Female Ranting Muslim

Angel Heart

Conservative Hippie
Jul 6, 2007
Portland, Oregon
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Sorry I'm not answering your questions, but I've come to feel that it's nearly moot to do so. Most of the time when I do try I feel that I'm not doing well enough, and sometimes it's just yelling at a wall... So I'm going to just say what I think like so many of you do and maybe I'll start trying a little harder to actually make some sense. If you want to ask a question, PM me (like I've asked before) with the question and I will answer it ASAP and fully... ANY questions left in the comments will be left alone, I cannot catch all of them and I'm not going to answer them in comments either.

Warning: Angry Turkish-American Alert! Also, Many Muslims will not like some of my actions in this video.
You watch a Cops episode on TV, and some guy is beating the heck out of his wife. The police show up and attempt to subdue the husband and the beaten/abused wife turns on the cops for hurting her poor abuser.

Now carry this over to the treatment of so many millions of Muslim wives/women by their male Muslim husbands or male counterparts.

These gals complain, but they continue to embrace this belief system that basically dehumanizes their sex, and their role in marriage as a equal. :cuckoo:

So they are abused...........Agreed! So they stay in the belief/religious system that perpetrates this terrible abuse?:cuckoo:

This is not unlike the fact that the mainstream or allegedly harmless Muslim populous both in the U.S. or Western world and other areas seem to not stand-up speak against the beheadings, torture, kidnappings, human bombs, and or killing of their own in the name of Allah, and ridding the world of Satan (U.S., or Non Islam countries/peoples).
She found nothing in athiesm because she does not cherish knowledge and truth as much as she cherish's unproven faith. A word that implys no evidence.

Though I do agree with her on many aspect. The quran is not any worse the the judeo christian bible. It accepts religions, preaches peace. All the things that the NEW testamen says. BUT, just like the old testamen there are many inconsistencies in the quran that this girl fails to recognize. They are very similar to the old testemen and equally barbaric.

And her rant about showing her the line before and after a contradicting statment or violent verse in the quran is ridiculess. The fact that allah says its "OK" to slay your enemy if they attack you, is such an arbitrary and ambigous statement that it almost seems inevitable that it would be taken out of context by followers the second it was written (by a man). Why write down the word of god or Allah, if you know someone is going to take it as "be free to commint genocide if you feel threatend". It just does not sound very omnipotent to me. Knowing that in the quran, oppression is the worst form of evil, obviously they should have suspected that followers were going to interpret the word "oppression" very differently from the actual meaning of the word.

Its that type of religious obsession and arbitrary wording in the quran that created extremism in the first place. Let alone the fact that arabic and hebrew are the languages with the least amount of single word translations.

So essentially she is talking about the western worlds view of "extreme" muslims, when in reality....islams devotion and manipulation of the quran itself created extreme muslims, not the sterotyping of the west.

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