First Wall Street then Main Street.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
First Wall Street, then Main Street. This is how you take Trump down. If businesses thrive under Trump embarrassing and exposing globalist aristocrats, then the only thing left is to flip the table throwing the chips on the floor. The Coronavirus is the last card turned in the game-ending strategy of globalization. They have gone all-in on this one because all the other desperate bluffing attempts failed.

Impeachment, show trials, corruption of FISA Courts, the criminal exploitation of the Department of Justice, the FBI, the NSA etc. All the cards have been played and nothing worked; time to end the game and install the losers as winners. It has to be that way because any other result would leave those losers with nothing.

The losing players are not just democrats. They are represented by many republicans that put all their chips on the globalization that made the citizens on the street in the US serfs to China. The flint-eyed, poker-faced National Chamber of Commerce is in this up to their necks. Trump injected a dangerous dose of common sense into the hearts and minds of US voters and a powerful antidote was needed-enter a national shutdown.

Now restaurants, retail stores and even our favorite bowling alley sits in the crosshairs of a worldwide pandemic almost certainly cooked up in China’s Wuhan Institute of virology just nine miles from patient one. This virus does not just attack the lungs of the vulnerable, it strikes directly at the heart of capitalism and it appears it was designed to do just that.

The sleaziest operators in this national emergency are the democrats. They are using this disaster to impose their ridiculous Green New Deal and their morbid comfortable death of babies born alive in botched abortions. They are trying to cram big government down the throats of people even as they hide in their homes from the virus.

America is fighting for its life in the midst of a pall hanging over it like biological attack crafted to wipe it out. The US is the last man standing in the path of the odious globalization approaching like Stephen King’s Langoliers. The ideological poisoning of America has been underway for decades and this plague is the final play with the clock running down. It is up to us individually and collectively to fight it off.

Our only hope is to re-elect Trump before they kill us all.
First Wall Street, then Main Street. This is how you take Trump down. If businesses thrive under Trump embarrassing and exposing globalist aristocrats, then the only thing left is to flip the table throwing the chips on the floor. The Coronavirus is the last card turned in the game-ending strategy of globalization. They have gone all-in on this one because all the other desperate bluffing attempts failed.

Impeachment, show trials, corruption of FISA Courts, the criminal exploitation of the Department of Justice, the FBI, the NSA etc. All the cards have been played and nothing worked; time to end the game and install the losers as winners. It has to be that way because any other result would leave those losers with nothing.

The losing players are not just democrats. They are represented by many republicans that put all their chips on the globalization that made the citizens on the street in the US serfs to China. The flint-eyed, poker-faced National Chamber of Commerce is in this up to their necks. Trump injected a dangerous dose of common sense into the hearts and minds of US voters and a powerful antidote was needed-enter a national shutdown.

Now restaurants, retail stores and even our favorite bowling alley sits in the crosshairs of a worldwide pandemic almost certainly cooked up in China’s Wuhan Institute of virology just nine miles from patient one. This virus does not just attack the lungs of the vulnerable, it strikes directly at the heart of capitalism and it appears it was designed to do just that.

The sleaziest operators in this national emergency are the democrats. They are using this disaster to impose their ridiculous Green New Deal and their morbid comfortable death of babies born alive in botched abortions. They are trying to cram big government down the throats of people even as they hide in their homes from the virus.

America is fighting for its life in the midst of a pall hanging over it like biological attack crafted to wipe it out. The US is the last man standing in the path of the odious globalization approaching like Stephen King’s Langoliers. The ideological poisoning of America has been underway for decades and this plague is the final play with the clock running down. It is up to us individually and collectively to fight it off.

Our only hope is to re-elect Trump before they kill us all.

Trump is, and has been doing a good job taking himself down...virtually since the day he was inaugurated. For a myriad of reasons. But that's because he has no interest in being President. It's what happens when you elect a reality TV game show host. But no matter, you righties are going to be the architects of you own demise. Demographics are slowly shifting away from the baby boomers to the younger Gen X, Gen Y and Gen Z and I know that scares you to death. They have no patience for the state the older generation has left things in.

But, in the final analysis, you brought this on yourself with your unwavering love and devotion to a complete fraud and a belief system that you never question which has little in the way of success stories.
Eventually, all tides turn. The time of the boomer is just about at its end.
First Wall Street, then Main Street. This is how you take Trump down. If businesses thrive under Trump embarrassing and exposing globalist aristocrats, then the only thing left is to flip the table throwing the chips on the floor. The Coronavirus is the last card turned in the game-ending strategy of globalization. They have gone all-in on this one because all the other desperate bluffing attempts failed.

Impeachment, show trials, corruption of FISA Courts, the criminal exploitation of the Department of Justice, the FBI, the NSA etc. All the cards have been played and nothing worked; time to end the game and install the losers as winners. It has to be that way because any other result would leave those losers with nothing.

The losing players are not just democrats. They are represented by many republicans that put all their chips on the globalization that made the citizens on the street in the US serfs to China. The flint-eyed, poker-faced National Chamber of Commerce is in this up to their necks. Trump injected a dangerous dose of common sense into the hearts and minds of US voters and a powerful antidote was needed-enter a national shutdown.

Now restaurants, retail stores and even our favorite bowling alley sits in the crosshairs of a worldwide pandemic almost certainly cooked up in China’s Wuhan Institute of virology just nine miles from patient one. This virus does not just attack the lungs of the vulnerable, it strikes directly at the heart of capitalism and it appears it was designed to do just that.

The sleaziest operators in this national emergency are the democrats. They are using this disaster to impose their ridiculous Green New Deal and their morbid comfortable death of babies born alive in botched abortions. They are trying to cram big government down the throats of people even as they hide in their homes from the virus.

America is fighting for its life in the midst of a pall hanging over it like biological attack crafted to wipe it out. The US is the last man standing in the path of the odious globalization approaching like Stephen King’s Langoliers. The ideological poisoning of America has been underway for decades and this plague is the final play with the clock running down. It is up to us individually and collectively to fight it off.

Our only hope is to re-elect Trump before they kill us all.
Lost in Space episode # 285623

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