Fentanyl crisis: Drug overdoses claim unprecedented 914 lives in B.C. in 2016


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Our media ignores what's going on in our neighbor to the north (as well as the south) and it's a true shame. British Columbia has been all but an open drug operation for more than a decade. Could this be a sign of what will happen in other areas?


Every part of the province is affected, but Vancouver continues to be the epicentre of the crisis, said Lapointe. Fifty-one people died of illicit drug overdoses in Vancouver alone in December.

Four out of five of the overdose deaths were men and more than half were between the ages of 30 and 49

More @ Drug overdoses claim unprecedented 914 lives in B.C. in 2016
Fentanyl not only provides a high-----it provides fantastical hallucinations---people really love it-----and it is SYNTHESIZED----thus relatively cheap
Granny says, "Dat's right - lock him up an' feed him onna scant fare o' bread an' water...

Ohio Dealer Behind West Virginia Overdoses Sentenced
April 17, 2017 - A 22-year-old Ohio man accused of selling heroin laced with an elephant tranquilizer that led to 28 overdoses in West Virginia on a single day has been sentenced to more than 18 years in federal prison.
"Heroin is like driving intoxicated,'' U.S. District Judge Robert Chambers said. "You may not mean harm to anybody, but you have to serve a sentence commensurate with the harm you did.'' Bruce Lamar Griggs of Akron faced up to 20 years in prison and a $1 million fine at his sentencing Monday. Laboratory tests of the victims' blood and urine showed heroin mixed with fentanyl and carfentanil — considered cheaper synthetic opioid alternatives that heroin dealers use to stretch their supplies.


A bag of 4-fluoro isobutyryl fentanyl, which was seized in a drug raid, is displayed at the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Special Testing and Research Laboratory in Sterling, Virginia​

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration issued a warning in March 2015 that fentanyl, a powerful prescription painkiller, was a threat to public health and safety. And last September, the DEA warned the public and law enforcement nationwide about the health and safety risks of handling carfentanil, which is considered 10,000 times stronger than morphine. It is used as an elephant tranquilizer and is not approved for human consumption, according to the DEA.

Chambers said no deaths were caused by Griggs' sales. "You're lucky. If that happened, you'd be facing far worse'' penalties, he said. West Virginia has the nation's highest drug overdose death rate by far, with 41.5 deaths per 100,000 people in 2015, the latest year available, compared with a national average of 16.3.

Ohio Dealer Behind West Virginia Overdoses Sentenced
Our media ignores what's going on in our neighbor to the north (as well as the south) and it's a true shame. British Columbia has been all but an open drug operation for more than a decade. Could this be a sign of what will happen in other areas?


Every part of the province is affected, but Vancouver continues to be the epicentre of the crisis, said Lapointe. Fifty-one people died of illicit drug overdoses in Vancouver alone in December.

Four out of five of the overdose deaths were men and more than half were between the ages of 30 and 49

More @ Drug overdoses claim unprecedented 914 lives in B.C. in 2016
Soros want drugs made legal, and this is just one of them. Hooked line and sinker.
Our media ignores what's going on in our neighbor to the north (as well as the south) and it's a true shame. British Columbia has been all but an open drug operation for more than a decade. Could this be a sign of what will happen in other areas?


Every part of the province is affected, but Vancouver continues to be the epicentre of the crisis, said Lapointe. Fifty-one people died of illicit drug overdoses in Vancouver alone in December.

Four out of five of the overdose deaths were men and more than half were between the ages of 30 and 49

More @ Drug overdoses claim unprecedented 914 lives in B.C. in 2016
No one understands on how to cut a one to 65 drug. You need gram scales and milk sugar, this is a him. in grams.
Big ol' Fentanyl bust in NYC...

Fentanyl Bust NYC's Largest
September 19, 2017 - In raids conducted between Aug. 1 and Sept. 5, investigators seized more than 140 pounds of pure fentanyl.
Two combined federal and local narcotics investigations in recent weeks netted the largest haul of the deadly synthetic opioid fentanyl in New York City history, disrupting what officials said Monday were retail drug operations trafficking throughout the metropolitan area. In raids conducted between Aug. 1 and Sept. 5, investigators seized more than 140 pounds of pure fentanyl, as well as 75 pounds of fentanyl mixed with heroin. Large amounts of heroin and cocaine were also seized in the raids.

Investigators with the federal Drug Enforcement Administration, the NYPD Queens Narcotics squad and the office of city Special Narcotics prosecutor Bridget Brennan, took part in the raids. “The sheer volume of fentanyl pouring into the city is shocking,” Brennan said in a statement. “It’s not only killing a record number of people in New York City but the city is used as a hub of regional distribution for a lethal substance that is taking thousands of lives throughout the Northeast.”


In raids conducted between Aug. 1 and Sept. 5, investigators seized more than 140 pounds of pure fentanyl, as well as 75 pounds of fentanyl mixed with heroin. Large amounts of heroin and cocaine were also seized in the raids.​

The combined street value for the drugs was estimated at $32 million, officials said. The raids of apartments in Kew Gardens on Aug. 1, and a Toyota Siena in the Bronx on Sept. 5 also turned up 12 pounds of pure heroin and 13 pounds of cocaine, said Kati Cornell, a spokeswoman for Brennan. She said four suspects, including three men and one woman, all city residents, face first-degree drug trafficking charges as well as other offenses. Cornell said the investigations were kept confidential until the completion of NYPD drug lab tests.

In a statement, NYPD Commissioner James O’Neill said the seizures were a “milestone” in the fight against fentanyl. The cases are being handled by the Manhattan, Queens and Bronx district attorneys offices. In recent years fentanyl has become a public menace, its high potency contributing to half of the 1,374 accidental drug overdoses in New York City in 2016, up 47 percent from 2015, according to city health department statistics. The latest preliminary data from the department through March 31 showed the city on an overdose pace slightly above last year, with 334 deaths compared to 304 in same period of 2016.

In Suffolk and Nassau counties, the death toll death from opiod overdoses spiked to 524 in 2016, up from 493, the year before. There were 329 fatalities for Suffolk and 195 for Nassau in 2016, according to records. Officials believe the fentanyl seized in the latest raids came from Mexico, where drug cartels are manufacturing the opioid with precursors obtained from China. The drugs had been premixed before the suspects acquired them, according to investigators. The deadly combination of fentanyl and heroin is taking more lives in Queens this year than homicide, noted Queens District Attorney Richard Brown in a statement in connection with the latest arrests.

Fentanyl Bust Largest in New York City History
Fentanyl is also used as an anesthetic. I had an operation and it was administered to me. All I remember is closing my eyes then a second later opening my eyes and it was all over. No nothing.....No dreams, no visions...nothing.

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