Ferraro steps down from Clinton campaign


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
“If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position,” she said. “And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept.”
Yes, and furthermore its retarded.

If its so easy to get elected to office if you are black, care to inform me where the swarms of black Senators and House representatives are? Where all the Black Governors are? Where all the black presidential and vice-presidential candidiates are?

Obama is here in spite of his race, not because of his race.
Yes, and furthermore its retarded.

If its so easy to get elected to office if you are black, care to inform me where the swarms of black Senators and House representatives are? Where all the Black Governors are? Where all the black presidential and vice-presidential candidiates are?

Obama is here in spite of his race, not because of his race.

Check the demographics in the US. Second, was there hate involved in what she said? Third, although Obama is completely ignorant of what's about to transpire in the US and around the world, I agree that he is above the Jesse Jacksons and Al Sharptons, the ones that promote racist transgressions and attempt to villify those who don't fit into their idea of the oppressed.
Something need not actually be racist to be CALLED "racist." Pointing out plain facts -- say, blacks commit more crime -- is considered "racist". Actually, Ferrarro committed a crime I call "speaking while white," i.e., pointing out an obvious fact about race, while white.

Isn't funny how, the more blacks rise to positions of power, the louder the cries of "racism" become?
“If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position,” she said. “And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept.”

I would say so. It makes a claim (perhaps untrue but certainly unwarranted and unnecessary) based on race.
Check the demographics in the US.

Blacks are 12.8% of the population.

So there should be: 12-13 black Senators (There have only been 5..EVER).

Around 70 or so black House reps (Approx 40 now I think)

Should be at least 6 black Governors (only been 4 EVER).

What was that you were saying about demographics?

Second, was there hate involved in what she said?

No idea. Hate isn't necessary for racism.

Third, although Obama is completely ignorant of what's about to transpire in the US and around the world, I agree that he is above the Jesse Jacksons and Al Sharptons, the ones that promote racist transgressions and attempt to villify those who don't fit into their idea of the oppressed.

He has a hell of a better grasp on foreign policy than you do.
Something need not actually be racist to be CALLED "racist." Pointing out plain facts -- say, blacks commit more crime -- is considered "racist". Actually, Ferrarro committed a crime I call "speaking while white," i.e., pointing out an obvious fact about race, while white.

And its a plain fact that Obama wouldn't have gotten here if he wasn't black? Oh, no, wait its moronic opinion.

Isn't funny how, the more blacks rise to positions of power, the louder the cries of "racism" become?

Wait you mean whites don't notice racism as much as blacks? Shocking I tell you, shocking!
From Rebecca Sinderbrand

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Former congresswoman and vice-presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro is resigning her fundraising position with Sen. Hillary Clinton's campaign after controversial comments she made about Clinton's rival, Sen. Barack Obama.

Comments by former Rep. Geraldine Ferraro are drawing criticism from the Obama campaign.

"I am stepping down from your finance committee so I can speak for myself and you can continue to speak for yourself about what is at stake in this campaign," Ferraro wrote in a letter to Clinton.

"The Obama campaign is attacking me to hurt you. I won't let that happen."

Ferraro told CNN she sent the letter to Clinton Wednesday afternoon.

Ferraro stirred controversy with her recent remarks that Obama's campaign was successful because he was black.

She told CNN's Suzanne Malveaux Wednesday that she was "absolutely not" sorry for her comments.

"I am who I am and I will continue to speak up," she said.

The former congresswoman also criticized the Obama campaign for efforts she characterized as trying to block her First Amendment rights.

Ferraro -- who said she raised about $125,000 for Clinton's campaign -- said she was not asked to step down by Clinton or her staff.

Ferraro added she understands why Clinton distanced herself from her remarks, saying she was "perfectly fine" with that and that there were no hard feelings.

Ferraro told CBS' "The Early Show" that she would not stop raising money for the New York senator's presidential bid.

She also blamed Obama's chief strategist, David Axelrod, for misinterpreting her remarks.

Ferraro also told ABC's "Good Morning America" that "every time" someone makes a negative comment about Obama, they are accused of racism. Watch Ferraro's interview »

Late Tuesday, she told an interviewer that she felt she was being attacked because she was white.

"Any time anybody does anything that in any way pulls this campaign down and says let's address reality and the problems we're facing in this world, you're accused of being racist, so you have to shut up," she told the Daily Breeze of Torrance, California. "Racism works in two different directions. I really think they're attacking me because I'm white. How's that?"

more ... http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/03/12/ferraro.comments/index.html

The estblishment Democrats getting a taste of the evironment they fostered.
Blacks are 12.8% of the population.

So there should be: 12-13 black Senators (There have only been 5..EVER).

Around 70 or so black House reps (Approx 40 now I think)

Should be at least 6 black Governors (only been 4 EVER).

What was that you were saying about demographics?

No idea. Hate isn't necessary for racism.

He has a hell of a better grasp on foreign policy than you do.

Blacks might be 12.8% of the population, but they are hardly spread out evenly among the 50 states and the Congressional districts within each; therefore, do not represent 12.8% of each Congressional district.

And you can add another black Governor to your list -- Paterson, who will succeed Spitzer is black.
Blacks might be 12.8% of the population, but they are hardly spread out evenly among the 50 states and the Congressional districts within each; therefore, do not represent 12.8% of each Congressional district.

So what? I'm talking about the people running vs. the general population. Surely not only black people would vote for a black representative....right?

And you can add another black Governor to your list -- Paterson, who will succeed Spitzer is black.

I'm aware of that. Paterson makes #4.
So what? I'm talking about the people running vs. the general population. Surely not only black people would vote for a black representative....right?

I'm aware of that. Paterson makes #4.

People running for state and Congressional district representatives run would be divided according to state and city demographics, not national ones.

I can guarantee you there are plenty of Congressional districts in the Southwest and West where blacks don't even make up 1% of the population.

If the majority of blacks reside within districts where they make up more than 12.8%, then anything over 12.8% in each of those disctricts would basically be wasted for the purpose of this argument.
Of course what she said is true, I doubt anybody can deny that. In order to be able to deny her statement as false I observed three different media outlets use the exact same tactic. They started by saying Ferraro said Obama is only winning because he's black. Reversing the statement. Of course now this statement is false. Obama is not winning just because he's black and thats easy to argue.

My whole life I have been hearing diatribes how white America is so racist a black person could never become president, the kkk would kill him, etc, etc. This is the reality that the education system and the media promulgate. If whites were voting against Obama the media would be having fits on how racist white America is. But the statistics show another story. Blacks were favoring Obama in huge numbers over 90%, woman were favoring Hillary, only the white men were not racist. I have seen multiple instances on mainstream television where they ask a woman voter for Hillary or black person for Obama why they are voting a certain way and they will start off with 'because shes a woman' or 'because hes black' and will elabotate on qualities which women or african americans have and can bring to the table to change this country. Hearing this does not bother me one bit. However I'm well aware of the irony that if a white male was to flip the same argument and say something like, I'm voting for McCain because he's white, these same people would be so outraged they would never look at him in the same way again. Why is this?
However I'm well aware of the irony that if a white male was to flip the same argument and say something like, I'm voting for McCain because he's white, these same people would be so outraged they would never look at him in the same way again. Why is this?

I don't know...do you have any idea?
“If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position,” she said. “And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept.”

Hey, I just noticed my title got changed. Wassup with that?

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