Firearm policy under President Trump......


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This article is from a guy selected to work on Firearm policy for the Trump administration.....

Trump Administration Second Amendment Legislative Listbuilding - The Truth About Guns

As we noted in an earlier post, I’ve been selected as a co-chair of President-elect Donald Trump’s Second Amendment Coalition team. Our next President is surrounding himself with a lot of good people to help guide his firearms policy in the new administration. So far, the signs are good. With a Republican-controlled House and Senate, and more than a few Democrats who are pro-gun, I’m looking forward to advancing and expanding our 2A rights with meaningful legislation in the new year and beyond.

As the Executive Director of Guns Save Life here in Illinois, I’ve been learning lobbying from a master, Todd Vandermyde, the NRA-ILA contract lobbyist. He’s forgotten more than I’ll ever probably know. He’s teaching me how to play multi-dimensional chess instead of checkers with legislators.


With that, here are some things on my pragmatic short list. Please chime in with additional items or suggestions, within reason.

National Reciprocity (as a step towards national constitutional carry)

All states must give full faith and credit to carry licenses issued by other states just as they do driver’s licenses. For residents of those states with constitutional carry, lobby your state legislators to enact some sort of (optional for in-state carry) state licensing that’s cheap and easy to acquire.


Remove suppressors (Hearing Protection Act), SBRs, SBSs and AOWs from the NFA Act. Rome wasn’t built — nor was it conquered — in a day. Let’s take the easy ground first, then come back for the full auto stuff and ‘destructive devices’ as part of a complete repeal of the NFA.

In the meantime, reverse the SIG Support Brace determination. Drain the swamp at ATF of anyone even remotely connected with Fast and Furious scheme. Eliminate the “Sporting Purposes Test“. Enough said.

Repeal of Obama Executive Orders

ANY EO’S that have anything to do with firearms and/or ammunition. Ditto for Clinton’s, Bush’s and even Reagan’s.

Investigate and implement some sort of national preemption on gun and ammunition bans until we can appoint strict constructionist jurists to SCOTUS. The feds have long done it for drinking ages, and a host of other regulatory aspects. Why not guns as well? At least until we can get some court rulings that strike down arbitrary bans of guns in common use. If the individual states want to keep their arbitrary gun or magazine bans, or bans on hollow point self-defense ammo, then they can do it without federal monies until SCOTUS drives a wooden stake through them.

Ahhh, so we can see a decrease in prices for firearms, since the fear of them being taken increased the prices..
Well for 4 years anyway, the gun Nazis shall return to power again I am sure
Ahhh, so we can see a decrease in prices for firearms, since the fear of them being taken increased the prices..
No, insane regulations on gun manufacturers increases the price. The price for a decent semi auto pistol is about $600-$800 retail. It used to be that even poor people could afford a revolver at about half that cost, but in the Democrat's incessant war against both the poor and guns, they passed "saturday night special" laws to ensure that poor people would be priced out of the gun market and therefore vulnerable to crime.

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