Final score Refs 23, Lions 22


Gold Member
Jul 10, 2014
I cant believe the fraudulent shit I saw tonight. The NFL is a fucking Joke.

The refs gave the packers 10 pts
It was a mistake by the ref

The refs are hired by the league and work for the league, they know what they are charged to do, and they do their job to get the desired result.

The league has already decided who will be in the Super Bowl.
It was a mistake by the ref

The refs are hired by the league and work for the league, they know what they are charged to do, and they do their job to get the desired result.

The league has already decided who will be in the Super Bowl.


you nailed it.yep just like elections where it has already been decided who will win months in advance,same as them,its all a dog and pony show. sadly high school football is the only place you can find honest real competition in football where the games are not fixed.

Larry Johnson on Twitter

Larry Johnson (running back) - Wikipedia
Like clockwork,i noticed nobody read this link. any real surprise there?:abgg2q.jpg:

the mainstream media in sports will never cover this kind of news of course.only alternative news outlets do.

I LOVE this comment from that twitter poster on that link,more and more people are waking up to how the NFL is fixed all the time now,its no longer a secret anymore.:thup:

Lol people should have been caught on especially after the Seahawks throwing the ball on the 1 yard line in the super bowl then that predictable falcons collapse in the super bowl to give Brady the nfl golden child another ring he nailed it.:thankusmile::beer::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
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I cant believe the fraudulent shit I saw tonight. The NFL is a fucking Joke.

The refs gave the packers 10 pts

Yeah they got the special treatment that the cheatriots ALWAYS get getting all the calls t. I am so glad to see people like you and sealybobo are waking up to what I have been saying the last several years how the NFL cartel is corrupt,a fucking joke.

20 to 30 years ago,you did NOT see NFL refs go out of their way to make is so obvious these games are fixed.more and more people are seeing light on the NFL what a fucking joke they are indeed.:thup:

the Lions in a fairly officiated game would have walked all over the packers,the NFL knew that but they cant have a high profile player like Aaron Rodgers embarrassed in prime time football.

the Lions did not have to compete against the packers players,they had to compete with the REFS.
It was a mistake by the ref

The refs are hired by the league and work for the league, they know what they are charged to do, and they do their job to get the desired result.

The league has already decided who will be in the Super Bowl.


you nailed it.yep just like elections where it has already been decided who will win months in advance,same as them,its all a dog and pony show. sadly high school football is the only place you can find honest real competition in football where the games are not fixed.

Larry Johnson on Twitter

Larry Johnson (running back) - Wikipedia
Like clockwork,i noticed nobody read this link. any real surprise there?:abgg2q.jpg:

the mainstream media in sports will never cover this kind of news of course.only alternative news outlets do.

I LOVE this comment from that twitter poster on that link,more and more people are waking up to how the NFL is fixed all the time now,its no longer a secret anymore.:thup:

Lol people should have been caught on especially after the Seahawks throwing the ball on the 1 yard line in the super bowl then that predictable falcons collapse in the super bowl to give Brady the nfl golden child another ring he nailed it.:thankusmile::beer::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
Tuohy.updated his site and commented on this game.

Great writer, calling it like it is.

The 2019 NFL Season...The Fix Is In Style
Home of skeptical sports fan and author Brian Tuohy.

". . .This game, between the Lions and Packers, I saw all of. And, oh my, did the referees do a job on the Lions.

While I do have a post on this site about the Top 10 fixed games, this Monday Night Football game is perhaps the gold standard for what I write about and research. You really needed to see it to believe it, and to understand that the Lions won this game. Yes, I know the final score was Packers 23, Lions 22. The Lions kicked five field goals, a few of which probably should've been touchdowns which might have made all of what follows moot. But the fact is, the Lions didn't need to score those nonexistent TDs. The FGs were enough. That is, until the referees decided to not just let the Packers back into the game (played in Green Bay, FYI), but to literally hand them the victory. . . ."

fbj there is even a quote from Dallas Cowboy owner about the officiating in the game in that article.
It was a mistake by the ref

The refs are hired by the league and work for the league, they know what they are charged to do, and they do their job to get the desired result.

The league has already decided who will be in the Super Bowl.


you nailed it.yep just like elections where it has already been decided who will win months in advance,same as them,its all a dog and pony show. sadly high school football is the only place you can find honest real competition in football where the games are not fixed.

Larry Johnson on Twitter

Larry Johnson (running back) - Wikipedia
Like clockwork,i noticed nobody read this link. any real surprise there?:abgg2q.jpg:

the mainstream media in sports will never cover this kind of news of course.only alternative news outlets do.

I LOVE this comment from that twitter poster on that link,more and more people are waking up to how the NFL is fixed all the time now,its no longer a secret anymore.:thup:

Lol people should have been caught on especially after the Seahawks throwing the ball on the 1 yard line in the super bowl then that predictable falcons collapse in the super bowl to give Brady the nfl golden child another ring he nailed it.:thankusmile::beer::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
Tuohy.updated his site and commented on this game.

Great writer, calling it like it is.

The 2019 NFL Season...The Fix Is In Style

Home of skeptical sports fan and author Brian Tuohy.

". . .This game, between the Lions and Packers, I saw all of. And, oh my, did the referees do a job on the Lions.

While I do have a post on this site about the Top 10 fixed games, this Monday Night Football game is perhaps the gold standard for what I write about and research. You really needed to see it to believe it, and to understand that the Lions won this game. Yes, I know the final score was Packers 23, Lions 22. The Lions kicked five field goals, a few of which probably should've been touchdowns which might have made all of what follows moot. But the fact is, the Lions didn't need to score those nonexistent TDs. The FGs were enough. That is, until the referees decided to not just let the Packers back into the game (played in Green Bay, FYI), but to literally hand them the victory. . . ."

fbj there is even a quote from Dallas Cowboy owner about the officiating in the game in that article.

just wish the other posters that still think these games are not rigged would take the time to read that excellent informative link as well. apparently even the words of jerry jones are not good enough for them.:cuckoo:

this post here about Jones is so much the truth.WHY would he have kept Jason Garret as long as he did if he REALLY cared about winning? George Steinbrenner would NEVER have done that.He HATED losing.

Replying to @jonmachota
This attitude is the reason the Cowboys play on the field will never be Jerry’s primary concern. As long as fans butts are in seats, people are consuming the Cowboys product and the Cowboys are in the news, he couldn’t care less about winning.
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I got old classic NFL games on tape from yesteryear from the 90's and 80's,you NEVER saw this kind of biased horrible officiating that we see now all the time.the game back then was not anything corrupt as it is now. Roger Goddell is the worst NFL commissioner ever in the history of the game.none of the others come anywhere close.
I got old classic NFL games on tape from yesteryear from the 90's and 80's,you NEVER saw this kind of biased horrible officiating that we see now all the time.the game back then was not anything corrupt as it is now. Roger Goddell is the worst NFL commissioner ever in the history of the game.none of the others come anywhere close.
Do you really think the NFL commissioner wants the patriots to win
I got old classic NFL games on tape from yesteryear from the 90's and 80's,you NEVER saw this kind of biased horrible officiating that we see now all the time.the game back then was not anything corrupt as it is now. Roger Goddell is the worst NFL commissioner ever in the history of the game.none of the others come anywhere close.
Do you really think the NFL commissioner wants the patriots to win

i would reply but talking to you and trying to explain things to is like talking to a brick wall always covering your ears and closing your eyes to the evidence as you just showed here ignoring misterbeals links.

ask him to explain it to you,maybe he has the patience to watch you ignore facts,I dont. go away.
I got old classic NFL games on tape from yesteryear from the 90's and 80's,you NEVER saw this kind of biased horrible officiating that we see now all the time.the game back then was not anything corrupt as it is now. Roger Goddell is the worst NFL commissioner ever in the history of the game.none of the others come anywhere close.
Do you really think the NFL commissioner wants the patriots to win

i would reply but talking to you and trying to explain things to is like talking to a brick wall always covering your ears and closing your eyes to the evidence as you just showed here ignoring misterbeals links.

ask him to explain it to you,maybe he has the patience to watch you ignore facts,I dont.
Are you going to watch the Super Bowl this year ?
I got old classic NFL games on tape from yesteryear from the 90's and 80's,you NEVER saw this kind of biased horrible officiating that we see now all the time.the game back then was not anything corrupt as it is now. Roger Goddell is the worst NFL commissioner ever in the history of the game.none of the others come anywhere close.
Do you really think the NFL commissioner wants the patriots to win
The commissioner doesn't give a shit who wins

The NFL is a cartel. That means all the owners, collectively share in the profits, and split them.

They all collectively want the league to be profitable. They have advance algorithms determine way ahead of time, due to advance data gathering off of the internet, due to likes from social media, internet searches, purchases, etc., which will make the best story line, and what will eventually garner them the most ad revenue, merchandise sales, ticket sales, etc..

Then they play that out, to make the most money for the league.
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Only the unintelligent that haven't looked at ALL the evidence and the law, do not know that it isn't a business meant to make money.

If it weren't truly rigged to entertain and make profit over TRUE competition, there would be the occasional blow out game, as we see in high school and college. But advertisers DO NOT WANT THAT.

Is the NFL rigged?
I got old classic NFL games on tape from yesteryear from the 90's and 80's,you NEVER saw this kind of biased horrible officiating that we see now all the time.the game back then was not anything corrupt as it is now. Roger Goddell is the worst NFL commissioner ever in the history of the game.none of the others come anywhere close.

There reason it wasn't as obvious back then as it is now, is they did not have meta-data to more precisely determine which teams and markets they needed to have win to make them the most money.

It has always been rigged, it just wasn't as obvious as it is today b/c of advanced data gathering.
Only the unintelligent that haven't looked at ALL the evidence and the law, do not know that it isn't a business meant to make money.

If it weren't truly rigged to entertain and make profit over TRUE competition, there would be the occasional blow out game, as we see in high school and college. But advertisers DO NOT WANT THAT.

Is the NFL rigged?

always fun watching you take him and the cheatriot apologists to school all the time.:2up:

well you tried,but cant help someone who does this all the time when you are trying to educate them:abgg2q.jpg:

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after that Lions/Packers game,the whole world is wake now to how these games are fixed.those refs are criminals and should be thrown in jail.ALL NFL refs are criminals.

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