Figuring out the Cuba Embassy mystery illness-health edition


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
If it's not radio or sound wave technology test attacks, there could be more natural or other techniques causing the same symptoms.
Which means this topic needs to be discussed here as a health discussion;
Embassy workers are given shots to work in Cuba.

If those shots have traces of graphite dust like the batches of a certain covid vaccine had, then the symptoms are heart and lung issues while very high humidity along with the graphite might cause the severe headaches and thus humming in the ears from the pounding headache. High humidity causes headaches, sometimes migrane, and perhaps more severe cases can be had through something in those shots.

Now if you still believe it was malicious intent, then note that graphite is a conductor and waves can be used to activate and trigger more severe symptoms of graphite in the blood stream that got there in tainted or if purposely administered in the yellow fever vaccines.
Sound and radar weapons exist and Russia at the time was testing us by placing subs down the eastern coast of the U.S. so it's not far fetched, but the method used could be not as one would expect or guess, thus hard to prove.

China on the other hand, are the ones studying nano graphites for medical uses like health monitoring, but they always explore weaponizing these research in the name of health breakthrough studies like the Wuhan lab was really a bio weapons lab under the guise of studying virus transmission species jumps.

You need to worry more about global warming and white rage than China.

At least that is what the acting US President Milley says.

Don't worry, you are in good hands with your leadership.

You need to worry more about global warming and white rage than China.

At least that is what the acting US President Milley says.

Don't worry, you are in good hands with your leadership.
Yeah those dinosaurs are fighting old school methods of warfare anyway. They better keep up with the modern high tech and science threats and strategies or they'll never see it coming. They couldn't even see something as simple as our air flights being weaponized.
OP may be onto something.

Cuban Abdala Vaccine
’....In Jun 2021, Vietnam’s Ministry of Health announced that negotiations were ongoing between Cuba and Viet Nam for Abdala vaccine production. The Institute of Vaccines and Medical Biologicals (IVAC) was named as the focal point for receiving technology transfer*.’

16 Jun 2021 Minister of Health Negotiates with Cuba on Cooperation in Vaccine Production
Tu lenh nganh Y te cung vui mung thong bao voi phia Cuba viec Vietnam cung co 2 ung vien vaccine gom: Vaccine Covivac dang thu nghiem lam sang giai doan 1 va vaccine Nano Covax dang thu nghiem doan 3. Trong do, Nano Covax co cong nghe san xuat tuong dong voi vaccine cua Cuba.
The Commander of Health Sector was also pleased to inform the Cuban side that Vietnam also has two vaccine candidates, including Covivac vaccine in phase 1 clinical trial and the Nano Covax vaccine in phase 3 testing, in which Nano Covax has production technology similar to the Cuban vaccine.’
OP may be onto something.

Cuban Abdala Vaccine
’....In Jun 2021, Vietnam’s Ministry of Health announced that negotiations were ongoing between Cuba and Viet Nam for Abdala vaccine production. The Institute of Vaccines and Medical Biologicals (IVAC) was named as the focal point for receiving technology transfer*.’

16 Jun 2021 Minister of Health Negotiates with Cuba on Cooperation in Vaccine Production
Tu lenh nganh Y te cung vui mung thong bao voi phia Cuba viec Vietnam cung co 2 ung vien vaccine gom: Vaccine Covivac dang thu nghiem lam sang giai doan 1 va vaccine Nano Covax dang thu nghiem doan 3. Trong do, Nano Covax co cong nghe san xuat tuong dong voi vaccine cua Cuba.
The Commander of Health Sector was also pleased to inform the Cuban side that Vietnam also has two vaccine candidates, including Covivac vaccine in phase 1 clinical trial and the Nano Covax vaccine in phase 3 testing, in which Nano Covax has production technology similar to the Cuban vaccine.’
And the Covax vaccines have the magnetism properties claim Latin American citizens, who received it and documented it (of course that can be iron in the blood though).

That link I can't read, it looks like one of Biden's speeches. *L*
Without adding the ‘https://‘ before you get to Google Web Translate, the rest of the URL to copy down is ’

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