Federal judge blocks Texas restrictive abortion law, says women faced 'irreparable harm'


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
It seems to me that there should be repercussions of some type when laws are passed that are blatently and knowingly unconstitutional because they deprive people rights and allow harm to them while they are in effect even though they are eventually overturned or ruled to be unconstitutional.

There is a member here on U.S. Message board who repeatedly made the assertion that no woman is allowed to have an unlawful abortion, completely overlooking that the act was only recently made unlawful and now the court is saying that the law was wrong. Well what about the people who have been harmed while this "law" was in effect?

How would you feel if you were a gun owner and someone was able to pass a law, knowing it would not pass constitutional muster and would be overturned eventually, that made ownership of all semi-automatic pistols unlawful? You didn't go out and buy one, you were already the legal owner of the semi-auto but know because of someone else's angst, you're suddenly a criminal even though you and they both know that this new law is bogus. Nonetheless, it's currently the law and while it stands you're a criminal unless you get rid of your semi-autos.

See how that works?

Federal judge blocks Texas restrictive abortion law, says women faced 'irreparable harm'
AUSTIN – A federal judge late Wednesday temporarily blocked enforcement of a Texas abortion law that effectively bans the procedure, siding with the federal government in a lawsuit over the ban.

In a 113-page ruling, U.S. District Judge Robert Pitman of Austin said the law is an "offensive deprivation of such an important right" and said state actors, including judges and court clerks, can no longer enforce its provisions.

"From the moment (the law) went into effect, women have been unlawfully prevented from exercising control over their lives in ways that are protected by the Constitution," Pitman wrote.

Republican Gov. Greg Abbott signed the legislation, known as the "fetal heartbeat" bill, into law in May — forcing the issue of reproductive rights back into the political spotlight. The law bans abortions once a fetal heartbeat is detected, usually around six weeks of pregnancy and before many people realize they are pregnant. There are no exemptions in cases of rape or incest.

Abortion providers say the legislation would restrict 85% of abortion procedures in Texas. The law is one of the most direct challenges on the boundaries of the U.S. Supreme Court's 1973 landmark Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion.

Similar six-week abortion laws in Georgia, Kentucky and other states have been blocked by federal courts.
It seems to me that there should be repercussions of some type when laws are passed that are blatently and knowingly unconstitutional because they deprive people rights and allow harm to them while they are in effect even though they are eventually overturned or ruled to be unconstitutional.

There is a member here on U.S. Message board who repeatedly made the assertion that no woman is allowed to have an unlawful abortion, completely overlooking that the act was only recently made unlawful and now the court is saying that the law was wrong. Well what about the people who have been harmed while this "law" was in effect?

How would you feel if you were a gun owner and someone was able to pass a law, knowing it would not pass constitutional muster and would be overturned eventually, that made ownership of all semi-automatic pistols unlawful? You didn't go out and buy one, you were already the legal owner of the semi-auto but know because of someone else's angst, you're suddenly a criminal even though you and they both know that this new law is bogus. Nonetheless, it's currently the law and while it stands you're a criminal unless you get rid of your semi-autos.

See how that works?

Federal judge blocks Texas restrictive abortion law, says women faced 'irreparable harm'
A win for the good guys.
I have to ask why any state would dare to try this when abortion measure after abortion measure has been struck down by the courts in recent years. It was only a matter of time before it happened with this one too.
Oh my gosh. We don't want to cause irreparable harm to a woman's chosen method of birth control NOW DO WE??

What about the irreparable and I DO mean IRREPARABLE harm to the child she is carrying? The child, you know...the child that makes this woman a mother?? You'd think a mother would LOVE her child? well. I guess not nowadays. We're into that Me Me Me culture.
It seems to me that there should be repercussions of some type when laws are passed that are blatently and knowingly unconstitutional because they deprive people rights and allow harm to them while they are in effect even though they are eventually overturned or ruled to be unconstitutional.

There is a member here on U.S. Message board who repeatedly made the assertion that no woman is allowed to have an unlawful abortion, completely overlooking that the act was only recently made unlawful and now the court is saying that the law was wrong. Well what about the people who have been harmed while this "law" was in effect?

How would you feel if you were a gun owner and someone was able to pass a law, knowing it would not pass constitutional muster and would be overturned eventually, that made ownership of all semi-automatic pistols unlawful? You didn't go out and buy one, you were already the legal owner of the semi-auto but know because of someone else's angst, you're suddenly a criminal even though you and they both know that this new law is bogus. Nonetheless, it's currently the law and while it stands you're a criminal unless you get rid of your semi-autos.

See how that works?

Federal judge blocks Texas restrictive abortion law, says women faced 'irreparable harm'

What you pro-abortion people always fail to grasp, and I use the noun "people" quite loosely when ghoul would be the more appropriate one to describe you, is that someone put the idea in your broken little minds that a child developing in the womb was inhuman and thus you have the right to slaughter it. Do you know who that someone was? Do all you feminist self-aggrandizing inhumanoids have any idea at whose altar you worship when you champion abortion? Allow me to enlighten you. You and all other postmodern "people" who worship abortion do so because a severely mentally ill old white man forwarded the idea centuries ago. That's right . . . the cry your kind make to the heavens, "my body, my choice" was given to you by an ancient, long dead white guy who, wait for it, told you what to do with your body and the innocent life developing inside it. His name was Le Marquis de Sade and nearly every word he wrote shit on women, their bodies and their self-worth. HE is your god of abortion. And old white man long gone down to hell. He put the idea of aborting the unborn in your minds. HE told you what to do with your bodies. Oh the irony . . .

Your bodies belong not to you, oh no, you've freely devoted them, surrendered them to Le Marquis de Sade. In your most heated state of resistance to the "evil patriarchy" you are still serving it . . .
And another thing........

Your tax dollars never helped anyone get a gun......

If abortion is immoral and against God's will....then those who get recreational abortions will pay.

If......there's a God that cares that is.

If abortion is moral and consistent with God's will....then those who get recreational abortions will "pay" nothing.

If......there's a God that cares that is.


If......there's no God..

Lots of immoral, meanspirited jerks shall continue trying to force their will upon all women who persist in making up their own minds about such private matters.
I have to ask why any state would dare to try this when abortion measure after abortion measure has been struck down by the courts in recent years. It was only a matter of time before it happened with this one too.
They did it to keep the crazies stirred up and involved.
I have to ask why any state would dare to try this when abortion measure after abortion measure has been struck down by the courts in recent years. It was only a matter of time before it happened with this one too.
"There is a special mystique to Texas. Texans represent many things to the uninitiated: We are bigger than life in our boots and Stetsons, rugged individualists whose two-steppin' has achieved world-wide acclaim, and we were the first to define hospitality." -- Ann Richards

▲That said▼

"You can put lipstick and earrings on a hog and call it Monique, but it's still a pig." -- Ann Richards
Owning a gun is a Constitutional RIGHT.......show us where the right to murder the unborn is in the Constitution

See how that works?
Having an abortion is not murdering the unborn. Some fertilized eggs develop into human beings and many don't. One of my aunts carried a zygote/fetus three different times until the fourth time, a living child resulted. You are just angry at the idea that a woman would make the decision whether or not to carry a pregnancy to term. You just want pregnancy to be a punishment for women who have sex because you have some freakish fear about women exercising their sexuality. Remember that pregnancy is the process of manufacturing a human body. Until the process is completed, there is no human being.
cnm if you can't tell the difference between national security and killing a baby for purposes of birth control then sorry for you.

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