Ferguson isn't racist...it's big government hungry for money..the left should be happy...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
As this article points out, the Ferguson police Dept. doesn't have a problem with race....it is just an example of big government looking to squeeze money out of it's citizens.....

National Review

But what the material in the report reveals is less a culture of racial animus than one of predatory government: “Ferguson’s law enforcement practices,” states the report, “are shaped by the City’s focus on revenue rather than by public safety needs.” In the interest of expanding its treasury, Ferguson has employed its police department — 58 officers, policing a town of 21,000 — as an enforcer of the myriad municipal regulations that, rigorously enforced, nickel-and-dime the citizenry to the local government’s benefit.

This is the injustice on which the Justice Department has stumbled, which helps to explain the city’s racial tensions — and which merits urgent correction. In 2010, the city’s finance director encouraged Ferguson police chief Thomas Jackson to “ramp up” ticket-writing to help mitigate an anticipated sales-tax shortfall. Not only did citations increase, but so did the issuance of “companion charges” — for example, charges for speeding and failure to maintain a single lane, to accompany DWI charges. One stop can yield six or eight citations, and officers have been known to compete to set single-stop records.

Indeed, within Ferguson Police Department, because opportunities for promotion have been tied to “productivity” — that is, enthusiasm for ticket-writing — officers have perverse incentives to issue citations, and in concert with police and prosecutors, municipal courts regularly enforce the payment of fines in a way that compounds what a single defendant owes. The report recounts the case of a woman for whom a single 2007 parking infraction — two citations; penalty: $151 plus fees — has led to multiple arrests, jail time, and more than $1,000 in additional fines, half of which she has yet to pay.

Soooo..really....Ferguson is a liberal paradise....the government is simply collecting money to pay its bills.....right...you lefties love that...since everyone should pay their fair share....right?
As this article points out, the Ferguson police Dept. doesn't have a problem with race....it is just an example of big government looking to squeeze money out of it's citizens.....

National Review

But what the material in the report reveals is less a culture of racial animus than one of predatory government: “Ferguson’s law enforcement practices,” states the report, “are shaped by the City’s focus on revenue rather than by public safety needs.” In the interest of expanding its treasury, Ferguson has employed its police department — 58 officers, policing a town of 21,000 — as an enforcer of the myriad municipal regulations that, rigorously enforced, nickel-and-dime the citizenry to the local government’s benefit.

This is the injustice on which the Justice Department has stumbled, which helps to explain the city’s racial tensions — and which merits urgent correction. In 2010, the city’s finance director encouraged Ferguson police chief Thomas Jackson to “ramp up” ticket-writing to help mitigate an anticipated sales-tax shortfall. Not only did citations increase, but so did the issuance of “companion charges” — for example, charges for speeding and failure to maintain a single lane, to accompany DWI charges. One stop can yield six or eight citations, and officers have been known to compete to set single-stop records.

Indeed, within Ferguson Police Department, because opportunities for promotion have been tied to “productivity” — that is, enthusiasm for ticket-writing — officers have perverse incentives to issue citations, and in concert with police and prosecutors, municipal courts regularly enforce the payment of fines in a way that compounds what a single defendant owes. The report recounts the case of a woman for whom a single 2007 parking infraction — two citations; penalty: $151 plus fees — has led to multiple arrests, jail time, and more than $1,000 in additional fines, half of which she has yet to pay.

Soooo..really....Ferguson is a liberal paradise....the government is simply collecting money to pay its bills.....right...you lefties love that...since everyone should pay their fair share....right?
She was first made to pray for her ticket, which makes Ferguson a conservative hell...
Ferguson is all about that Fascist Obama wanting to Federalize our police force

You've fallen for his lies before folks. You all fall for this you can kiss your freedoms goodbye
Yo, lets look at the Big Picture? Eric Holder is trying to change the Police Nationwide! Its a way to have less blacks getting tickets or arrested, even though they commit the crime!

Holder wants to pacify the black Ghettos? This will just lead to more police being shot dead! The reasons Holder came up with in his investigation, are not justified for him to be sticking his nose where it don`t belong!

Sure, there were a few Democrats working on the force who said a few disparaging remarks, but hey, even Democrats have some rights, and free speech is one!

My view is, its not the police who created the anger in Blacks who live in ghettos, its their upbringing and the U.S. Government keeping them down, like the Democrats keeping them in the projects, and putting them on welfare for life!

Instead of Eric Holder speaking truth, he is trying to appease the Black Ghetto! He should be speaking as a American Attorney General, and not a Black Racist Attorney General!!!

If he wanted to show his face on T.V. like he did by going to Ferguson, he should`ve made a Law Enforcement speech Nationwide, and said that we will not tolerate rioting, looting, burning businesses, turning cop cars over, or shootings, if there is, we are going to come in your neighborhood and bust some heads and make arrests!

But no, he wants to blame the Police Force who serve and protect the citizens from Democrat Thugs who have no care in the World!

I say: If you act like a animal, you will be treated like one, and if you do the crime? You will do the time, simple!!!

You Gotta Hate This Ass Backwards Administration!!!



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