Feminist aborted child because he was boy


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
"I couldn't bring another monster into the world" ...

Sex-selecting abortions are nothing new, they happen all the time in China, for example. While they undoubtedly happen in the United States, people don’t brag about them. At least they didn’t.

It’s hard to believe this is real, but according to the website “Injustice Stories,” a woman named Lana, a self-described feminist, boasted of aborting her baby because it was a boy. Then, after making that declaration, claims to be shocked that some people might have a problem with that.

Lana, who only uses her first name, appears to be a child of privilege. She boasts of involvement in “fighting for women’s rights” being all-consuming, “even to the point of eschewing a career.” Yet that lack of a career hasn’t stopped her from travelling to “many different places” to continue that “fight.

She tells the story of a flight to an Occupy Wall Street event in San Francisco where she screamed “Assault” because the man sitting next to her said “B******* like you need to learn their place.”

Putting the unlikeliness of that exchange aside, Lana then demanded to be moved to another seat. That’s when she was told the only empty seats were “both back in economy.” At which point she demanded the man be moved.

When the flight attendants came running, one of whom was male, they refused to force the man to move because he hadn’t done anything. Lana, regretfully, relented and, in tears, moved herself.

The encounter left her “having felt as though I had been verbally and emotionally raped.”

That flight, according to Lana, left her forever changed. “By the time we landed, my outlook had changed, I could no longer depend on men to be an ally of the cause,” she wrote.

Lana was pregnant at the time, and thought she “had a good idea” who the father, or as she puts it, “the donator” happened to be. She was convinced she was having a girl because, well, she wanted a girl. Or at least a baby with a vagina, the “gender” part would be up to the child. “I had already started buying gender neutral clothing since I did not want outside influences affecting what gender she would ultimately become,” she writes.

After researching all-girl daycares and schools with the plan to make sure that “No man will be around to hurt her progress, no boys there to demean her or call her names,” Lana got horrible news from her doctor – her baby had a penis.

She spent the next two days in fit of crying rage. How could this happen to her? She says, “My home became my prison and my fetus became my warden.”

Within a few days she had aborted the baby. “My body’s betrayal was no more, I was free, and for the first time since the airplane incident, I felt strong,” Lana claims. “I had done something positive, something that would actually make a difference, something good.”

Lana informs readers that she is now the mother of “a beautiful 1 year old female who will hopefully grow up to be just as strong and driven as her mother.”

She ends her post with:

I stand by my decision to abort my baby because it was a male.

I don’t hate men, I hate the patriarchy, what men, and even some women, turn into, I wasn’t going to let that happen with my offspring. The chances were greater that it would with a male, it was unacceptable.

If the curse returns, I would do the exact same thing all over again.

Feminist Aborts Baby For Being A Boy Shocked People Don t Approve The Daily Caller

Liberals are pathetic folks. Nothing but pieces of shit. Worthy of zero respect from anyone.

I do not see a problem here, even when considering the subjective perspective of the Lawful. She made a powerful choice that she was free to make, and stood by it without regret.

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"I couldn't bring another monster into the world" ...

Sex-selecting abortions are nothing new, they happen all the time in China, for example. While they undoubtedly happen in the United States, people don’t brag about them. At least they didn’t.

It’s hard to believe this is real, but according to the website “Injustice Stories,” a woman named Lana, a self-described feminist, boasted of aborting her baby because it was a boy. Then, after making that declaration, claims to be shocked that some people might have a problem with that.

Lana, who only uses her first name, appears to be a child of privilege. She boasts of involvement in “fighting for women’s rights” being all-consuming, “even to the point of eschewing a career.” Yet that lack of a career hasn’t stopped her from travelling to “many different places” to continue that “fight.

She tells the story of a flight to an Occupy Wall Street event in San Francisco where she screamed “Assault” because the man sitting next to her said “B******* like you need to learn their place.”

Putting the unlikeliness of that exchange aside, Lana then demanded to be moved to another seat. That’s when she was told the only empty seats were “both back in economy.” At which point she demanded the man be moved.

When the flight attendants came running, one of whom was male, they refused to force the man to move because he hadn’t done anything. Lana, regretfully, relented and, in tears, moved herself.

The encounter left her “having felt as though I had been verbally and emotionally raped.”

That flight, according to Lana, left her forever changed. “By the time we landed, my outlook had changed, I could no longer depend on men to be an ally of the cause,” she wrote.

Lana was pregnant at the time, and thought she “had a good idea” who the father, or as she puts it, “the donator” happened to be. She was convinced she was having a girl because, well, she wanted a girl. Or at least a baby with a vagina, the “gender” part would be up to the child. “I had already started buying gender neutral clothing since I did not want outside influences affecting what gender she would ultimately become,” she writes.

After researching all-girl daycares and schools with the plan to make sure that “No man will be around to hurt her progress, no boys there to demean her or call her names,” Lana got horrible news from her doctor – her baby had a penis.

She spent the next two days in fit of crying rage. How could this happen to her? She says, “My home became my prison and my fetus became my warden.”

Within a few days she had aborted the baby. “My body’s betrayal was no more, I was free, and for the first time since the airplane incident, I felt strong,” Lana claims. “I had done something positive, something that would actually make a difference, something good.”

Lana informs readers that she is now the mother of “a beautiful 1 year old female who will hopefully grow up to be just as strong and driven as her mother.”

She ends her post with:

I stand by my decision to abort my baby because it was a male.

I don’t hate men, I hate the patriarchy, what men, and even some women, turn into, I wasn’t going to let that happen with my offspring. The chances were greater that it would with a male, it was unacceptable.

If the curse returns, I would do the exact same thing all over again.

Feminist Aborts Baby For Being A Boy Shocked People Don t Approve The Daily Caller

Liberals are pathetic folks. Nothing but pieces of shit. Worthy of zero respect from anyone.

You think it might be a coincidence that 'Lana' plays into *every* stereotype that conservatives have about liberals?
"I couldn't bring another monster into the world" ...

Sex-selecting abortions are nothing new, they happen all the time in China, for example. While they undoubtedly happen in the United States, people don’t brag about them. At least they didn’t.

It’s hard to believe this is real, but according to the website “Injustice Stories,” a woman named Lana, a self-described feminist, boasted of aborting her baby because it was a boy. Then, after making that declaration, claims to be shocked that some people might have a problem with that.

Lana, who only uses her first name, appears to be a child of privilege. She boasts of involvement in “fighting for women’s rights” being all-consuming, “even to the point of eschewing a career.” Yet that lack of a career hasn’t stopped her from travelling to “many different places” to continue that “fight.

She tells the story of a flight to an Occupy Wall Street event in San Francisco where she screamed “Assault” because the man sitting next to her said “B******* like you need to learn their place.”

Putting the unlikeliness of that exchange aside, Lana then demanded to be moved to another seat. That’s when she was told the only empty seats were “both back in economy.” At which point she demanded the man be moved.

When the flight attendants came running, one of whom was male, they refused to force the man to move because he hadn’t done anything. Lana, regretfully, relented and, in tears, moved herself.

The encounter left her “having felt as though I had been verbally and emotionally raped.”

That flight, according to Lana, left her forever changed. “By the time we landed, my outlook had changed, I could no longer depend on men to be an ally of the cause,” she wrote.

Lana was pregnant at the time, and thought she “had a good idea” who the father, or as she puts it, “the donator” happened to be. She was convinced she was having a girl because, well, she wanted a girl. Or at least a baby with a vagina, the “gender” part would be up to the child. “I had already started buying gender neutral clothing since I did not want outside influences affecting what gender she would ultimately become,” she writes.

After researching all-girl daycares and schools with the plan to make sure that “No man will be around to hurt her progress, no boys there to demean her or call her names,” Lana got horrible news from her doctor – her baby had a penis.

She spent the next two days in fit of crying rage. How could this happen to her? She says, “My home became my prison and my fetus became my warden.”

Within a few days she had aborted the baby. “My body’s betrayal was no more, I was free, and for the first time since the airplane incident, I felt strong,” Lana claims. “I had done something positive, something that would actually make a difference, something good.”

Lana informs readers that she is now the mother of “a beautiful 1 year old female who will hopefully grow up to be just as strong and driven as her mother.”

She ends her post with:

I stand by my decision to abort my baby because it was a male.

I don’t hate men, I hate the patriarchy, what men, and even some women, turn into, I wasn’t going to let that happen with my offspring. The chances were greater that it would with a male, it was unacceptable.

If the curse returns, I would do the exact same thing all over again.

Feminist Aborts Baby For Being A Boy Shocked People Don t Approve The Daily Caller

Liberals are pathetic folks. Nothing but pieces of shit. Worthy of zero respect from anyone.
Yeah, that sounds like a true story. :rolleyes:

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