Fear, to Power, to Respect, To Love.

Are Love and Respect and Power (romantic, political, personal) all derived from Fear?

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
The end of Game of Thrones has left most people upset, they didn't get the happy ending they wanted, they got "what they deserve," which is fire and blood, I mean this metaphorically, and its meant towards the audience itself, not the characters and the plot.

I'm going to transfer a post I wrote on a youtube review, which was very Machvellian.

In this post I talk my true life story, one that was also paved in deliberate moral atrocity, and liken it back and forth to Dany's story in Game of Thrones. The basic premise is: Fear generates Power, Power generates Respect, and Respect generates loves. I'm going to express this in formal math logic so that there is no disagreement as to what my premise is.

Let A = If one is Loved, Let B = If one is Respected, Let C = If one has Power, Let D = If one instills Fear

I shall arrange the statements as a series of four logical implications (thus not bicondional).

If A, then B; if B, then C; If C, then D, therefore:

If A is true (one is loved), then all B, C and D must also be true. Thus Fear must always be at the Beginning, and Love at the End.

Who commands the most power in a romantic relationship(love)? The person who least fears its termination.
Who commands the most power in a political relationship (power)? The person whom none dare question (fear).
Who commands the most power in any general personal relationship (respect)? The one who least fears its termination.

(also saying that someone has the most power doesn't mean that the other person has no power, they just can't influence the relationship as strongly)

I've often seen people claim that Fear and Love are the opposite; I claim otherwise, that Love is derived from Fear, and that Fear can exist alone without Love, but that Love cannot exist without Fear.

In fact, Love cannot exist without Respect, and Respect cannot exist without Power, and Power is only derived from fear...fear of your wife leaving you, fear of a tyrant murdering you, fear of your boss firing you.

I'm now going to paste the excerpt I wrote on the youtbue review.

FOR THE RECORD: I DO NOT CARE IF YOU USE THIS INFORMATION AGAINST ME, ITS IN MY PAST AND I NOW LIVE A VERY HAPPY NORMAL LIFE. So if you do, don't expect a response, and if I do respond, it's going to be vehicle to extend the philosophical arguments, and I'll most likely be agreeing with anything negative thing you say.

The internal emotions leading to madness did build and evolve in a natural and organic fashion throughout the entire series, even though the external signs (visible actions) do not. After too many betrayals, indignities, exclusions and isolation, a person (ANY PERSON) will act in what they believe is "righteous fury" to instill FEAR (as she says in the spoken dialogue) to prevent betrayal (instead of earn loyalty), to command respect (instead of earn respect), to be the focal point of attention (inclusion and leadership) and to be sovereign beyond their own domain (expansive).

I myself have lived this story. I was once a concert pianist and clarinetist (check my youtube channel), a mathematician, a varsity track star, full scholarship to anywhere student, etc...and I was also Samwell Tarly...in every imaginable way, and like Tarly I wasn't unaware of how people perceived me (which made it even worse imo; also, there's a fine difference between "was aware" and "wasn't unaware").

My compassion, empathy, naivete and idealism was mistaken for weakness and stupidity and cowardice... (even Tarly fought when there was no LOGICAL alternative, which was why he the first to kill a White Walker in the series, that being said, I believe Tarly's cowardice was genuine, whereas mine was not) ...since I had reached the age of reason (8-10 years old) until I was 22 years old.

As the years progressed from adolescence to adulthood and beyond, I was openly mocked and disrespected by peers and family alike, two incidences being so severe that I had to call the police to right legal wrongs against me, incidences that would never have occurred to any uncompassionate, unemphatic, common and down to earth person (an overwhelming majority of people).

Even when I was young adolescent, my family had to utilize multiple legal channels to prevent both teachers and students from bullying me...yes ...TEACHERS! That's how bad it was.

I thought the solution was more compassion, more empathy, work harder, etc, but one day I read Machiavelli, the 48 Laws of Power, and many similar articles and publications (as well as modern youtube literature). And even yet, I thought I could "Break the Wheel" like Dany dreamed of.

Even after reading and knowing how the real world works, I did not practice it...not yet.

But as I continued to suffer one injustice and act of disrespect after the next, I became more sour (internally) and bitter. Whatever few true friends and family I had left were lost in the process. In 2012, at the age of 22, I was: 100% friendless, dropped out of college from depression, without a female partner, isolated entirely and I even quit my job, from depression.

The one thing I had though was all the money I saved for the last 8-9 years. Not having a social life or a reason to spend money...I saved a lot of money of those years.

I decided to do something I had never done before...go to a bar and have a drink. I quickly learned that the less I said and the less I did, the more company I acquired.

One thing I did very well was ACT. In highschool I had the lead part several times. So I decided to ACT as someone else, to cheer myself up. I went to clubs and sold drugs for the same price I bought them, doing this allowed me to sell quality drugs so fast that I became popular...however I was not doing it for profit, but as guise. I did this from late 2012-early 2013 (quite far from home too) and only on tiny time frames (about 2-3 days every 4-6 weeks).

However, back in my actual life the indignities continued to mount, and another incident (and final) arised where I had to call police to rectify the issue, and this time it resulted in people calling me a "pussy" (including family members).

And that's when I had my Dany moment of "waking the dragon"...I snapped, on a dime. I was no longer going to pretend to be a drug dealer...I was gonna be the real thing...and not a street dealer, El Chapo, and I had more then enough funds to get the fucking motherload at wholesale price. I had the computer programming knowledge to obfuscate and dilute all my electronic communications (when they raided they found 7 cell phones, 4 aerial gps guided drones, 4 latops, and 2 desktops and radio transmitters sending signals to a solar powered "dummy phone" to a tree in the woods (they even found the phone in the woods, the triangulation was in the evidence).

Before the end of 2015, I was the Druglord of Suffolk County New York. Former co-workers, my own family, old acquaintances, knew something had changed, the streets do talk after all, and I made sure the streets were talking.

Several times a woman asked me to stop dealing drugs, and professed her love to me, other times a family member asked me to stop and return to school, often a past male acquaintance was extremely nervous and virtually submissive (slave-like) in my presence.

But I alone knew the truth, for me the Drugs were the Dragons in Game of Thrones. They were my source of my power. Like Dany...I didn't want to continue the madness...but I knew that stopping the madness would lead to my downfall.

In the end I never changed...it was an act the entire time...I was never content with who I was faking to be...but it was necessary.

There was an out however, one that would allow me to stop selling drugs and return to a normal life, without "pussying" out and retaining all the Fear, Power and Respect I had earned: Get arrested.

So I purposely walked into setup. I kept the felony charge low (Class A2) so as not to get a violent or a class A0, A1 non violent offense, but high enough for the whole of Suffolk County to know my name, and know what I did, and how "terrifying" a person I was...even though it was all just an act.

I even smiled for my mugshot ( knowing that would certainly get front page) and openly bragged about my crimes. I wrote letters for former employers taunting them how I was actually the one skipping all the drugs in and out of their workplaces, while they treated me like piece of worthless dogshit, not knowing who was really running the show.

They wrote me back, saying that I represented "their worst fear," by being "the ultimate wolf in sheep's clothing," with several unintended compliments (shock and awe).

The correction officers were very similar in this regard, and as such held a high degree of contempt for me. How does a scholar and accomplished artist run a massive drug operation? Why? It scared them so much, and that fear of me also gave them a bizzare respect for me alongside their contempt.

There were very few CO and inmates who didn't verify my actual charges (they thought it had to be DWI charges, or at worst prescription drugs, and then checked in disbelief, only to see Class A2 felony heroin, coke, crack, molly and xanx charges).

And to this very day, long after my incarceration (2017-2018), I have benefited from this. People respect me, promote me, offer me better employment.

They interpret my natural and true compassion/empathy as a "reformed sinner," and respect it for that, rather than abuse it, because they THINK they know what I am (or was), but I have never changed.

In my madness, I did Break the Wheel, the Cycle of Daily Ritual Torture. Before the madness I was crucified on a daily basis; after, respected.

Dany did the same thing in her moment of madness: She made a very large public demonstration of her power, burning tens of thousands in her wake, a message that would spread like wildfire throughout the Seven Kingdoms. She too broke the Wheel of injustice.

This came from Fear, not Love. I gained respect and love through Fear, as Power is derived from Fear, and Respect is derived from Power, and Love is derived from Respect. And I shall retain this respect from this day and until my last day.

So to answer your post, in light of what I wrote: In real life madness is made manifest INSTANTLY. Internally it does build up bit by bit, but the physical manifestation happens all at once. The writers did it well, and so did Dany.

My personal story is that of Samwell Tarly, exiled and isolated to the wall (for being a good, kind and just person), thought a coward, but actually completely capable of fighting (as proven multiple times when I was in jail) and not at all afraid of it, my story then changes to Dany, and ends like Jon's (respectfully exiled and left to his own fate beyond the wall (like when I left the walls of prison)).

Hope you enjoyed this response. -------

Also on another note, there's a difference between justification and explanation, as the author of this video claimed. I did not justify my story of becoming Public Enemy Number 1, nor Dany's genocide of King's Landing...I explained how those decisions came to be.

I was bullied, humiliated and assaulted, like Samwell Tarly, for being Samwell Tarly. They woke the dragon, and I became Dany. I was arrested, sentenced and respected in jail and afterwards for: Fighting, Not Ratting (in fact my decision to NOT rat was made long before I was even arrested, I walked into that setup, because I was done selling drugs, but I had to finish "the act" to the very end, and go down like a G).

As the saying goes: People get the Government (rulers) they deserve. The People of Earth do not deserve Christ-like figures (like Sam). They deserve fire and blood, famine and plague, storms and floods (Noah and the Ark).

The proof of this is my own real story, the proof is that I predicted with 100% certainty that "Madness" would have the effect of instilling Fear, Power, Respect and Love (in that order) whether or not I was arrested. I only choose arrest in order to stop living out the Real-Life Screen Play that I authored, a most elaborate hoax, concocted for the purpose it succeeded to achieve.

This is why all throughout real human history we keep getting fire and blood, because the people who command the most fear make all the important decisions.

And now no one commands me. I do not fear. I take traffic tickets to jury trial, knowing that a conviction means jail time...but I don't fear jail, so I don't fear trying traffic tickets. I punch motherfuckers right in the face, knowing I will go to jail, but who cares, I've been there. I mouth off on people who disrespect me, because the worst they can do it hit me, and then I hit them, but I know they dont want to go to jail, and if they don't care about that, then neither do I.

Now I have male friends from all walks of life, music, academic, underworld, etc, and several female fuck buddies on speedial. I broke the wheel. Dany broke the wheel, but she was murdered by Jon. Dany would have made the world a better place in the long run, since she had the political power and the dragons to do so.

I too would have razed King's Landing, if that's what I had to do to command respect. They're all difference faces and difference names, but all the same person (people), those who disrespected me, or would have disrespected me if they had known me in the past. I would have done what she did in a heartbeat.
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When I was in the military, the guys that I led respected me because I knew the books and regs backwards and forwards.

They didn't fear me, they feared what I could do to them with the regs, with the full power of the US Navy behind me.

Did they "love" me? No. Never wanted to be liked or adored, just wanted to be respected, and that was accomplished by me being as good at my job as I was.

They don't give 2 back to back independent duty tours to slackers.
When I was in the military...
They didn't fear me, they feared

Fear isn't negative. You were/are all fighters, warriors, who obviously wont take shit from anyone, including each other. Since you all knew that about each other, it didn't cross any of yall minds to disrespect each other in any serious manner. Mutual Fear, however so subtle.

It's the same in jail and prison. We mostly don't fight each other (contrary to popular belief) because we all know that each of us will retaliate. If you're a pussy you won't survive general population, let alone enjoy it.

Furthermore, I assume you all shared many of the same heroic and valorous deeds executed as a single unit.

If you doubt this, what happens if there's a soldier in your platoon that refuses to fight when the bullets are firing?

I assume his fate would be even worse than that of an inmate who refused to fight when his lunch was stolen.

What happens to deserters? Why do soldiers fear deserting their unit (if and when it crosses their mind)?

In the military, you must be a warrior, you will retaliate, and you will not fear to do so. Soldiers respect other soldiers.

In prison (my experience), you must be a warrior, you must retaliate, and you shall not fear to do so. As a consequence, Inmates respect other inmates. I do not see how this does not apply to the military.

Why do insecure civilians try to pick fights with marines in bars? They want to show they are equally (or more) fearless, even though they know its often going to end with their ass getting whopped, they do it, and they do it again. I had two uncles in the Marines (the only two members of family with enough self-respect and confidence to not emotionally abuse me when I was young, and the same family members who had to act on behalf with the school to help me) and their stories of unnecessary and sadly unavoidable bar fights are numerous, which is why they stopped going to bars period.
When I was in the military, the guys that I led respected me because I knew the books and regs backwards and forwards.

They didn't fear me, they feared what I could do to them with the regs, with the full power of the US Navy behind me.

Did they "love" me? No. Never wanted to be liked or adored, just wanted to be respected, and that was accomplished by me being as good at my job as I was.

They don't give 2 back to back independent duty tours to slackers.
They dont give them to traitors either.
When I was in the military, the guys that I led respected me because I knew the books and regs backwards and forwards.

They didn't fear me, they feared what I could do to them with the regs, with the full power of the US Navy behind me.

Did they "love" me? No. Never wanted to be liked or adored, just wanted to be respected, and that was accomplished by me being as good at my job as I was.

They don't give 2 back to back independent duty tours to slackers.
They dont give them to traitors either.

"They dont give them to traitors either."

you must be speaking from personal experience.
When I was in the military, the guys that I led respected me because I knew the books and regs backwards and forwards.

They didn't fear me, they feared what I could do to them with the regs, with the full power of the US Navy behind me.

Did they "love" me? No. Never wanted to be liked or adored, just wanted to be respected, and that was accomplished by me being as good at my job as I was.

They don't give 2 back to back independent duty tours to slackers.
They dont give them to traitors either.

"They dont give them to traitors either."

you must be speaking from personal experience.
No I was talking about the pos I quoted.
When I was in the military, the guys that I led respected me because I knew the books and regs backwards and forwards.

They didn't fear me, they feared what I could do to them with the regs, with the full power of the US Navy behind me.

Did they "love" me? No. Never wanted to be liked or adored, just wanted to be respected, and that was accomplished by me being as good at my job as I was.

They don't give 2 back to back independent duty tours to slackers.
They dont give them to traitors either.

"They dont give them to traitors either."

you must be speaking from personal experience.

Mike thinks that by insulting my service, he's somehow going to get under my skin. But, the problem for him is that I have an ID card, get a pension check every month, and have all the memories and mementos of where I was and what I did. All Mike is, is a bunch of phosphor dots on my computer screen that usually makes little sense, and is big on insults. On very rare occasions though, he does come up with a cogent thought. That is why I never put anyone on ignore, because even a blind pig finds a truffle every now and again. And, I believe that no matter how stupid a poster is, there are the rare occasions they have some kind of decent thought.
When I was in the military, the guys that I led respected me because I knew the books and regs backwards and forwards.

They didn't fear me, they feared what I could do to them with the regs, with the full power of the US Navy behind me.

Did they "love" me? No. Never wanted to be liked or adored, just wanted to be respected, and that was accomplished by me being as good at my job as I was.

They don't give 2 back to back independent duty tours to slackers.
They dont give them to traitors either.

"They dont give them to traitors either."

you must be speaking from personal experience.

Mike thinks that by insulting my service, he's somehow going to get under my skin. But, the problem for him is that I have an ID card, get a pension check every month, and have all the memories and mementos of where I was and what I did. All Mike is, is a bunch of phosphor dots on my computer screen that usually makes little sense, and is big on insults. On very rare occasions though, he does come up with a cogent thought. That is why I never put anyone on ignore, because even a blind pig finds a truffle every now and again. And, I believe that no matter how stupid a poster is, there are the rare occasions they have some kind of decent thought.

Let's all try to keep personal insults out of this thread.

I just don't see how respect is maintained between two people without some shared mutual fear of each other.

Someone might try to say, "I have respect for this author, I love his books, even though we don't know each other."

That's not respect, that's admiration (the opposite of envy), and they are admiring a concept: Literature, not the actual person.
Let's examine the next statement (which is a real-life contradiction)

"I have no respect for this author, I hate his books..."

If you hate someone's books, then you read them, which means you didn't hate them. No one can read a book they hate unless they want to.

"But my professor made me read them for class!" Then this person hates his professor, not the author, and not the book. They didn't like the book, which is not the same as hating. If you hate a non-human entity, you need serious medical treatment.

The student hates their professor because they compelled them to read a book (that they didn't like). The student obeyed the command to read the book because he FEARED getting a low grade (feared the professors power to issue a failing mark).

So how can such a statement actually arise in real life then, if they weren't compelled to read the book? If they weren't compelled to read the book, then they did so voluntarily, which means they enjoyed it, but if the person makes this remark after reading the book, then there's only a few real-life solutions to the paradox:

1: He liked the book (mostly), but wasn't content with one (or more) of the story or character arcs, and therefore his DISLIKE (not hatred) is directed at a particular portion of the book.

2: He hates the author (a human entity) literally, because he envies the author's talent (because he liked the book and wished he could write as well as the author, and hates the author because the author is better than him at writing).

"I love and respect my Glorious Leader! Although, I do not know him personally..."

That's actual respect, borne of fear. If you disobey the Glorious Leader of North Korea, you die, whether or not you know him personally.


"Fuck the Glorious Leader, I'll do whatever I damn please!"

Obviously this person does not respect the Glorious Leader, because the Glorious Leader has no power, because the Glorious Leader will not use force.

"Political Power Grows From the Barrel of a Gun." -- Mao

"The Right to Bear Arms Shall not be infringed." - 2nd Amendment US Constitution, The Right of the People to possess sufficient force to overthrow a tyrant, like in Athens, Tennessee, in the year of1946.
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When I was in the military, the guys that I led respected me because I knew the books and regs backwards and forwards.

They didn't fear me, they feared what I could do to them with the regs, with the full power of the US Navy behind me.

Did they "love" me? No. Never wanted to be liked or adored, just wanted to be respected, and that was accomplished by me being as good at my job as I was.

They don't give 2 back to back independent duty tours to slackers.
They dont give them to traitors either.

"They dont give them to traitors either."

you must be speaking from personal experience.

Mike thinks that by insulting my service, he's somehow going to get under my skin. But, the problem for him is that I have an ID card, get a pension check every month, and have all the memories and mementos of where I was and what I did. All Mike is, is a bunch of phosphor dots on my computer screen that usually makes little sense, and is big on insults. On very rare occasions though, he does come up with a cogent thought. That is why I never put anyone on ignore, because even a blind pig finds a truffle every now and again. And, I believe that no matter how stupid a poster is, there are the rare occasions they have some kind of decent thought.

Let's all try to keep personal insults out of this thread.

I just don't see how respect is maintained between two people without some shared mutual fear of each other.

Someone might try to say, "I have respect for this author, I love his books, even though we don't know each other."

That's not respect, that's admiration (the opposite of envy).

"I love and respect my Glorious Leader! Although, I do not know him personally..."

That's actual respect, borne of fear. If you disobey the Glorious Leader of North Korea, you die, whether or not you know him personally.

When I was stationed on the USNS CONCORD (T-AFS-5), I was the only Personnelman on the ship, and it was my responsibility to make sure the service records were kept up to date and that the crew was being paid correctly. The Chief that I replaced had a system for keeping things smooth, and I took that system, modified it to suit me, and that is how I kept things straight in the office.

In the Navy, if a command has a pay error rate of 5 percent or less, they are considered to be outstanding when they are graded. I was the only Personnelman, and the Disbursing Clerk that I had to work with was all the way back in Norfolk, while I was floating in the Med and the Red Sea. My pay error rate never went above 2.5 percent, and because of that, MSC told every Personnelman who checked onboard other ships to come and check in with me if I was inport, because I had the best record of anyone on the waterfront.

Nobody who had to check in with me feared me, because we were the same rank, or they were 1 rank above me. However, because my error rate was the lowest on the waterfront, all of them respected the job I did and the system I had developed.

You can have respect without having to be feared.

Information is not knowledge
Knowledge is not wisdom
Wisdom is not Truth
Truth is not beauty
Beauty is not Love
Love is not music

Music is the best
When I was in the military, the guys that I led respected me because I knew the books and regs backwards and forwards.

They didn't fear me, they feared what I could do to them with the regs, with the full power of the US Navy behind me.

Did they "love" me? No. Never wanted to be liked or adored, just wanted to be respected, and that was accomplished by me being as good at my job as I was.

They don't give 2 back to back independent duty tours to slackers.
They dont give them to traitors either.

"They dont give them to traitors either."

you must be speaking from personal experience.

Mike thinks that by insulting my service, he's somehow going to get under my skin. But, the problem for him is that I have an ID card, get a pension check every month, and have all the memories and mementos of where I was and what I did. All Mike is, is a bunch of phosphor dots on my computer screen that usually makes little sense, and is big on insults. On very rare occasions though, he does come up with a cogent thought. That is why I never put anyone on ignore, because even a blind pig finds a truffle every now and again. And, I believe that no matter how stupid a poster is, there are the rare occasions they have some kind of decent thought.

" All Mike is, is a bunch of phosphor dots on my computer screen that usually makes little sense, and is big on insults."

You just described every conservative on this message board!

especially the BIG ON INSULTS part.....
When I was in the military, the guys that I led respected me because I knew the books and regs backwards and forwards.

They didn't fear me, they feared what I could do to them with the regs, with the full power of the US Navy behind me.

Did they "love" me? No. Never wanted to be liked or adored, just wanted to be respected, and that was accomplished by me being as good at my job as I was.

They don't give 2 back to back independent duty tours to slackers.
They dont give them to traitors either.

"They dont give them to traitors either."

you must be speaking from personal experience.

Mike thinks that by insulting my service, he's somehow going to get under my skin. But, the problem for him is that I have an ID card, get a pension check every month, and have all the memories and mementos of where I was and what I did. All Mike is, is a bunch of phosphor dots on my computer screen that usually makes little sense, and is big on insults. On very rare occasions though, he does come up with a cogent thought. That is why I never put anyone on ignore, because even a blind pig finds a truffle every now and again. And, I believe that no matter how stupid a poster is, there are the rare occasions they have some kind of decent thought.

Let's all try to keep personal insults out of this thread.

I just don't see how respect is maintained between two people without some shared mutual fear of each other.

Someone might try to say, "I have respect for this author, I love his books, even though we don't know each other."

That's not respect, that's admiration (the opposite of envy).

"I love and respect my Glorious Leader! Although, I do not know him personally..."

That's actual respect, borne of fear. If you disobey the Glorious Leader of North Korea, you die, whether or not you know him personally.

When I was stationed on the USNS CONCORD (T-AFS-5), I was the only Personnelman on the ship, and it was my responsibility to make sure the service records were kept up to date and that the crew was being paid correctly. The Chief that I replaced had a system for keeping things smooth, and I took that system, modified it to suit me, and that is how I kept things straight in the office.

In the Navy, if a command has a pay error rate of 5 percent or less, they are considered to be outstanding when they are graded. I was the only Personnelman, and the Disbursing Clerk that I had to work with was all the way back in Norfolk, while I was floating in the Med and the Red Sea. My pay error rate never went above 2.5 percent, and because of that, MSC told every Personnelman who checked onboard other ships to come and check in with me if I was inport, because I had the best record of anyone on the waterfront.

Nobody who had to check in with me feared me, because we were the same rank, or they were 1 rank above me. However, because my error rate was the lowest on the waterfront, all of them respected the job I did and the system I had developed.

You can have respect without having to be feared.

One could argue that you're (virtually) impeccable record of error is precisely what made you powerful...if someone slighted you, you could diminish their pay (accidentally on purpose) and get away with it, and not just that pay cycle, you might pay them correctly for many months afterwards, and then hit em good at Christmas. Sure they'll get their pay back the next cycle, but it would hurt for the Christmas.

Threat of retaliation instills fear, threat of retaliation at any unpredictable time instills even more fear, because even if the person knows that you will retaliate, they can never prepare for WHEN.

Again, a jailhouse example. There was a black boy (16-17) that came into county and got mad shit from someone. He didn't retaliate in the moment, he retaliated four hours later when everyone was chilling out watching TV. He came behind the other inmate with his netbag (laundry bag) and choked him out. The CO's had to mace them to prevent the strangulation.

The result is he became the most feared person in the dorm (he was moved to my dorm, and the story of what he did spread to our dorm before he even landed there), not only will he retaliate, but he'll do so at the most unpredictable time.

Now if I was one of your men, same rank, or even a rank above, and I knew you were capable of docking my pay at any unpredictable time, I wouldn't fuck with you either.

So far you've provided two examples of your life that both resemble the primary themes of power:

Power of the Purse
Power of the Sword

You're in a very powerful position, of course you get respect.

Congress is given Power of the Purse, because putting it in one man's hand is recipe for soft tyranny.

As a member of the military, you are the Sword, who is going to mess with the Sword, personally or militaristically?

There aren't many fundamental powers left.

God, guns and gold.

Power of the Pulpit is the last remaining one. Why do people fear God? Because God can send them to hell. Hindus believe they'll be reincarnated as something terrible if they do not follow their doctrines.

All of it is rooted in fear. The Priest/Minister at the Pulpit is God's representative on Earth. If you fuck with the priest, you fuck with God, you go to hell.

It's all based on fear.

Purse is by Congress (Congress, Article I) (elected by the People)
Sword is the Executive (Article II) (Balanced by the Second Amendment, for Popular Control)
Judgement (God) is for the Judiciary, (Article III) (balanced by the Jury, for popular check)

These three branches (gold, guns and God) are divided amongst different people and institutions, because they all command great power, because they all instill fear (Hence why Congress is not given the power to Arrest, aka No Bill of Attainder, that would make the people in Congress way too powerful, way too scary, and therefore completely tyrannical).

Identify the fear chain, and the answer to most problems becomes manifest. It wasn't until I learned how to identify the Fear Chain (Fear effect) that I was able to live a normal healthy life.

And since most of you all live healthy normal lives, it means you all innately understood (from childhood) and understand it today (in adulthood). the Fear Chain.

I did not understand it as a child. Be nice, work hard...that's the recipe for success! NOPE.

As I got older I noticed the more surly and bad workers seemed to get promoted. They weren't nice and they didn't work hard. It wasn't envy that repulsed me, it was disgust, it didn't make sense.

But once I learned and lived the Fear Chain, it all makes sense. It always made sense, and it always will.


On US Government: We don't give judges the power to arrest or the power to write law, can you imagine the horrors of such a system?

We have writs of Habeus Corpus for a reason. If the executive (or congress without the Bill of Attainder prohibtion) could detain someone forever, without bringing a formal charge before a tribunal, how terrible (terrible = instilling fear) would that be?

Many loved Hitler, and many feared Hitler, but they all respected Hitler, except those who overcame their fears and tried to remove him...they all died btw. lol. No force within Germany itself could remove Hitler, he was too terrible, and therefore too powerful, and therefore very respected by those who loved and hated him.

"What do you mean respected by those who hated him?!" Well obviously the plans to remove Hitler failed, because those who hated him snitched/foiled the plots that they were originally involved in. Why did the snitch or foil? Because their fear of Hitler (and therefore respect of Hitler) triumphed over their hatred.

You may hate Kim Poonie Poon Poon in North Korea. You may openly deride him here from the safety of the United States, but if you took a plane to North Korea, you wouldn't dare, you would observe and respect all his rules.
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Hate to tell you 2nd Amendment, but everyone respected me because I was really good at my job. Did they fear that I might mess up their pay? No, because if I did that, I would be in trouble, as well as would mess up my good record.

However.......................I learned really early in my career that there were 3 ways of doing things, the right way, the wrong way, and the Navy way (which usually included shortcuts to get the job done correctly but quick). I never wanted to do things the wrong way, because like I said, it would mess up my record. Doing things the right way, well...........lets just say that it takes a long time to jump through all the hoops (some of which can be skipped if you know what you are doing). I usually did things the Navy way, because I didn't like to work harder than I had to. If someone pissed me off badly enough, I simply went by the book and made sure I hit all the marks, usually taking twice as long for the problem to be resolved.

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