ the report read.

'violated FBI code'

Not criminal.
You ejaculated a bit prematurely with "criminal"
Yes, it would probably be a criminal investigation, dude, lol

ā€œfive employeesā€ have been referred for investigation into whether the messages violated FBI code.

ā€œThe FBI will handle these referrals pursuant to the FBIā€™s disciplinary investigation and adjudication processes, and will impose disciplinary measures as warranted,ā€ the report read.

Except of course it isn't.

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