Final Predictions


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
C'mon, show some backbone.

I correctly predicted every presidential election from my first in 1972 through to 2008.

I believe Barack Obama was an anomaly. Had he been white he'd have never been elected.

The same is true of Hillary. Were she a man she would not even be considered. Reference Martin O'Malley, essentially a male Hillary Clinton without the baggage.

I call a Trump win. No point spread. :laugh:
C'mon, show some backbone.

I correctly predicted every presidential election from my first in 1972 through to 2008.

I believe Barack Obama was an anomaly. Had he been white he'd have never been elected.

The same is true of Hillary. Were she a man she would not even be considered. Reference Martin O'Malley, essentially a male Hillary Clinton without the baggage.

I call a Trump win. No point spread. :laugh:

I understand the decision to not offer a point spread. I mean its going to be a squeaker. I mean, how weird would it be to offer a spread of .2 ? Not that I want it, but i figure Hillary pulls it out of her ass, but she will regret it.
Over 300 point EV victory for Clinton.

Less confident than I was before the recent October Surprise, but I'll stand by it.
C'mon, show some backbone.

I correctly predicted every presidential election from my first in 1972 through to 2008.

I believe Barack Obama was an anomaly. Had he been white he'd have never been elected.

The same is true of Hillary. Were she a man she would not even be considered. Reference Martin O'Malley, essentially a male Hillary Clinton without the baggage.

I call a Trump win. No point spread. :laugh:
next time the election is between 2 white christian guys we'll call you for your psychic predictions....
C'mon, show some backbone.

I correctly predicted every presidential election from my first in 1972 through to 2008.

I believe Barack Obama was an anomaly. Had he been white he'd have never been elected.

The same is true of Hillary. Were she a man she would not even be considered. Reference Martin O'Malley, essentially a male Hillary Clinton without the baggage.

I call a Trump win. No point spread. :laugh:

Clinton wins popular vote, by as much as 1 million, but loses EC. NH, Penn, Mich goes trump as well as majority of swings including Co, IA, Az, NC and Nv.

Florida will be nail biter.
The way that the Clinton campaign and the democrat flacks -right up to El Presidente- have lost their freaking minds, I say they have internal polling that tells them they're losing.

Based only on that, I say a completely unpredicted ass kicking by Trumpenfurher.
The way that the Clinton campaign and the democrat flacks -right up to El Presidente- have lost their freaking minds, I say they have internal polling that tells them they're losing. Based only on that, I say a completely unpredicted ass kicking by Trumpenfurher.
That's right, keep calling him The Fuhrer. That ought to get him those last minute undecideds. :laugh2:
Close but no cigar for Trump. Clinton 278, Trump 260.
Sounds about right to me. Add to this the Republicans retain control of Congress to stop Hillary from doing anything other than become a one-term President and a footnote as the first woman President.
C'mon, show some backbone.

I correctly predicted every presidential election from my first in 1972 through to 2008.

I believe Barack Obama was an anomaly. Had he been white he'd have never been elected.

The same is true of Hillary. Were she a man she would not even be considered. Reference Martin O'Malley, essentially a male Hillary Clinton without the baggage.

I call a Trump win. No point spread. :laugh:

Realistic analysis: Trump win by 280 - 258.

Hope: Trumpslide.
C'mon, show some backbone.

I correctly predicted every presidential election from my first in 1972 through to 2008.

I believe Barack Obama was an anomaly. Had he been white he'd have never been elected.

The same is true of Hillary. Were she a man she would not even be considered. Reference Martin O'Malley, essentially a male Hillary Clinton without the baggage.

I call a Trump win. No point spread. :laugh:

Realistic analysis: Trump win by 280 - 258.

Hope: Trumpslide.
I hope you're right.
This country is too fucking stupid to elect anybody but hildaskank.

The Clinton's are so transparently terrible that it will be difficult for people to vote for her. For those wanting to destroy the west for their own benefit, she certainly is the first choice though.
The Left's successful opposition to Voter ID laws may be what wins the election for Hillary. Otherwise, I would predict a Trump victory.
C'mon, show some backbone.

I correctly predicted every presidential election from my first in 1972 through to 2008.

I believe Barack Obama was an anomaly. Had he been white he'd have never been elected.

The same is true of Hillary. Were she a man she would not even be considered. Reference Martin O'Malley, essentially a male Hillary Clinton without the baggage.

I call a Trump win. No point spread. :laugh:
Trump will lose Florida...but win the election by winning NH, Iowa, Nevada, North Carolina, Michigan and Pennsylvania.
Close but no cigar for Trump. Clinton 278, Trump 260.
Sounds about right to me. Add to this the Republicans retain control of Congress to stop Hillary from doing anything other than become a one-term President and a footnote as the first woman President.
Republican control of Congress can be double-edged sword. If nothing gets done, they will take the blame. She isn't a rookie like Obama. If they don't cooperate, it'll be bad for them. Also, my prediction is the low-end for Clinton. It doesn't take into account the "I-can't-tell-my-friends-and-family-but-I-can't-vote-for-Trump" vote.

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