CDZ Fearmongering Goes Nuclear — 'We're in Brand-New Pandemic' |


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2016
Hey everyone. just published a new article today. For those who want to tell me that mediabiasfactcheck doesn't like the site, I know. I and others don't like mediabiasfactcheck a fair amount of the time too, so the feeling's mutual. I wrote a thread about their site if you'd like to get into their site:

WIth that out of the way, here's's 'story at a glance' version:
  • A “double-mutation” of SARS-CoV-2 is now said to target younger people. Some “experts” interviewed by mainstream media claim it should be viewed as a whole new virus, and a brand-new pandemic
  • According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, clusters of positive cases among young people have been “connected to participation in youth sports and extracurricular activities.” As a result, the CDC is now suggesting that such activities should be limited
  • According to pediatrician and California state senator Dr. Richard Pan, people who criticize the COVID-19 vaccine ought to be labeled as domestic terrorists
  • The terms “disinformation” and “misinformation” are inconsistently and hypocritically applied to excuse government incompetence and punish opposition
  • Under the pretext of public health safety, we’re told we need censorship, lockdowns, social distancing, mask wearing, new domestic terrorism laws and vaccine passports. We need none of those things in order to optimize public health. Those things, however, are necessary for the swift and easeful implementation of the Great Reset

Full article available upon creation of a free account here:

Anyway, constructive feedback welcome.
Hey everyone. just published a new article today. For those who want to tell me that mediabiasfactcheck doesn't like the site, I know. I and others don't like mediabiasfactcheck a fair amount of the time too, so the feeling's mutual. I wrote a thread about their site if you'd like to get into their site:

WIth that out of the way, here's's 'story at a glance' version:
  • A “double-mutation” of SARS-CoV-2 is now said to target younger people. Some “experts” interviewed by mainstream media claim it should be viewed as a whole new virus, and a brand-new pandemic
  • According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, clusters of positive cases among young people have been “connected to participation in youth sports and extracurricular activities.” As a result, the CDC is now suggesting that such activities should be limited
  • According to pediatrician and California state senator Dr. Richard Pan, people who criticize the COVID-19 vaccine ought to be labeled as domestic terrorists
  • The terms “disinformation” and “misinformation” are inconsistently and hypocritically applied to excuse government incompetence and punish opposition
  • Under the pretext of public health safety, we’re told we need censorship, lockdowns, social distancing, mask wearing, new domestic terrorism laws and vaccine passports. We need none of those things in order to optimize public health. Those things, however, are necessary for the swift and easeful implementation of the Great Reset

Full article available upon creation of a free account here:

Anyway, constructive feedback welcome.

hahahahah.,... The Bean counters are seeing the ridiculously massive profit margins on the vaccination front and DO NOT WANT IT TO GO AWAY EVER!
Joseph Mercola is a well-known peddler of Covid misinformation. He is an expert at making the phony sound believable. Best to avoid him entirely, no matter what he says.

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