File This 'BREAKING NEWS' Under 'DUH'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Big Tech company emerges as significant Biden backer, quietly prepares to avoid spotlight if he wins
Big Tech company emerges as
significant Biden backer, quietly
prepares to avoid spotlight if he wins

Facebook, Google, & Twitter's CEOs are LITERALLY on Joe Biden's Election Team. They have all Censored / Blacked Out / Refused to allow any negative news about Biden to be posted on their media or even allow it to be shared. They have blocked, suspended, and have even deleted the accounts of President Trump, the VP, his team, and Trump supporters.

The political bias is undeniable, as is the fact that they have emulated Communist China's tactics and techniques to control the media its people have access to and in creating lies and propaganda to allow its people to only think and believe what the government wants them to.

Political opposition are literally arrested, jailed, sent to 're-education camps', and / or simply killed. Never believing I would see this in my lifetime in this country, I can only believe we are not far from seeing these things being imposed before long also.

Poor snowflake, trapped so
deep in fiction / non-reality you can only respond with a fictional quote ... from a fictional enemy non-human 'parasite' who seeks to conquer, destroy others, destroy freedom and reality, and FORCE others to comply. Appropriate.
Triggered much?
I will die in battle and go to Valhalla before I surrender to your communist horde.
Apparently! :laughing0301:

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